YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SECOND COMING CHECKLIST Savior Coming What to Do and Say. Youth can check off ways they will treat others, what they will do to strengthen their testimony, tasks to prepare and more as they check off and practice doing each to be READY.
USE FOR COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Sunday School, Bible Study
Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: Second Coming Checklist
OBJECTIVE: The lesson shows the youth signs of the Savior’s second coming and will help them prepare to meet Him.
ACTIVITY: Second Coming Checklist
Help the youth to think ahead to the day the Savior will come. One day Jesus Christ will return to the earth, although no man knows when He will come.
Youth can ask themselves, “If the Savior came to my house today, what would I do? What would I say?”
Would you want to hide some actions and start doing others? Use this Second Coming Checklist to see if you are ready for the Savior to come. Place a checkmark in the square by things you would change to be ready for the Savior when He comes again.

TO MAKE Print, color and cut out the Second Coming Checklist that follows for each youth.
THOUGHT TREAT Second coming smile sandwiches. Spread some cream cheese between two slices of bread. Cut off the crust and cut the sandwich into four parts. Make a smiling face on top of each sandwich with a tube of processed cheese. Give each youth one or two. Tell them that Jesus wants us to be happy. We can be ready when He comes by choosing the right every day.
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help the youth to Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left, then tie a ribbon to attach cards, or use two metal rings to connect cards.
Pearl of Great Price: Joseph Smith – Matthew 1:46-48
“And what I say unto one, I say unto all men; watch, therefore, for you know not at what hour your Lord doth come.
But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to have been broken up, but would have been ready.
Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.”
For Second Coming checklist (be ready when Jesus comes again)
The above activity illustrates ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #2 in the lesson* showing ways to prepare for when Jesus comes again.
DOWNLOAD the following Post-and-Present & handout activities to prepare for the SECOND COMING.
Over 28 activities are found on the SECOND Index (below).
Sing or read the words to these songs.
DOWNLOAD the song visuals (below)
• “When He Comes Again”
• “If the Savior Stood Beside Me”
• “I Will Be Valiant”
• “Follow the Prophet”
Help youth memorize these scriptures on the SECOND COMING.
DOWNLOAD the scripture poster/card sets (below)
• 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6
• Articles of Faith 1:10
• Matthew 16:27
• Job 19:25
Ask youth to think about how well they are prepared to see Jesus again when He comes. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS (pause between each and have them think – no need to say their answers aloud.
DOWNLOAD (and present this activity after asking the following questions) Jesus Is Knocking at the Door – Are You Ready preparation ponder (HERE or below).
• CHANGE some of the words I would say. (guarding one’s tongue; be more positive and respectful of God and man)
DOWNLOAD CLEAN SPEECH reverent mouth reminder (HERE or below).
• HIDE what books, magazines, or videos, or pictures?
• TURN off the music I am listening to?
• CHANGE the television channel or turn off the television?
• DOWNLOAD “Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me” Swat Game (HERE or below)
• DOWNLOAD Media Influences: TV topper, Phone Friend, & Bookshelf Buddy tent-cards (HERE or below)
• DRESS (change my clothes) to be more modest?
DOWNLOAD My Modesty Checklist and bookmark (HERE or below).
• Take Jesus wherever I go?
• Have Him join me when I am with my friends?
• Read the scriptures more often?
DOWNLOAD B.E.A.R.S. Be Enthusiastic about Reading Scriptures scripture chase game (HERE or below).
• Treat my family differently than I usually treat them?
DOWNLOAD Soar High! Communication balloon bouquet (HERE or below).