How Can I Be Clean and Happy Again after I Sin? (Lesson-match Interactive Activities) YOUTH CLASSES September 11, 2022 TOPIC #1 Isaiah 1-12 HOW CAN I BE CLEAN AND HAPPY AGAIN AFTER I SIN? (below) September 25, 2022
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HAPPY CHOICES match game. Teach the principles Jesus taught the Nephites, bringing both them and the Lamanites peace and happiness. These include: dealing justly, loving God, having no envyings, sharing all things in common, avoiding contention, and being converted
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. VALUE-PACK (book) of GOOD CHOICES. Youth can be inspired as they pray, asking the Holy Ghost to guide them in making right choices with this book to prompt them. TOPICS that may be found here: The language
CHILDREN & YOUTH GOAL. MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST journal page. Write my personal testimony of Jesus Christ on the Love and Gratitude Journal as if I were there when the Savior appeared to the Nephites (3 Nephi 11:16-17).
INDEX: ADVERSITY • Trials • Happiness Activities to Make Learning Fun Also See: • PRAYER • PROPHETS • FOLLOW JESUS The Savior knows the ADVERSITY that comes to our children and youth. As we teach them to have faith, pray,
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. COLOR MY LIFE WITH THE GOSPEL Happy Crayons Game. Youth can know that the gospel principles lived will bring happiness. This way we can show our "true" colors as we live the commandments, e.g., tithing repentance, prayer, gratitude,
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. BEE-ATITUDE BLESSINGS wheel. Children can learn from these ways that they can be happy like Heavenly Father. These attitudes were taught by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) to 5,000 people. By living these
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BE A HAPPY CAMPER Backpacks with happy and sad decisions. Brainstorm Sad Camper and Happy Camper decisions by choosing and placing items in the backpacks; novelty ways to remember how to be a good example to friends and
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. HAPPINESS mirror motivator and JOY goal list. Youth can memorize the Prophet Harold B. Lee's quote "Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but what happens inside of you." Then, in the journal "What
POST-AND-PRESENT PLUS ACTIVITIES. THE BLESSED BEATITUDES poster presentation, quiz game, puzzle, mirror motivator cards. Youth can learn the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave to over 5,000 people called the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11). THESE ARE ATTITUDES ON HOW TO "BEE"