Prayer – Revelation “Tell Me, Dear Lord” – song visuals for children, Primary, Sunday School, family night, Music Leader, Singing Time “Children’s Songbook”

SINGING TIME. "Tell Me, Dear Lord" song visuals. Children can learn what to say in prayer to ask God to teach them to know and love His will, to understand His "loving word"(s), and to be "guided" by His hand.

HOLY GHOST “Listen, Listen” (Children’s Songbook 107) children’s song visuals for Primary, Sunday School, family night, Music Leader, Singing Time

Listen, Listen song visuals, Children's songbook p. 107
SINGING TIME. "LISTEN, LISTEN" song visuals. Youth can quickly get the idea that if they make good choices they will have a special spirit to guide them. "Listen to the still small voice! ... when you have to make a

LOVE OTHERS “Kindness Begins with Me” – song visuals for children, Primary, Sunday School, family night, Music Leader, Singing Time

Song Visuals "Kindness Begins with Me"
SINGING FUN. KINDNESS BEGINS WITH ME song visuals. Youth can sing this simple song to remind them to "be kind to everyone." "Kindness begins with me."  SONG VISUALS: "Kindness Begins with Me" (Children’s Songbook, p. 145) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 8

FOLLOW JESUS “I Will Walk with Jesus” – song visuals for children, Primary, Sunday School, family night, Music Leader, Singing Time

FOLLOW JESUS song visuals "I Will Walk with Jesus"
SONG VISUALS: "I Will Walk with Jesus" (Church website) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 44 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue cards

HOLY GHOST – Song – “The Still Small Voice” Super Song Visuals for Primary and Home, Music Leader, family home evening

MUSIC ACTIVITY. "THE STILL SMALL VOICE" song visuals. Youth will know from this song that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ speak to us through the third member of the Godhead, The Holy Ghost. The Spirit guides us from evil if

PRAYER: Primary Singing Time – Super Song Visuals, “Help Me, Dear Father” – Primary music leader, family home evening

Song Visuals "Help Me, Dear Father" for singing practice or family home evening
SINGING FUN. HELP ME, DEAR FATHER song visuals. Children can know from singing these "Help me, dear Father" words that they need to "freely forgive all ..." They ask for help in repenting, making things right, and changing their ways.

EASTER – MINI-MEMORIZE Song Visuals & Game “Easter Hosanna” song visual cards, and memory game (to help children memorize the song)

“Easter Hosanna” Mini Song Visual cards & Memory Game
GAME & SING ALONG. EASTER HOSANNA mini memorize song (graphic cards, and memory game). Write lyrics on the back of the cards. Make it a challenge by writing half the verse on one card and the rest on the other

NATURE (Insects): Song with Fun-to-learn Visuals “Ants Go Marching” for nursery – pre-school children ages 1-5, SINGING / MUSIC TIME: Junior Primary, Sunday School, Family Night

NATURE (Insects): Song with Fun-to-learn Visuals “Ants Go Marching” for nursery – pre-school children ages 1-5, SINGING / MUSIC TIME: Junior Primary, Sunday School, Family Night
For nursery - pre-school children ages 1-5, Singing and Music Time: Junior Primary, Sunday School, Family Night SONG with Fun-to-Learn Visuals: "Ants Go Marching" song visuals, and "Ants Go Marching" medallion Includes: Lyrics and Music OBJECTIVE: Sing anytime, or when

Song – “Dare to Do Right” Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, Primary music leader, family home evening (Children’s Songbook p. 158)

DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals
SINGING FUN ACTIVITY. DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals, Children's Songbook p. 158. Youth can sing this song knowing that if they bravely "dare" to make the right choices to follow their desire to make the right choices they can