YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HE HAS RISEN! write a story. Youth can learn from the images and scriptures about the resurrection, then write in their own words the stories. Both the Bible and The Book of Mormon testify of Jesus and
AGES 4-7 SABBATH SEARCH! maze. For youth to get to the HAPPY HEART at the end they can draw lines with a pencil, leading them there. They will learn that the wrong Sabbath day choices will block them. Nice to
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BE A HAPPY CAMPER Backpacks with happy and sad decisions. Brainstorm Sad Camper and Happy Camper decisions by choosing and placing items in the backpacks; novelty ways to remember how to be a good example to friends and
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I'LL HONOR HIS NAME Children Around the World Honor Jesus. Children will love learning how children from other countries far across the world follow Jesus. As children read the stories they can tell what each child did in the