POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BE A HAPPY CAMPER Backpacks with happy and sad decisions. Brainstorm Sad Camper and Happy Camper decisions by choosing and placing items in the backpacks; novelty ways to remember how to be a good example to friends and family.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Be a Good Example HAPPY CAMPER backpack decisions
OBJECTIVE: Help the youth ponder ways they can be good examples to their friends and families as they learn that decisions make a family happy or unhappy.
TO MAKE Print and cut out the Happy Camper and Sad Camper backpacks and camping objects. Mount backpacks on two separate large posters, and laminate the entire poster (for each). Laminate camping objects. Have double-stick tape to mount images on the posters.

1. Tell the story of a family camping in the mountains when a snowstorm hit. The family couldn’t see the trail back to the campsite, so the father said to watch where he walked. Making a trail with his heavy boots, the father was able to lead his family back. Tell the youth that we can all lead our families (and friends) as the father did by being good examples and making correct choices.
2. Post the Happy Camper and Sad Camper backpacks, and ask children to take turns choosing an object, reading it aloud, and taping it on the correct backpack (poster).
3. Talk about each action and how it will help your family be Happy Campers or Sad Campers. Example, “You can warm up a family by saying kind words.” Place the logs for the fire visual next to the Happy Campers backpack. Or, “You are blowing it when you are mean to your brothers and sisters.” Place the blow dryer next to the Sad Campers backpack.
THOUGHT TREAT: Trail Mix or Camping Meal (wrapped in foil, e.g., potatoes, carrots, and meat; cooking it to share).