YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SACRAMENT. Youth can ponder scriptures regarding the Last Supper, sacrament hymns and prayers, and why they partake of the sacrament bread and water. Here they can note promises to make as they partake of the sacrament thinking about their baptismal covenants. Promise Ideas are noted on the planner (from them & Heavenly Father).
Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, and Luke 22:17-20
Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
“The bread and wine, duly consecrated by prayer, become emblems of the Lord’s body and blood, to be eaten and drunk reverently, and in remembrance of Him.” See “Jesus the Christ” by James E. Talmage chapter 33 “The Last Supper and Betrayal” (HERE)
Part 1
For Three Weeks I Listened to the Sacrament Hymns and Prayers Thinking about Why I Partake of the Bread and Water
“The first sacrament used wine to represent the blood of Jesus Christ. Today we use water, but it carries the same meaning (see D&C 27:2).” SOURCE “The Bread and Water”
“Today the sacrament is an ordinance in which Church members partake of bread and water in remembrance of Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice.” SOURCE “Doctrinal Study – Sacrament”
“Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament as a memorial ordinance. … When we partake of the sacrament, we make a covenant with God.” SOURCE “The Sacrament, a Memorial Ordinance”
YOUTH ACTIVITY. “I STAND ALL AMAZED at the love Jesus offers me” sacrament thought card. Youth can memorize 3 Nephi 11:14 and write their feelings about the Savior. Verse 14 witness the nail prints on His side, hands, and feet to know He is the God of Israel and the whole earth, slain for the sins of the world. READ MORE
MUSIC SINGING ACTIVITY. I STAND ALL AMAZED song visuals, Hymn 193. They can be amazed at the love Jesus offers them, that He was crucified (suffered and died) for them that if they repent they can be rescued by Him, their Savior. They can ponder how through His love and devotion to them that He was willing to suffer, bleed, and die, paying their debt. And because of this, they want to kneel at His feet to worship Him. READ MORE
Part 2
Promises I Make as I Partake of the Sacrament and Remember My Baptismal Covenants
“When we are immersed in water at baptism, we witness to our Heavenly Father that we will be obedient in keeping His commandments (see 2 Nephi 31:7).” SOURCE “Covenants: Two-Way Promises with God”
“The Lord promises that if we keep our covenants, we will always have His Spirit to be with us. A person guided by the Spirit will have the knowledge, faith, power, and righteousness to gain eternal life.” SOURCE “Gospel Principles: The Sacrament”
ColorQuote. OPTIONS: POSTER, MIRROR MOTIVATOR, JOURNAL PAGE, NOTECARD. “When Christ becomes our constant companion, it will make our whole day different, … slowly, day by day, our conduct will become more unselfish, our relationships more tender, our desire to serve more constant, and we will find ourselves going about doing good. Always. We will have taken upon us not only his name, but his image in our countenances also (see Alma 5:14).” Ardeth G. Kapp READ MORE
Sacrament Prayer
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. REMEMBER JESUS: Sacrament Symbols puzzle. Youth can ponder this sacrament prayer found in 3 Nephi 18 to partake of the: (verse 7) BREAD in remembrance of the Savior’s body as a testimony they will always remember Him. (verse 11) WATER with repentance and baptism, remembering the Savior’s blood shed for them. With the promise to always remember Him, they will have His Spirit to be with them. READ MORE
Part 3
PROMISES We Make to Heavenly Father:
• Obey the Commandments • Read the Scriptures • Honor Parents • Serve Others • Pay Tithing • Attend Church Meetings
PROMISES Heavenly Father Makes to Us for Keeping Our Baptismal Covenants:
• Forgive Me When I Repent • Love and Bless Me • Give Me the Gift of the Holy Ghost • Answer My Prayers • Let Me Live with Him Forever