PLAN OF SALVATION – Atonement: LDS Lesson Activity: Perfect Brightness of Hope mood-changer – “How can I find comfort when someone I care about dies?”

Perfect Brightness of Hope mood-changer
POST-AND-PRESENT. PERFECT BRIGHTNESS OF HOPE mood changer. Youth can draw tissue from the box as they: #1 Draw a SAD SUN card and read the situation. #2 Tell how Jesus made it better to "dry our tears" (Revelations 21:4). #3

Word of Wisdom – My Body is a Temple: LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity: Drug Free Me! word find puzzle, Come Follow Me

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Drug-Free Me! word find puzzle
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. DRUG-FREE ME! word finds puzzle.  Resisting drugs can be a challenge. Black out the Xs. Cross out the drugs. Identify the reasons for drug involvement*. DRUGS: marijuana, tobacco, caffeine, LSD, cocaine, crack, alcohol, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines, and

Word of Wisdom – Body is a Temple: LDS Lesson Activity – I’m a Living Doll, Come, Follow Me “Why should I treat my body like a temple?”

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity I’m a Living Doll design-a-doll mobile goal chart
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I'M A LIVING DOLL Design-a-Doll goal mobile.  Youth to see herself/himself as a “living doll” and increase her desire to take care of her mind and body. Redraw the image for young men or request this from us (see

PLAN OF SALVATION – AGENCY: LDS Lesson Activity: Agency Actions scripture challenge, Come Follow Me JANUARY: “Why is Jesus important in my life?” FEBRUARY: “What happened in my premortal life?”

PLAN OF SALVATION – AGENCY: LDS Lesson Activity: Agency Actions scripture challenge, Come Follow Me JANUARY: “Why is Jesus important in my life?” FEBRUARY: “What happened in my premortal life?”
YOUTH ACTIVITY. AGENCY ACTIONS scripture challenge. Here the youth can learn those GOOD choices like following Jesus bring us liberty, joy, and eternal life (living with God again). Also, those BAD CHOICES following Satan bring us into captivity, misery, and

PLAN OF SALVATION Lesson Activity – “What is the purpose of life?” My Future Focus Planner

YOUTH goal planner - FUTURE FOCUS
YOUTH TOAL PLANNER. MY FUTURE FOCUS planner. Tell youth that they can focus on a positive future by making decisions about critical issues ahead of time. They can write in the right column what they are willing to give up

Faith – Jesus Christ: LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: Draw Close to Jesus Christ Life Preserver Promises, Come Follow Me

Jesus Is My Savior – Life Preserver Promises poster
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. JESUS IS MY LIFE SAVIOR Life-preserver Promises planner.  This reminds youth that Jesus suffered for our sins (so we can repent) and gave His life for us (so that we might live again); He is our Savior.

PLAN OF SALVATION – Eternal Life: LDS Lesson Activity – “What is the plan of salvation?” Heavenly Father’s plan of exaltation, plan of happiness

Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, or Youth, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Sunday School   LESSON LIFESAVER ACTIVITY Puzzled about Eternal Life? word-find Help youth review the five ways we can obtain the celestial kingdom with this fun