POST-AND-PRESENT. DO AS I’M DOING – Serve Like a Prophet Guessing Game. Here youth can follow the examples of prophets regarding service. These prophets show us how and how important it is to serve the Lord. SPOTLIGHT IS ON: Moses, King Benjamin, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, and Russell M. Nelson. Simply match up the arrow word strips with the prophet.
Youth GOAL
Serve like the Prophets
Follow the examples of ancient and latter-day prophets to be of service to others.
Goal Ideas
Youth can enjoy this Do As I’m Doing Guessing Game to learn ways the prophets have served and the blessings that come from service (see Study the Prophets below*).
“Service, to be acceptable to the Savior, must come from willing minds, ready hands, and pledged hearts.” – President Monson: Service Brings Joy
FOR Children & Youth Goals, Primary, Sunday School, Scripture Study, Family Night, Come Follow Me
Do As I’m Doing – Serve Like the Prophet GUESSING GAME

OBJECTIVE: Display images of Moses, King Benjamin, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, and Russell M. Nelson around the “Do As I’m Doing” sign. Tell the youth that these prophets, just like all prophets and apostles, show us how to serve others. Youth can choose and place arrows that describe the prophet’s actions to serve others.
TO MAKE print the clues (arrows) and prophet’s images and sign. Place sign in the center and the prophets around. Have arrow word-strips in a container to draw from.
ACTIVITY: Tell the youth that the prophets all served God and served others. They served with all of their heart, might, mind, and strength. Let’s play a guessing game to see if you can guess five of God’s prophets and what they did to serve. We should pattern our lives of service after them, to follow their example.
1. Have youth draw from a container the arrows with clues to the prophets and their service. NOTE: The initials for the correct person the arrows are to point to are found on the arrow clues. You could tell this to the judge (checking to see if the arrows are placed right (pointing to the prophet).
2. Then guess which prophet the service was performed by and place the arrow on the board pointing to the prophet.
3. Then if time, ask youth/children to tell ways they want to serve, following the example of the prophets to do as they do.
*Study the Prophets:
“Wherefore, we search the prophets, and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea.” – Jacob 4:6
To return to the presence of God and live with Him forever, we must come to know Jesus Christ and build our lives on His foundation (see Jacob 4:9–16; 6:8–12; see also John 17:3; 2 Nephi 25:23; Helaman 5:12).
Before presenting this activity sing, “Do As I’m Doing.”(Children’s Songbook 276)
Do as I’m doing;
Follow, follow me!
Do as I’m doing;
Follow, follow me!
If I do it high or low,
If I do it fast or slow,
Do as I’m doing;
Follow, follow me!
Do as I’m doing;
Follow, follow me!
Before singing (for younger children) to get the wiggles out before presenting the lesson or prayer, children can choose a circle with an animal or insect to direct them. Then while singing “Do As I’m Doing,” they can act out the motion(s) DOWNLOAD HERE ⇒ (see below).