Word of Wisdom – Health: LDS Lesson Activity: You Deserve a Hand! health chart – Come, Follow Me “Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?”

GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary LESSON LIFESAVER Activity You Deserve a Hand! (5 Healthy Habits Planner) HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)   Description of Lesson Activity: Read the message on the hand which explains that

BODY IS A TEMPLE: Lesson Activity – My Body is a Temple fitness plan tent card, the Lord wants me to be healthy

LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity My Body is a Temple – Fitness Plan tent-card
YOUTH ACTIVITY. MY FITNESS PLAN OF HEALTHY HABITS tent-card planner. Youth can memorize 1 Corinthians 3:16 and plan how they can treat their body like a temple. In the Morning, Noon, and Night they can enter their routine and above

Word of Wisdom – My Body is a Temple: LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity: Drug Free Me! word find puzzle, Come Follow Me

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Drug-Free Me! word find puzzle
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. DRUG-FREE ME! word finds puzzle.  Resisting drugs can be a challenge. Black out the Xs. Cross out the drugs. Identify the reasons for drug involvement*. DRUGS: marijuana, tobacco, caffeine, LSD, cocaine, crack, alcohol, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines, and

Word of Wisdom – Body is a Temple: LDS Lesson Activity – I’m a Living Doll, Come, Follow Me “Why should I treat my body like a temple?”

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity I’m a Living Doll design-a-doll mobile goal chart
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I'M A LIVING DOLL Design-a-Doll goal mobile.  Youth to see herself/himself as a “living doll” and increase her desire to take care of her mind and body. Redraw the image for young men or request this from us (see