POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. KINDNESS BEGINS WITH ME: Upside-Down Turn-‘Em-Around. Read Ephesians 4:32 “Be ye kind one to another.” Youth vote on situations where someone is kind or unkind, turning the face(s) right side up or face upside down.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Bible Study, and Activity Days
Kindness Begins with Me – Upside-Down Turn-‘Em-Around
Another Use for This Board: Adversity & Trials*
OBJECTIVE: Introduce the scripture “Be ye kind one to another,” found in Ephesians 4:32 as you introduce situations where someone is kind or unkind. Youth can vote on which action is being kind with this activity.

*TRIALS: To use the turn-around board make up cards that represent trials. Turn the poster/faces upside down and take turns drawing and reading a trial card. Brainstorm ways to overcome that trial. Then, turn the face right side up again to showing turning them around. Also, see the Turn Trials Into Triumphs Activity (HERE).
ACTIVITY: This can be done for any gospel principle; just create situations to match. This activity focuses on “kindness.” Tell youth that great blessings can come from choosing the right and living the gospel principles. Let’s learn about one gospel principle, “kindness.”
Start by turning the boy and girl faces sideways, with arrows at the top and bottom.
Have children take turns drawing and reading a situation card. Then decide if the action shows kindness by turning the boy or girl face right side up. If it does not show kindness, turn the face upside down.
If the action does not show kindness, choose a child to tell how they can “turn ’em around” to obey this gospel principle of being kind. Then turn the face around.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print/copy, color, and cut out the two wheels (parts A and B), the two faces, and situation cards that follow. Mount wheel parts A and B together. Laminate wheels and faces separately. Attach a face to each wheel by placing a metal brad (paper fastener) in the nose of each child through the center of the wheel. Tape wheels to a poster, board, or wall. Place situation cards in a container to draw from. So the brads don’t scratch the board, mount the wheels on a poster or tape a 2″x2″ paper on the back of each brad.
THOUGHT TREAT: Turn Frown Upside-down Crackers/Cookies. Frost facial expressions on a cookie with frosting or on a cracker with processed cheese from a can/tube. Tell youth that good choices may not always be easy, yet they are the ones who will make us happy.