Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women or Youth, Family Home Evening, Primary Sharing Time, or Activity Days LESSON LIFESAVER Activity My Testimony is Blooming! Book of Mormon Reading Chart Objective: Youth can go from flower to flower - chapter to chapter
Use for Family Home Evening, Primary Sharing Time, Young Women or Youth, Activity Days* ACTIVITY: Book of Mormon Story Abinadi Warns the Wicked King Noah (Puppet Show) Objective: Tell this story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. GUESS WHO SHARED THE GOSPEL Prophets cross match. Youth can learn from this that sometimes the prophet was the only one preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. They too may be in missionary situations where they are the only
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. Book of Mormon "COME UNTO CHRIST" testimony and underlining. Youth can send an invitation to those they are giving a Book of Mormon to with this testimony page (to write their personal testimony) and scripture list for
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. I LOVE TO READ THE SCRIPTURES! bookmark and testimony journal. As youth read these specific scriptures daily they can mark with a heart in the box for the day's reading. Plus they can record their sweet testimony
POST-AND-PRESENT. TWO TESTAMENTS OF JESUS CHRIST puzzle. Youth can learn and testify to two testaments of Jesus Christ. #1 The BIBLE. Jesus organizes His Church, teaches His gospel, heals the sick, dies for us, and is resurrected. #2 The BOOK
AGES 1-5. I LOVE TO HEAR BOOK OF MORMON STORIES poster or coloring page. Here children can learn how Jesus came to bless the Nephite children and teach them how to be happy. This book is another testament to Jesus
AGES 1-5, 4-7, 8-11 LESSON ACTIVITY. BOOK OF MORMON STORIES show-and-tell. Using the cards children can be witnesses just like these six stories of Nephites who told of Jesus coming to ancient America after His resurrection. These are Book of
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. MORONI & JOSEPH SMITH: Hill Cumorah pop-up. Children love to tell how young Joseph was directed by Angel Moroni to find the golden plates that Moroni wrote upon and buried hundreds of years earlier. Now was the
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Book of Mormon CHALLENGE CHART to mark chapters read OBJECTIVE: The lesson helps children help the children love and value