YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. SECOND COMING What I can do to prepare? tent-card. Youth can memorize D&C 87:8 "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord.
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. PREPARE FOR THE SECOND COMING strong heart mobile. Youth can glue these mobile pieces back to back to turn and tell "My heart will not fail me. I will be prepared for Jesus' coming!" Ways: Repent, Be baptized,
SINGING TIME. "WHEN HE COMES AGAIN" song visuals. Youth can sing in anticipation for the day Jesus will come again. Picturing what the earth will be like and what choices they need to make each day to prepare. Write the
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. ARTICLES OF FAITH 1:10 GATHERING scripture poster/card set. Youth can memorize this to prepare them for the second coming and the millennium. “We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. After the Second Coming "LAMB AND THE LION" Millennium Match Game. Youth can look forward to 1,000 years of peace when Jesus comes again. He will return to the temple and bring in the millennium a time when
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SECOND COMING I WILL PREPARE Millennium Match Game. The Prophet Isaiah received revelation for the latter days when Christ will come again (Isaiah 65:17–25). This Game reveals what has and will take place to bring in the
AGES 1-5 LESSON ACTIVITY. I WILL THINK ABOUT JESUS - poster or coloring page. Children are instructed to do the following DURING THE SACRAMENT: Sing or listen to the sacrament song, listen to sacrament prayers, think about stories of Jesus,
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. I AM PREPARING FOR THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS medallion. Children can proudly announce "I'm preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus" (on one side). On the flip side, they read, "I Will Keep Heaven in Sight
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SECOND COMING CHECKLIST Savior Coming What to Do and Say. Youth can check off ways they will treat others, what they will do to strengthen their testimony, tasks to prepare and more as they check off and