YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SECOND COMING I WILL PREPARE Millennium Match Game. The Prophet Isaiah received revelation for the latter days when Christ will come again (Isaiah 65:17–25). This Game reveals what has and will take place to bring in the millennium 1,000 years of peace where Satan will be bound. Youth can prepare for this day.
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
I Will Prepare by Living Righteously
(Millennium Match Game)
OBJECTIVE: To teach the youth that the prophet Isaiah received revelation for his time and for the latter days.
ACTIVITY: Millennium Match game
Play the Millennium Match Game to help youth prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Tell the youth that if they learn what is to happen and live righteously, they can look forward to the peace and joy that will come in the Millennium.
To Play: Divide into teams. Take turns turning cards over to make a match. When a player makes a match, look up a scripture reference on the card and read the scripture aloud.
TO MAKE Print and cut out the Millennium Match game cards for each youth. Store cards and labels in a plastic bag.
• Birth of Jesus Christ
• Atonement of Jesus Christ
• Lamanites Become a Mighty People
• Coming forth of the Book of Mormon
• The Sealing Power is Restored
• Missionaries Spreading the Gospel
• Wickedness, Wars, Turmoil
• Jesus Christ Will Come
• Building of the New Jerusalem 1,000 Years of Peace
• The Kingdom of God Established in the Rocky Mountains
THOUGHT TREAT: Millennium M&Ms. Give each person ten M&M (chocolate candy coated) candies, and ask them to name ten signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ and the millennium (found on the Millennium Match game cards).
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
Enrichment Activities
You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge.
#1 Discuss several events of the last days. Explain that signs tell us of Jesus’ Second Coming, such as wickedness, war, turmoil, the Restoration of the gospel, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the gospel preached to all the world, the sealing power restored, the Lamanites becoming a mighty people, and the building of the New Jerusalem.
Conclude the discussion by referring to Isaiah 54:10, 13–14, 17. Emphasize that those who are righteous will be blessed during these difficult times.
#4 Explain that Isaiah prophesied of many events that have already happened. Have the children look up the following scripture references and decide what Isaiah prophesied and how it has come to pass (this could be made into a matching game or handout):
Isaiah 2:1–2 (The kingdom of God to be established in the Rocky Mountains)
Isaiah 7:14 (The birth of Jesus Christ)
Isaiah 29:4 (The coming forth of the Book of Mormon)
Isaiah 52:7–8 (Missionaries spreading the gospel)
Isaiah 53:3–5 (The Atonement of Jesus Christ)
Click HERE to find the next Old Testament Lesson 37 activity – Josiah and Ezra Read the Scriptures to the People.
Click HERE to find the previous Old Testament Lesson 35 activity – Naaman Is Healed.
Click HERE for Old Testament lessons 1-47.