New Testament LESSON 1

Teaching Primary & Home – Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for JANUARY (week #1)

Theme: “We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning”


We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning ACTIVITIES



SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading. 

• Then scroll down to find Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum

 interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE

Lesson 1 Scripture Scholars

Scripture Scholars We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning ACTIVITIES

Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:

Scripture Scholars We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning ACTIVITIES
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 BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.

EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE: 
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
 STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year

Lessons 1-5 Scripture Scholars

SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS Bundle for New Testament JANUARY weeks 1-5 THEMES: "We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning" and more

January’s BUNDLE of BOOKMARKSPOP-UPs, and STAMPS. Glue STAMPS onto the STAMP KEEPER (to download separately, below).

SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS Bundle for New Testament JANUARY weeks 1-5 THEMES: "We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning" and more
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SCRIPTURE SCHOLAR STAMPS. The STAMPS are included in the BUNDLES that include each week’s SS Kits.

STAMP KEEPER. If you purchase the JANUARY bundle the STAMP KEEPER is included. If not, this can be purchased individually and found on the BUNDLE page or the weekly pages.

STARTER PACK Includes the STAMP KEEPER and the STAMPS for January (SEE ABOVE)

Scripture Scholar Stamp Keeper - January New Testament

Scripture Scholar Stamp Keeper - January New Testament
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Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:

. . . 3 LESSONS & 18 ACTIVITIES . . .


. . . FOLLOW JESUS . . .

Jesus Christ wants me to follow Him.

Reading the stories of Jesus this year will help us follow His perfect example.

In Matthew 4:18-22 Jesus said “Follow me,” see activities that illustrate this

  • Show pictures of people following the Savior in different ways, both during His mortal ministry and in our day. You can find pictures in the Gospel Art Book or in Church magazines. You can also show the video “Light the World” ( Let the children identify how the people are following the Savior.

  • Help the children think of things they are doing to follow the Savior. Singing Seek the Lord Early(Children’s Songbook, 108) could give them some ideas. Let them draw pictures of themselves doing these things.

  • Think about how you have come to know Jesus Christ. What can you do to help the children learn about and follow Him?

    • Invite the children to talk about a close friend they know and describe how this person became a friend. Read and discuss John 5:39 and John 14:15 to find ways we can feel close to Jesus. Ask the children to share times when they felt close to Him.

    • Take your class on a walk around the meetinghouse. Invite the children to raise their hands when they see something on the walk that reminds them of a way they can follow the Savior (such as the baptismal font or a picture).

    • Sing with the children a song about following Jesus Christ, such as “Come, Follow Me” (Hymns, no. 116). Invite the children to share times when they have followed the Savior’s example.

Jesus Christ wants me to follow Him.

AGES 1-5

I can be an example. poster or coloring page

I CAN BE AN EXAMPLE poster or coloring page
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AGES 4-7

What would Jesus want me to do? Choose and Match Puzzle

THINK What would Jesus want me to do? choose & match puzzle
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AGES 8-11

I Choose to Follow Jesus reward list


I Will Follow Jesus – Service Road Game


John 13:15 Jesus Teaches Me to Choose the Right


Seek the Lord Early song visuals


The scriptures are true.

Children can gain a testimony that the scriptures are true even before they are able to read them. As you study the scriptures with the children this year, you can help them know for themselves that the scriptures are true.

  • Invite the children to tell about favorite gifts they have received for birthdays or other occasions. Bring a gift-wrapped copy of the scriptures, let a child open it, and testify that the scriptures are a gift to us from Heavenly Father.

  • Show the children some books containing fictional stories, and ask them about their favorite stories. Show them the scriptures, and testify that the scriptures contain the word of God for us. They tell of people who really lived and things that really happened.

  • Share the messages found in 2 Timothy 3:15 and Moroni 10:3–5, helping the children to repeat a few phrases. Help them understand that they can know the scriptures are true for themselves.

  • Hide a picture of the Savior, and give the children clues to help them find it. Help the children understand how searching the scriptures can help us know Jesus Christ. Let the children take turns hiding the picture and giving clues to other children.

  • Sing together a song about learning the gospel, such as Search, Ponder, and Pray (Children’s Songbook, 109), and help the children make up actions to go with the words. Share with the children one or two of your favorite scriptures, and tell them how you came to know the scriptures are true. If the children have favorite scriptures or scripture stories, invite them to share.

  • I can study the scriptures for myself.

    As you read the scriptures with the children and ask them questions, you can build their confidence that they can learn from the scriptures and find valuable treasures of knowledge.

    • Read together John 5:39 and Acts 17:10–11, and ask the children what they learn about how to study the scriptures.

    • Select a few simple, powerful scriptures from the New Testament, write each on a piece of paper, and hide the papers. Create clues that will lead the children on a “treasure hunt” within the classroom or church building to find these scriptures. After they find each scripture, discuss what the scripture means and why it is such a treasure.

  • Share a few scriptures you treasure and explain why they are meaningful to you. As a class, keep a list of treasured scriptures the children find in the New Testament this year—at home or during Primary.
  • Have a discussion with the children about why it is sometimes hard to read the scriptures. Ask the children to share advice with each other about studying the scriptures. Ask them also to share any positive experiences they have had with the scriptures.

  • Help the children make simple calendars that they can use to mark how often they read the scriptures. These calendars could remind them to read the scriptures every day.

The scriptures are true.
I can study the scriptures for myself.

AGES 1-5

Scripture Specs help me see my way to heaven

Scripture Specs help me see my way to heaven
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AGES 4-7

The Teachings of jesus are a great Treasure! bookmark

Little LESSON LIFESAVER ActivityThe Teachings of Jesus are a great Treasure! bookmark
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AGES 8-11

New Testament bookmark “I Will be valiant and follow Jesus.”


POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Jesus Blesses Me with His Teachings Gifts from Jesus (Think-and-Tell)


"I Know the Scriptures Are True!" LESSON LIFESAVER posters, cards, and bookmarks


Search, Ponder, and Pray


I need my own testimony.

The children you teach will need their own testimonies of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. What can you do to inspire them to learn the truth for themselves?

  • Share the story of the ten virgins (see Matthew 25:1–13; see also “Chapter 47: The Ten Virgins,” in New Testament Stories, 118–20, or the corresponding video on Ask the children questions like these: How are our testimonies like the lamps? Why is it important to have our own testimonies?

I need my own testimony.

AGES 1-5

I love the scriptures! poster or coloring page

I love the scriptures! poster or coloring page
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AGES 4-7

Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Faith in Jesus – Growing Testimony (Seed Planter)

Faith in Jesus Christ - Growing Testimony plant holder
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AGES 8-11

Bear My Testimony slideshow


I Need My Own Testimony: “Parable of the Ten Virgins” (story-puzzle)


Moroni 10:3–5

Book of Mormon Moroni 10:4-5 - Book of Mormon Promise scripture poster


SONG VISUALS: “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus”


JANUARY (week 1)
Lesson 1: January 2-8, 2023
“We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning”

PRIMARY Class & Family Scripture Study “We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning”

PRIMARY Class & Family Scripture Study “We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning”

PRIMARY Class & Family Scripture Study “We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning”

#ComeFollowMe #NewTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #FollowJesus #Testimony #ReadScriptures #INeedMyOwnTestimony #ScripturesAreTrue #LighttheWorld

PRIMARY & Home Come Follow Me Activities – JANUARY (week 1) New Testament “We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning” with Scripture Scholars bookmarks & pop-ups

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