FOLLOW JESUS Activity: Jesus Is the Good Shepherd – I am His Sheep – John 10:4 and John 10:11 Bite-size Memorize tent-card

Good Shepherd - Follow Jesus stand-up card & flashcards
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS THE GOOD SHEPHERD tent-card and match game - John 10:4. Youth can spotlight events in Jesus Christ's life with the focus on #8 “Jesus is Our Shepherd.” Read all of John 10 to learn that Jesus loves

JESUS CHRIST (Life) Activity: Mission of Jesus Christ’s Life Puzzle (Post-and-Present) – Come, Follow Me – Primary and Home lesson – grow faith puzzle

POST-AND-PRESENT Activity: The mission of Jesus Christ: His life puzzle
GOSPEL GAME ACTIVITY. THE LIFE AND MISSION OF JESUS CHRIST puzzle match. With this Mission of Jesus puzzle, youth can learn of eight blessings that come from Jesus and His mission. He is The Son of God, Savior, Teacher, Brother,

LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST Activity: Stories of Jesus: Heart-to-Heart Match – Jesus live with Heavenly Father (sent to earth) – Come Follow Me, Primary, Bible

Stories of Jesus Heart-to-Heart match game
POST-AND-PRESENT. STORIES OF JESUS Heart-to-Heart Match Game. As youth match hearts with hearts they can get to know the Savior and His purpose for coming to earth. The "2B" JESUS HEART tell how Jesus showed His love. Example:  "Jesus showed

FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST Activity: Facing the Sun/Son (Stories of Jesus), Jesus Grew and I Can Be Like Him

Following Jesus Facing the Sun/Son of God (Stories of Jesus)
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FACING THE SUN/SON OF GOD sunflower stories. Youth can know with this activity that the sunflowers turn their faces toward the sun to grow. They follow the sun all day rotating to always face the sun. We too

PROPHETS TELL OF JESUS – Timeline from Jesus’s Birth to Second Coming, Post-and-Present Activity for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening

$Timeline from Jesus’s Birth to Second Coming Prophets Tell of Jesus Christ
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. TIMELINE FROM JESUS'S BIRTH TO SECOND COMING prophecies match. Youth can imagine themselves in a time machine traveling back and forward to learn of the prophet's words telling of Jesus. His: Birth, Ministry, Death and Atonement, Resurrection, Visit

Baptism: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song visuals, “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” – Primary music leader, family home evening

When Jesus Christ was Baptized song
SONG VISUALS: “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” (Children's Songbook, 102) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 17 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue

Testimony of Jesus Christ: LESSON LIFESAVERS: I Know My Savior Lives bookmarks, Come Follow Me, Sharing Time, family home evening, youth activities

$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home, Young Women or Teens, family home evening, Seminary, LDS printables to download
BOOKMARK ACTIVITY. I KNOW MY SAVIOR LIVES bookmarks. Youth can use these 3-different bookmarks to mark and underline passages in the scriptures that tell about Jesus Christ our Savior how He lived, died, and was resurrected, and how someday He