YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. BEE-ATTITUDES Beatitude crossmatch. Youth can remember these beatitudes so they can buzz HAPPILY through life. These attitudes on how to be HAPPY were told by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount from the Bible (Matthew 5). He also shared these Beatitudes with the Nephites after His death when He visited them on the American continent. Read to them from the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 12).
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
I can remember the beatitudes and buzz happily through life!
Bee-atitudes! Crossmatch
OBJECTIVE: Tell children that Jesus taught the Beatitudes in His Sermon on the Mount, showing us how we can be happy and return to heaven.
ACTIVITY: Help children learn the beatitudes in Matthew 5:3–12 and then match the beatitude with the bee on the crossmatch.

Compare the New Testament references with the Book of Mormon and write in the translation. See References* below. Example: “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (“who come unto me” was left out in the Bible but was given in 3 Nephi 12:3).
TRANSLATION OF BEATITUDES: Remind children of the 8th Article of Faith: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.” Explain that Jesus gave the Beatitudes while He was living on the earth in the New Testament times. After His death and resurrection, He visited the Nephites who lived on the American continent and gave them the Beatitudes (3 Nephi).
*References: ❤ Matthew 5:3 (missing a part found in 3 Nephi 12:3, “who come unto me”) ❤ Matthew 5:6 (missing a part found in 3 Nephi 12:6, “filled with the Holy Ghost”) ❤ See the cross-references below 3 Nephi 2:10 (Matthew 5:10 and D&C 122:5–9 telling that Joseph Smith was persecuted for righteousness’ sake) ❤ Matthew 5:48 and 3 Nephi 12:48 (become “perfect” is to become like Heavenly Father and Jesus).
TO MAKE Print and color the “Bee”-atitude Cross Match for each child.
THOUGHT TREAT: Honey taffy symbolizing “bee”-attitudes (beatitudes) that make us happy.
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
For the Teachings of Jesus: Blessed “Bee”-atitudes crossmatch
The above activity illustrates the ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #7 in the lesson.
Help children learn what Jesus taught in the Beatitudes that will “help them buzz their way to heaven” and “BEE” HAPPY.
The above activity illustrates the Matthew 5:3-12 Beatitudes.
See the Beatitudes in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon as follows.
First – The Bible. Jesus taught the Beatitudes to the Jews in Jerusalem (before death) in Matthew 5:3; 6; 10, and 48.
Second – The Book of Mormon. Jesus taught the Beatitudes to the Nephites (after His death and resurrection when He visited them in ancient America. These are found in the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 12:3; 6, 10, and 48); these are clearer.
DOWNLOAD and help youth memorize the Articles of Faith 1:8 scripture poster/card set (HERE or below)*.
TO COMPARE THE Bible and Book of Mormon Beatitudes:
Matthew 5:3 and 3 Nephi 12:3
Matthew 5:6 and 3 Nephi 12:6
Matthew 5:10 and 3 Nephi 12:10
Matthew 5:48 and 3 Nephi 12:48
*You may also like the Articles of Faith 1:8 ” “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.” (DOWNLOAD by clicking on the poster below).
With this Sermon on the Mount (in Jerusalem) and the Beatitudes given to the Nephites in ancient America (which are in more detail), we learn that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ (and His teachings of the Beatitudes, listed above – compare these, e.g., Matthew 5:3 with 3 Nephi 12:3).
Sing with children the song “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” using the song visuals (DOWNLOAD by clicking on the poster below).
POST-AND-PRESENT PLUS ACTIVITIES. THE BLESSED BEATITUDES poster presentation, quiz game, puzzle, mirror motivator cards. Youth can learn the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave to over 5,000 people called the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11). THESE ARE ATTITUDES ON HOW TO “BEE” HAPPY. There are four different ways to learn these attitudes, e.g. Be Merciful, etc. READ MORE
CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. BEE-ATITUDE BLESSINGS wheel. Children can create this Beatitudes wheel to learn how to be happy. Jesus taught these Beatitudes during His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12). Jesus said by living these we can be blessed and eternally happy. Joseph Smith also added words that were missing in these in the Bible. See these. The wheel reads, “By living the Beatitudes I will “bee” blessed and “bee”come more like Heavenly Father. READ MORE