AGES 1-5. CHURCH MOUSE MAZE. Children can show moving the mouse through the maze they can be REVERENT AS A MOUSE IN HEAVENLY FATHER’S HOUSE. When they visit the classroom they can raise their hand, listen and learn about Jesus. During singing time, they can learn the words reverently. In the chapel, they can listen to the speakers. In the bathroom, keep it clean. At the fountain, they can take their turn.
Use for: COME FOLLOW ME Primary Lesson, Family Home Evening, Nursery, Ages 3-5
Craft Activity
Church Mouse MAZE
Nursery Lesson 20 – I Will Be Reverent in the Behold Your Little Ones manual.
OBJECTIVE: This Church Mouse Maze allows children to move the mouse around our Heavenly Father’s house and learn different ways to be reverent and why.
CRAFT ACTIVITY – Church Mouse Maze
1. Print or copy the activity. Cut out mouse so children can move it through Heavenly Father’s house to talk about ways they can be reverent everywhere in His house.
Magnet Mouse: For fun, use two ¾” black magnets*, attach a magnet to the back of the mouse using hot glue or craft glue. Attach the other magnet to the square and fold to create a handle for moving the magnet underneath. Place magnet on the backside of the map, connect to the mouse magnet above, and move the mouse in and out of the rooms….magically!
*Magnets glued to paper pieces should keep magnets from being a choking hazard for small children. Do not use magnets if you think they will be a problem.
2. Tell children that when they are reverent in Heavenly Father’s house, they are showing love to Heavenly Father and Jesus. Reverence is more than sitting quietly in a family home evening and at church; it is really listening and trying to respect. As we are reverent, we will be happy and feel the Holy Ghost guide us.

THOUGHT TREAT: Cookie church house. Cut out sugar cookie dough in a church house shape and bake at 350° for 8–10 minutes. See the church house cookie pattern on page 80. Frost and place licorice rope on top to create a: steeple, window, and door.
SINGING for I Will Be Reverent Nursery Lesson 20 Sing: “Fun to Do” (Children’s Songbook, 253). Children can use the action cards to get started, then sing “Being reverent is fun to do.” Then they can show ways to be reverent (e.g., folding arms, closing eyes, sitting quietly, listening, and raising their hand before speaking).
Help the children understand that when we come to church we can show our love for Heavenly Father and Jesus by being reverent. Describe some of the ways we show reverence at church, and practice doing them with the children. For example:
We talk with quiet voices. (practice talking quietly)
We walk with quiet feet. (practice walking quietly)
We sit quietly. (practice sitting quietly)
We listen to our teachers. (cup hand around ear)
We think about Jesus. (point to head)
Click HERE to find 20b POSTER activity for this same lesson – Nursery Lesson 20: I Will Be Reverent (shown right).
Click HERE to find 21a CRAFT activity for the next Nursery 21: Joseph Smith Saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Click HERE to find 21b POSTER activity for the Nursery 21: Joseph Smith Saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Click HERE to find 19a CRAFT activity for the previous Nursery lesson 19: I Can Be Happy.
Click HERE for Nursery lessons 1-30.