YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. GOOD WORKS PROJECT PLANNER. Here, youth can plan individual or group service projects or personal goals in all the balanced life areas (Luke 2:52). They can write the PROJECT PLAN and STEPS; then record how they felt about the project and how they feel about GOOD WORKS.
Great for Sunday School – Seminary – family night – Youth Goal activity
GOOD WORKS Project Planner
Youth can set goals for any project with this planner. Example, achieving in the four areas in Luke 2:52 “Jesus increased in wisdom, stature, and favour with God and man.” Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Social goals all have “al” at the end, to indicate that all are necessary for a balanced life, to follow Jesus Christ.
They could write notes on cards to carry with them to take notes. Benjamin Franklin was famous for his improving his life this way. His list of 13: Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility.
A Key to Happiness

“I believe that one important key to happiness is to learn how to set our own goals and establish our own plans within the framework of our Heavenly Father’s eternal plan.”
President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Apr. 2017 general conference (Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 63).

As we follow the examples of the Savior and other great men and women, we can write them on cards to carry with us and as thoughts and inspiration come we can plan, using this planner to carry them out.
• My Project Is:
• Steps to Carry Out My Project
• How I Felt about the Project:
• How My Understanding of Good Works Increased with this Project.
IDEAS (from The Children & Youth Program)
Goal Setting
A big part of the Children and Youth program is making goals for spiritual, physical, social, and intellectual growth, just as the Savior “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). But how do you set those goals in the first place? Here are some tips for getting started:
Begin with the end in mind. As you set each goal, keep in mind the ultimate goal of becoming like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.1 Do your goals help you become more like Them? That doesn’t mean every goal needs to involve scripture study, though—things like improving a talent or taking better care of your health can help you become like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Seek revelation. The Lord can help you recognize the areas where you can improve right now.2 Ask Him where to start!
Balance your short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals can usually be accomplished within a few days or weeks, while long-term goals might take months or even years. It’s a good idea to have both short- and long-term goals to work on.
Break it down. If you have a long-term goal such as being accepted to a college, you might want to break it down into short-term goals that you can measure, like improving your grades by studying for 30 minutes extra each day. Then make plans for how to accomplish those daily goals: What time will you start? How can you ensure you will follow through? Breaking a goal into bite-sized chunks can help you stay motivated as you accomplish each part.
Share your goals. Tell your friends, quorums and classes, leaders, and family about your goals and plans. Sharing your goals can help make you accountable, and other people might have suggestions that can help you too.
It might be the goal of each youth to get help or offer help to those in need.
• 5 Resources to Help Youth Facing Emotional and Mental Illness
D&C 45:26 “And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth.”
NOBLE CAREER: Pull scriptures and quotes from prophets and General Authorities that talk about careers and vocations and the role of women. Impress upon them a desire to first fulfill their responsibilities as wives and mothers, the noblest career. If young men are present, discuss their roles as husbands and fathers and priesthood responsibilities. Assure them that knowledge and skills are very important. Guide them through choices that can give them great satisfaction and joy in both areas (work and family). Talk about reserving full-time careers for the right time and the importance of family first. Speakers could give tours of their home businesses, or explain how their career choices allow their families to come first.
STEPS TO CHOOSE CAREERS: Encourage youth to take the time to choose one or more careers so they can begin planning for their future. Tell them, “We should get as much learning as possible, because we never know what might happen, or if we will have the opportunity to get married. Of course, for young women the home is the highest calling when we are at that point; but it doesn’t always necessarily work out that way. We need work skills before we’re married, while we are married, and after the kids are grown.”
Ideas: •Learn about career choices. •Learn about educational opportunities in your area. •Learn about scholarships. •Discuss subjects that will help with vocation and family life. •Learn good personal study habits. •Review school grades to determine how you can improve, then increase study time.
STUDY HABITS: Share good study habits.
Ideas: •Organize. •Schedule time. •Study without distractions (TV, music, or friends). •Pray for the Spirit. •Write text to study on cards to post and memorize. •Take short breaks, and then get right back to studying.
1. Talk about patriarchal blessings and about earthly fathers—what they want for their children and what they do for their children. Discuss what Heavenly Father does and wants for His children, and the things He gives us to help us.
2. Have youth write a letter of appreciation to their Heavenly Father and put it in a sealed envelope. Tell them to nourish these feelings so they will grow. Have them put the letter in their journal for one year.
3. After the year is up, have them then write another letter to Heavenly Father, expressing appreciation and love, then compare by re-reading the letter from the previous year.
4. Then have them repeat steps 2–3 and compare the feelings from one year to the next, watching their love increase.
– He loved those He taught and they felt His love.
– He knew the scriptures and prepared Himself spiritually.
– He used stories and examples.
– He prayed to Heavenly Father for help and to bless those He taught.
FOLLOW THE SAVIOR – TEACHING TOOLS PANEL DISCUSSION: Have LDS teachers who teach with the Spirit talk in a panel discussion. People on the panel should understand the importance of having the Spirit.
Panel Ideas: Teachers, mothers, young women, young men, youth leaders, a bishopric member, a seminary teacher, etc. . . . Even use examples of a prophet’s, apostle’s, or general authority’s talk to share.
Discussion Point 1: Talk about moments of having the Holy Ghost and being an effective teacher, and not having the Holy Ghost and being an ineffective teacher.
Discussion Point 2: Present a conference talk, such as President Holland’s talk “A Teacher Come from God” or others on teaching. Help youth understand that anyone can teach if they have the Spirit, and anyone can fail to teach if the Spirit is not there.
Discussion Point 3: Talk about key scriptures, e.g., “If ye have not the Spirit, ye shall not teach” (D&C 42:14). Other Scriptures: Alma 18:34; Moroni 10:9-10; D&C 36:2; 43:15; 50:14.
Discussion Point 4: Have youth write ahead of time questions they wish to ask the panel, e.g., How do you teach a child who is not willing to listen, a child who is not reverent? How do you help others (friends, family, and co-workers) gain a desire to study the scriptures? How do you help a child make choices by listening to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost?
• Questions & Answers
How can I help my friends who seem depressed? (HERE)
– Invite Them to Be with You
– Reassure Them
– Don’t Let Yourself Get Roped in
– Think of the Positive
– Remind Them of the Good