AMIGOS, ESTÁNDARES DEL EVANGELIO: “USTED ES UN MANTENEDOR!, Pesca Para Amigos Fieles” – Actividad Post-y-Presente: para Compartir el Tiempo o la Noche de Hogar Familiar, Tener buenos amigos me ayudará a elegir el derecho. – ENGLISH version: You’re a Keeper: Fishing for Faithful Friends

ALSO IN ENGLISH – see below to download ⇓ Uso para las mujeres jóvenes, los hombres jóvenes, la noche de hogar, el tiempo de participación principal o los días de actividad POST-Y-PRESENTE ACTIVIDAD: ¡USTED ES UN MANTENEDOR! Pescando por los amigos

FRIENDS, GOSPEL STANDARDS: “You’re a Keeper! Fishing For Faithful Friends” – Post-and-Present Activity: for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening, Having good friends will help me choose the right.

GOOD FRIENDS: Sharing TIme Activity "You're a Keeper" Fishing For Faithful Friends
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. YOU'RE A KEEPER: Fishing for Faithful Friends. Help youth choose friends who are faithful in keeping God's commandments and who are trustworthy. They are not judgmental, bullying those who need encouragement. They will learn to stand for right and

TEMPLE – CHASTITY – MARRIAGE – Activity: Temple-light Poster, Doctrine and Covenants, LDS Primary Lesson 44: The Salt Lake Temple Is Constructed and Dedicated

USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study   LESSON LIFESAVER Activity I will live the law of chastity. TEMPLE-LIGHT Poster OBJECTIVE: To help youth have the desire to

FOLLOW THE PROPHET – Choices-and-Consequences Crossmatch, Doctrine and Covenants, LDS Primary Lesson 31: The Extermination Order

Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants-Church History Lesson 31 For children ages 4-7 or teen/youth ⇐ TO OBTAIN ACTIVITY: This activity for this series in only available at LDS bookstores or online at TITLE: Sunday Savers: Doctrine and Covenants-Church History Book (click here) or

Choices – Consequences – Choose the Right: LDS Lesson Activity – I Am Free to Choose the Right: Consequences Countenance Game, family home evening, primary sharing time

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
POST-AND-PRESENT GAME. I AM FREE TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT Consequence Countenance game. Youth can see that our good or bad choices show on our faces, changing our countenance. Players move the arrow to the consequence for the decision on the cards

Agency – Choices – Choose the Right: Scripture Poster, 2 Nephi 2:27, LDS Lesson Activity for: Primary, Youth, and Family Home Evening, “Wherefore, men are free . . . to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men.”

2 Nephi 2:27 scripture poster/card set
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. With this 2 Nephi 2:27 scripture poster/car set youth can memorize "Wherefore, men are free . . .  to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men." SCRIPTURE POSTER / CARDS: 2 Nephi 2:27

Choices – Choose the Right – Jesus Christ’s Teachings: Scripture Poster, John 13:15, LDS Lesson Activity for: Primary, Youth, and Family Home Evening, “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.”

John 13:15 Jesus Teaches Me to Choose the Right
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. JESUS TEACHES ME TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT scripture poster/card set. John 13:15: “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” Use for Primary Sharing Time and Lessons, Family Home Evening,

Courage – Commandments: LDS Primary Singing Time – Songs, “Nephi’s Courage” – Primary music leader, family home evening

Nephi's Courage song visuals
SINGING TIME. "NEPHI'S COURAGE" song visuals. Youth want to have the courage of Nephi to follow God's plan for them. Write the words on the cue cards (in your language) to place on the back of the visuals. For example