YOUTH ACTIVITY. LDS Press SERVICE INTERVIEW. Get youth together to become official newsies to get to know members of the ward and their callings. Be impressed by the smallest to the largest callings as you learn about each task. Take your SERVICE INTERVIEW JOURNAL and wear your LDS PRESS badge and Ward Newsies name badge. Do it in a large indoor group or go door-to-door. Report back and send thank you notes.
Use for Sunday School, Youth Doctrinal Classes, Seminary, Youth Goals, Come Follow Me, and family night
Serving the Lord – L.D.S. Press Service Interview
OBJECTIVE: Help youth gain a clearer understanding and appreciation of those who serve the Lord.
For a midweek activity, get ready to interview someone who has served in the Church (for example presidents, counselors, teachers, visiting teachers, home teachers, nurseries leaders, ward librarians, bishops, deacons, teachers, priesthood leaders, or music leaders. YOU COULD DIVIDE YOUTH UP INTO GROUPS TO DO DIFFERENT INTERVIEWS AND REPORT BACK.

- Use the Service Interview Journal to take notes during the interview.
- Go in groups of two or more and call ahead for the interview.
- Carry a fake microphone and wear either a hat with the L.D.S. Press label or Ward Newsies name-tag (or both). Take a clipboard with your Service Interview Journal form.
- On Sunday, make a list of interview questions:
• “What is your calling in the Church?
• How long have you served in this calling?
• What do you do in this calling?
• How do you feel about this calling?
Ask them to share their experiences and feelings about their calling. - You could call yourself the WARD NEWSIES. Possibly some of the interviews could be placed in the ward newsletter, or on the bulletin board by the bishop’s office (after receiving permission from the bishop and each person interviewed).
- After, talk about the interviews as a group sharing information.
- Ask the youth to write a Note of Thanks using the card pattern to the person interviewed, expressing both thanks for the interview and for the person’s service in their Church calling.
TO MAKE Print images in color or black and white.
BISHOP TALK: Ask the bishop to tell about his calling as a bishop, how his counselors help, and how he calls members of the ward to serve in Church callings. Ask him how he would like to see each member fulfill their calling, what they should do to improve their service in the Church.
Source YW3.31
DOWNLOAD this Thanks a Bunch! activity (HERE or below). Youth can create paper sunflowers to place a note on the back to then place in a pot that reads “Thanks a bunch!” This can be given to the bishop to express appreciation as a group, or they can make one individually to give to a loved one to express their gratitude.
Youth can help children with this activity to present to the bishop this Bishop Brag Bag (to download HERE or below). IDEAS IN BAG (BISHOP): Visits the sick, Accepts your tithing, Receives revelation, Teaches the gospel, Gives blessings, Conducts meetings