Setting a Good Example ACTIVITY: Be a Happy Camper backpack decisions – Post-and-Present for Come Follow Me Primary and Home, family home evening

Be a Good Example HAPPY CAMPER (backpack decisions)
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BE A HAPPY CAMPER Backpacks with happy and sad decisions. Brainstorm Sad Camper and Happy Camper decisions by choosing and placing items in the backpacks; novelty ways to remember how to be a good example to friends and

Holy Ghost – Revelation: Lesson Activity: Invite the Holy Ghost–Invitations, Come, Follow Me: “How do I receive personal revelation?”

Post-and-Present Activity Invite the Holy Ghost INVITATIONS
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. INVITE THE HOLY GHOST Invitation Brainstorm. Youth choose an invitation, e.g, "You're Invited! because I read the scriptures." Then tell why this ACTION (obeying that commandment) would invite the Spirit. Invitations are posted, then placed in an envelope. This

Work – Time Management: LDS Lesson Activity: Time Tracker Journal – Come, Follow Me: “Why is work an important gospel principle?”

Time Management tracker journal
Use for Youth Goals, Sunday School, Seminary, Youth Doctrinal Classes, family home evening LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Time Tracker journal Encourage youth to avoid crisis living by managing their time wisely. Advise them to manage their time and “not run faster