Teaching Tools
Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ
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Part 3
Activities 14-21
“I can’t wait until I’m eight! I can receive a special gift. The Holy Ghost can be with me, to comfort, teach and help me obey.”
Glue the heart bottom leaving the pocket open to insert the Holy Ghost (spirit image).
Talk to children about how this GIFT can be with them always to help them to choose the right, to warn them of danger, and bring them comfort and peace.
Share the Heart Crackers THOUGHT TREAT in the pdf or (HERE).

YOUTH CAN TEACH the children that Jesus came to earth to be our Savior. He gave us two gifts.
First, He gave everyone the FREE GIFT of resurrection. Second, He gave us a GIFT WE MUST EARN, the gift of eternal life to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again.
This activity will help the children understand that we receive and earn these GIFTS through the teachings of Jesus and by keeping His commandments.
1. Make the Post-and-Present activity
2. Choose a GIFT and read the scripture posted on the back.
3. Have that person tell how this GIFT can bless them and mount the gift under the “Gifts From Jesus” sign.
• Jesus said, “Whoso believeth in me, and is baptized . . . shall be saved” (3 Nephi 11:33). WHAT IS THE BLESSING? Eternal life. I WILL BE SAVED
• “Keep my commandments, which I have commanded you … [to] enter into the kingdom of heaven” (3 Nephi 12:20)
#16 Scripture Scholars
Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Gift to Me . . .
• Tell the children the prophecies of the prophets began to happen with great signs and miracles.
• Some people said the time was past that Samuel, the Lamanite, said the sign would happen. They made fun of the believers and the believers began to doubt their beliefs. They still watched for the sign Samuel promised.
• There was a day set apart by the unbelievers that all those who believed would be put to death unless the sign came.
• Nephi prayed for a long time and the voice of the Lord came to him telling him He would be born the next day.
• That night the sun went down but it was as light as noon day. This was the sign promised. Many who did not believe fell to the earth with fear.
• The people knew the Christ would come.
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YOUTH CAN TEACH children and youth to search and ponder Moroni 7:33: “And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.”
Also, share Jacob 4:6 “Wherefore, we search the prophets, and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea.”
Share with them your testimony of this COME FOLLOW ME topic: “May Christ Lift Thee up,” the December Book of Mormon theme. As you study together Moroni 7-9 you may help them discover that “Jesus Christ was born to be my Savior.”
- Study Moroni 7:20-48 Moroni is asking a question in Moroni 7 verse 20 “And now, my brethren, how is it possible that ye can lay hold upon every good thing?”
Can you answer his question?
Where does everything good come from?
– “In Christ there should come every good thing” (vs. 22).
– “All things which are good cometh of Christ” (vs. 24).
How is Jesus Christ our Savior? (we understand that without Christ we are fallen)
– “Otherwise men were fallen, and there could no good thing come unto them” (vs. 24).
– “After that he came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the sons of God” (vs. 26).
How do we obtain the good?
– “Exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good thing” (vs. 25).
– “Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you” (vs. 26).
How do we return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again?
Continue learning how important it is to have FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY (the pure love of Christ in vs. 47). Continue to ponder these words in Moroni 7 to know how we can prepare to return to “be purified even as he is pure” (vs. 48).
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YOUTH CAN TEACH this Post-and-Present activity showing the banner “Jesus Christ is my light and teaches me to choose the right.” Featured on the poster are LIGHTS (ways we can light the way for others so they can follow Jesus (see D&C 4:5-6). LIGHTS TO SHINE: Forgiving, Kindness, Gratitude, Love, Sharing, Prayer, Obedience, Service.
1. Make the poster activity.
2. Point to the picture of Jesus on the banner and share the scripture D&C 4:1-2 “Jesus Christ is my light and teaches me to choose the right.”
3. Share the CTR LIGHT SHOW Activity and how Jesus was a light we can follow and ask children/youth to share how they can shine this light.
• LIGHT Forgiving
• LIGHT Kindness
• LIGHT Gratitude
• LIGHT Love
• LIGHT Sharing
• LIGHT Prayer
• LIGHT Obedience
• LIGHT Service
4. Help children memorize Mosiah 16:9 “He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.”
1. D&C 11:28 “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the life and the light of the world.” DOWNLOAD the scripture HERE).
2. Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” DOWNLOAD scripture poster/card set HERE).
3. Let Your Light Shine example candle mobile (church/home/school). DOWNLOAD HERE.
4. Be a Light poster/card/door hanger Character Be series (DOWNLOAD HERE).
5. Let Your Light So Shine! goal candles or singing meter. DOWNLOAD HERE.
• The GIFT OF RESURRECTION is a free a gift we do not earn. It is given to all of God’s children. (Alma 11:42-43) The treat label reads, “Because of my Savior, Jesus Christ, my spirit and body shall be reunited in perfect form.”
• The GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE to live with God again is not a free gift. This gift is conditional; we must earn this through keeping God’s commandments. (Alma 11:40) The treat label reads, “Because of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I will have eternal life IF I have faith in Him and repent with all my heart.”
• Jesus is a gift, a light to guide us to make good choices. He is our best example. He loves us and wants us to be happy.
• Heavenly Father has a plan for us to return to His presence.
• We can learn about Jesus by listening to His prophets, our parents, reading our scriptures, and listening to the Holy Ghost.

YOUTH CAN TEACH the children, using this bite-size memorize scripture found in John 15:13, about the great sacrifice Jesus made for us. Help the children understand that Jesus volunteered to be our Savior. Talk about how this makes us feel. And discuss what we can do to show our gratitude for this great blessing.
• IN THE PREMORTAL life God had given us our agency, the freedom to choose. Lucifer rebelled against God and sought to take away our agency. He also wanted God’s power. God cast him down to earth.
• Lucifer became Satan, or the devil, the father of lies. God knew he would deceive us and that we would need a Savior. Jesus willingly volunteered to come to earth to save us from Satan’s influence. (Moses 4:1-4)
• Have the children memorize “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
• Help the children memorize John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
• Jesus was with Heavenly Father in the beginning and created our beautiful world under the direction of the Father.
• Our Heavenly Father sent us to earth to learn by experience the good from the evil. He knew we would sin and could not return to Him unless we were clean. We needed a Savior to pay for our sins if we would repent and follow Him.
Ways YOUTH can Motivate Children to Memorize Scripture:
• Give out small black and white scripture cards to memorize.
• Once they are passed off give out the colored version of scripture cards.
• Post them, Frame them, Flip them (see poster).
• Our Heavenly Father sent us to earth to learn and grow by our own experiences. He wants us to return back to His presence.
• Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return to live with Him after our life on earth. He sent His Only Begotten Son to give His life for us and show us by example the way back to Him.
• Write the words on the cue cards to place on the back. For example, “How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?”
FUN WAYS TO PRACTICE THIS SONG. This song has questions and answers. After learning the song you could try the following:
1. You can divide the room into two sides and let one side sing the question and the other side sing the answer.
2. You can divide the children into boys and girls and do the same.
Download the pdf visuals and instructions HERE.
• For many years prophets told the world that He would come and save the world from sin and death.
• Explain that Jesus’ mission was to help us live so we can return to live with Him and our Heavenly Father again.
Baby Jesus can be removed if placed on Velcro to pop in and out of the manger.
• Tell the children that Jesus Christ has a mortal mother, Mary, and an immortal father, Heavenly Father. That is why we call Him the Only Begotten Son of God. Because Heavenly Father loves us, He sent Jesus to the earth to be our Savior and our example.
• The children can move the Baby Jesus in and out of the manger as you talk about why Jesus was sent to earth. You can read Luke 2:7 “And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.”
• Sing “Jesus Loved the Little Children” (Children’s Songbook, 59)

• Like a prince, He is the only begotten physical Son of God our Heavenly Father with an earthly mother, Mary.
• We too are children of God, only God is the Father of our spirits. Our spirit comes to earth in our body born to our earthly mother and father.
• Jesus was obedient to Heavenly Father.
• When we do what is right, we are obeying Jesus and Heavenly Father too. Children can say, “Jesus once was a little child like me. He learned to obey Heavenly Father and so can I.”
SONG VISUALS to match the above activity (or use along with any CHRISTMAS activity telling about the birth and childhood of Jesus).
— Jesus once was a little child,
A little child like me;
And he was pure and meek and mild,
As a little child should be.
So, little children,
Let’s you and I
Try to be like him,
Try, try, try.
He played as little children play
The pleasant games of youth;
But he never got vexed if the game went wrong,
And he always spoke the truth.
Part 4
Activities 22-33
• GIFTS FROM JESUS: You can celebrate Jesus’ birthday by thinking of the gifts He has given us. (our family, the gospel, His Atonement, His love, the Holy Ghost, this beautiful world, etc.)
• GIFTS TO JESUS: You can talk about gifts you can give to Him. (serving a neighbor, caring for a sibling, showing love to family members, even telling Him you love Him in your prayers, etc.)
• PRACTICE: Give each child a candle. As each one comes up and places their candle on the cake they can say something they love about Jesus.
• Writing down ways to serve your family, friends, and those at Church is a great way to start.
• The planner says, “If you’re all wrapped up in only yourself, you’ll make a very small package.”
• When you serve someone you feel good inside and the person you serve feels good too. Your gifts of service won’t go unnoticed.
• True Christlike service is done unselfishly and unconditionally (without expecting something in return).
• We will SERVE OUR FAMILY by helping, giving of our time, and teaching others.
• We will SERVE OUR FRIENDS by sharing, caring, and listening.
• We will SERVE AT CHURCH by listening, participating, and being reverent.
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YOUTH CAN TEACH the children that serving others is a gift to Jesus. Turn match images upside down then take turns drawing them to make a match. Match Example (the heart reads, “I helped my mom without delay … … and quickly put the dishes away.” Place the name of a song on the back of each to sing after a match is made.
• Write practice songs on the backs of service action (ornaments). Once a match is made you can sing the song and talk about the service.
• Explain that when we give gifts of service to our family it is like giving to Jesus. (Matthew 25:40) “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
• As you sing Christmas songs and songs about service you may ask the children how a particular song makes them feel about service or about Jesus.
• To Make & Do: Mount the tree on a board with the ornaments below. Place song or hymn titles on the backs of the ornaments. Have the children select and sing. The songs are found in the Hymns or Children’s Songbook. Other traditional Christmas songs may be used.
• After each song you may ask the children what the song means, what their favorite part of the song or hymn was, and how it helps them feel about Jesus.
• The children can either build or deconstruct the snowman while singing. The snowman pieces CHOOSE THE SONG and the birds CHOOSE HOW OR WHO WILL SING. Don’t forget a fun snowflake singing award: “Your singing melts my heart!”
• TO MAKE Mount visuals on cardstock paper, laminate, and cut out.
• TO USE Arrange the visuals randomly along the side of a poster or chalkboard, or put the pieces in a bag to draw from. When a piece is chosen, the child or youth leader can read the song and the child can tape the piece to the board to build the snowman. Children may choose the pieces in any order, e.g., they may choose a nose before there is a face to put it on. Have them position it about where it will end up (move the face if the head comes last, etc.)
• Children will feel like singing better than ever with these Super Singer awards. Don’t forget the Treat Toppers (see #3 below).
To Make: Print, color, and cut out awards and badges. May be laminated for durability. Awards and badges can be attached to the child’s clothing with a small safety pin, a rolled piece of tape, or a small piece of hook Velcro.
To Use: Ways to give the awards:
#1 – When using the following coordinating Singing Activities (see below), you can give children the matching award.
#2 – Container Awards. Place a mixture of all the awards in a container for children to draw from when children are singing well.
#3 – Treat Toppers. Ways to attach giving out award treats: 1) Tape on top of homemade treats such as a cookie, Rice Krispy bar, candy bar. 2) Poke a hole in award to attach a string attached to a treat such as Smarties, or a sucker or some other wrapped candy. 3) Glue to a popsicle stick to place on top of a frosted cupcake, cookie, or muffin.
THESE AWARDS coordinate with specific activities (not included in the activities):
• “You sing like an angel! matches with Christmas Tree Sing with Me
• “Your s-s-s-singing is s-s-super!” matches with Singing Simon
• “Heavenly Singer!” matches with City of Enoch Heavenly!
• “I sang with all my heart!” matches with Love at Home
• “You’re a singing superstar!” matches with Out of this World
• “Your singing is noteworthy!” matches with Name that Tune
THESE AWARDS do not coordinate with specific activities:
• “Super Singer”
• “Choice Voice!”
• If someone draws a circle card they identify with they may participate in the choir.
To Make: Print, color, cut out, and laminate the circles and place them in a bag to draw from.
To Use:
1. Youth picks a song children are familiar with or has a child choose their favorite song. Explain to the children that they might be singing a solo, a duet, or be in a choir, depending on the circles that are drawn.
2. Announce the song they will sing. Then have a child draw a circle from the bag and read it aloud. Have the children listen carefully to see if they have done this action (e.g., “ate a banana”). If so, they are an instant member of the choir for that song.
3. Have the selected choir sing the song while others listen.
4. Choose another song and have another child draw the next circle for a different choir.
Note: This is a fun way to practice a song children are learning and encourages participation from everyone. While learning a song, choose a circle each time you run through a part or verse, giving children an opportunity to shine at different times.
To Make: Print, color, and cut out the images. Laminate. Mount the Let Your Light So Shine! sign on a poster sideways as shown, and laminate the entire poster.
• Explain to the children that the songs on the candles remind us to have faith in Jesus Christ who is our light and our perfect example.
• You can write practice songs that you want children to sing on the blank candles.
To Use: 1. Remind children that they can let their light so shine by brightening up their singing talents. If using the already-named song-titled candles: Say, “Let’s learn the songs that help us know that our Savior Jesus Christ loves us and that we want to follow Him.”
2. On the poster, show the children how you will place the low-light flicker on the candle to show their singing needs more work, the medium flicker to show they are doing better, and the bright light flicker if they are reaching their brightest singing voices.
3. Explain that shouting the song blows out the light.
4. Explain that sitting up straight allows the right air to come in, their voice will carry better, and the candle will burn brighter.
• The lesson helps children understand compassion and helps them have a desire to show love and compassion for others like Jesus.
• The children can draw a picture in the circle or write ways to show compassion and love. Compassion Wheel Subjects: Visit the sick, Cheer up the sad, Help your parents, Welcome a friend, Share a smile, and Say, “I love you!”
Examples: say please, visit a sick friend, listen politely, say kind words, take turns, smile, show kindness or cheer up the sad.
• Help the children or youth increase their desire to show love as the Good Samaritan did. Tell the story, and then help them match good deeds on the Love -Lingo! Bingo cards (calling words, below).
• Explain that “lingo” means language. Give each player or team a different Love-Lingo! Bingo card and 22 heart markers (or have them draw the markers from a container as they play).
• TO START, each child or youth places a marker in the center FREE spot. The caller reads the word-strips one at a time, and players mark their card as the word(s) are read.
• TO WIN, place five markers in a row, up and down, across, or diagonally. When players win they call out, “Love-Lingo! Bingo.”
LOVE LINGO! BINGO – Calling Words:
- say please
- clean up room
- tend baby sister
- call a friend
- read a story to a child
- walk quietly in the chapel
- visit a sick friend
- make a special card
- listen politely
- say kind words
- invite a friend to church
- welcome a new friend
- take turns
- invite a friend over
- be thankful
- smile
- make a treat for someone
- help with the dishes
- be courteous
- be helpful
- show kindness
- be a friend
- say “I love you!”
- speak reverently about Jesus
- respect others’ property
- share a happy thought
- pray for someone in need
- cheer up the sad
- keep a promise
• Help the children understand the difference between serving anonymously (unknown or unacknowledged) and serving openly.
• Explain to them that Jesus is our best example of serving others.
• This SECRET SERVICE Because you’re worth it! activity with a necklace of give away hearts makes service exciting and fun.
• Help the children plan secret services they can do for their family and friends. They can wear this Secret Service Necklace inside their clothes to keep their planned service a secret. When they perform the secret service, they can take a heart off the necklace and leave it in the place where they served the person to show that someone is secretly serving them. Make plenty of these hearts to keep the SECRET SERVICE going.
3 NECKLACE HEARTS (two sets per page) READ:
SECRET SERVICE . . . to know I care!
SECRET SERVICE . . . because I love you!
SECRET SERVICE . . . because you’re worth it!
1. Using cardstock, print or copy, color, and cut out the hearts.
2. Paper punch hearts, then string yarn or ribbon through holes, tying a knot at the end. Place around the child’s neck.
• I Love You Pop-up Cards are a great way to show love. Talk to them about other ways to serve their family and friends.
1. Print or copy the activity on cardstock, color and cut out.
2. Fold down the center of the heart and cut on the dotted line.
3. Fold bottom lines of heart so heart leans out.
4. Fold between A and B. Spread glue on the back-side of B and glue to A.