Holy Ghost – Revelation: Lesson Activity: Invite the Holy Ghost–Invitations, Come, Follow Me: “How do I receive personal revelation?”

Post-and-Present Activity Invite the Holy Ghost INVITATIONS
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. INVITE THE HOLY GHOST Invitation Brainstorm. Youth choose an invitation, e.g, "You're Invited! because I read the scriptures." Then tell why this ACTION (obeying that commandment) would invite the Spirit. Invitations are posted, then placed in an envelope. This

Missionary Work – Testimony: LDS Lesson Activity: I “Bee”-lieve -Sweet Testimony Sharing, Come, Follow Me: How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord’s work?

I BEE-LIEVE SWEET TESTIMONY Post-and-Present Activity
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I "BEE"-LIEVE SWEET TESTIMONY SHARING. Share with youth that they can gain A testimony through the Holy Ghost as they study and pray. Then, BEAR THEIR TESTIMONY spontaneously about the gospel: Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, Temples (forever

Missionary Preparation – Commandments: LDS Lesson Activity: Build a Missionary Puzzle, Come, Follow Me: How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord’s work?

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. INVITE ALL TO COME UNTO CHRIST build a missionary puzzle. Youth can focus on these eight ways to prepare to help others "Come unto Christ." They can even compete to find puzzle pieces and be the first to find

Missionary – Gospel Standards: LDS Lesson Activity: I Can Be a Missionary Now – Gospel Standards Game, Come, Follow Me: How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord’s work?

I can be a missionary now! Post-and-Present GAME (Gospel Standards)
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN BE A MISSIONARY NOW! Gospel Standards Game. Jesus Christ taught by example. Youth can learn from these the standards of the His gospel they too can teach by example. Here they can draw cards and tell

Service, Follow Jesus: LDS Lesson Activity: Follow Jesus – Service Road Game, Come, Follow Me: How can I become more Christlike in Service?

I Will Follow Jesus – Service Road Game
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I WILL FOLLOW JESUS Service Road Game. Youth can learn to love others. Tell them, “If we have a life of service, we can become like Jesus. Then we—like Jesus—can have eternal life and live with Heavenly Father again

Family Prayer – Scripture Study – Family Home Evening: LDS Lesson Activity: Build a Happy Home – Tools Quiz, Come, Follow Me: How can I strengthen my family?

We Can Build a Happy Home – Tools to Build Quiz
POST-AND-PRESENT Activity. WE CAN BUILD A HAPPY HOME Tools to Build QUIZ. Youth can share this activity with children to review what brings family happiness. FAMILY PRAYER, FAMILY SCRIPTURE STUDY, and FAMILY HOME EVENING. The quiz asks them to tell

Baptism – Baptism Covenants: LDS Lesson Activity: Follow in His Steps – Baptism and Covenants Walkabout, Come, Follow Me: What covenants did I make at baptism?

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Young Women
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS baptism and covenants walkabout. Take yourself on a walkabout to follow in the footsteps of Jesus to "Be Baptized and Confirmed" and "Keep Baptismal Covenants." There are many small steps along the way that

Word of Wisdom: LDS Lesson Activity: Prophets Taught the Word of Wisdom – Smile and Frown Grab Bag, Come, Follow Me: Why Does the Lord want me to be healthy?

Word of Wisdom smile and frown voting
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. PROPHETS TAUGHT THE WORD OF WISDOM smile and frown bags. Youth can vote by placing items in the smiling bag (for good choices) and frown bag (for bad choices). The Prophet Joseph Smith revealed to us God's law