YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. “JESUS IS OUR LIGHT” suncatcher. Youth punch holes in this picture (using a thumbtack). Then hold it up to the sunlight as they ponder Jesus’ light. Ponder how we too can shine like Jesus as we follow Him.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, and Daily Scripture Devotionals, Young Women
“Jesus Is Our Light” Sun-catcher
OBJECTIVE: Tell the youth that Jesus is Heavenly Father’s Only Begotten Son, sent to earth to become our light, to show us the way back to our heavenly home.

ACTIVITY: Create a sun-catcher poster that youth can place in their window (with holes punched) to let the light shine through, showing that “Jesus Is Our Light.”
Talk about the objective above and the following:
• Tell the youth, “By learning about Jesus and His teachings, we can return to our Heavenly Father someday.”
• Talk about our premortal life and how Jesus was chosen to be the Savior of all mankind.
• Ask children to tell you something they know about Jesus that is important to them.
• SHOWING THE SUN-CATCHER, tell children they can “catch” the spirit of the Savior’s love as they see the sun come through this sun-catcher. They can also catch the spirit of the Savior’s love as they read about him in the scriptures.
TO MAKE: Print and color the Sun-catcher that follows for each youth. Punch holes in the picture with a pin or tack to define the image of Jesus. Hold the picture up to the sun to reflect the light of Jesus. Also, picture yourself having the same light as Jesus as you keep His commandments.
THOUGHT TREAT Light-of-My-Life Rolls. Serve a buttered roll with jam and say, “We would be in a ‘jam’ if we didn’t have Jesus to save and guide us.” Think of the butter as the color of the sun and the warmth of knowing “Jesus is our light.”
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal binder rings (at a craft store) to connect cards.
Luke 1:30-32, 33
“The angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest . . . and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
For the Jesus Is Our Light Suncatcher
To add to and enhance this lesson activity do the following found Enrichment Activity #2 in the New Testament manual 7 lesson 4: Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father (found HERE and below)
“Have each child look up one of the following scriptures, where Jesus is referred to as the Only Begotten Son:
• John 1:14;3:16–18
• 1 John 4:9
• Jacob 4:5, 11
• Alma 5:48; 12:33–34
• Doctrine and Covenants 29:42, 46; 93:11
• Moses 1:6.
If you have more than nine children in the class, you can assign two children to a scripture.
When the children have finished this activity, they should understand that the title Only Begotten Son tells us that Jesus is the only person born on this earth who is the physical son of Heavenly Father.”
MORE LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
Help children memorize D&C 11:28 to remind them to follow Jesus, that He is “the light of the world.” CLICK HERE or below to DOWNLOAD scripture poster/card set ⇓
The symbolism of light can help children understand the Savior and His gospel. How can you inspire children to seek the light of the Savior when the world seems dark? CLICK HERE or below to DOWNLOAD Activity ⇓
Sing with children “He Sent His Son” to learn that we need to “Live like his Son.” CLICK HERE or below to DOWNLOAD the song visuals ⇓