. . . 5 LESSONS & 50 ACTIVITIES . . .
Jesus Christ will gather His people before He comes again.
We are gathered by the Savior when we accept and follow His teachings.
- Ask the children to listen for how the hen protects the chicks.
DOWNLOAD “Hen Gathering Her Chickens” tent-card (HERE or below*)
After reading Doctrine and Covenants 29:1–2, act out the analogy of Christ gathering His people “as a hen gathereth her chickens.” One child could pretend to be the hen and choose a corner of the room to stand in. When he or she “clucks,” have all the children gather around him or her. Children could take turns being the hen. Hold up a picture of the Savior and invite the children to gather to Him. Share with the children how Jesus helps us when we gather to Him.
How can you help the children you teach be excited about helping with the gathering of Israel?
- Invite the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 29:1–2 and look for what the Lord compares Himself to. What do the children imagine when they read this comparison? What did the Lord say we must do to be gathered by Him?
- One way to get the children excited about the gathering is to share the story of someone who joined the Church. For example, who introduced your family to the Church? Consider asking children in advance to find out about the first member of the Church in their families and share his or her story with the class.
- Invite the children to make a list of ways they can help people gather to the Savior. For example, they could invite friends or family members to a Primary activity or to a home evening with their families.
- The tenth article of faith talks about the gathering of Israel. Do any of the children have this article of faith memorized? If they do, invite them to recite it for the class. If not, help them set a goal to memorize it.
Jesus Christ will gather His people before His Second Coming.
Jesus Christ speaks of gathering His people “as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings” (Doctrine and Covenants 29:2).
DOWNLOAD “Hen gathereth her chickens” tent-card (HERE or below)What does [the image of a hen gathering her chickens] teach you about the Savior’s desire to gather you? As you read Doctrine and Covenants 29:1–8, look for insights about why we gather, who will gather, and how we can help gather the “elect” (verse 7).
In our day, gathering to Zion means uniting in stakes of Zion around the world. How does gathering as Saints help us “be prepared in all things” for the tribulations that will come before the Savior’s Second Coming? (verse 8; see also verses 14–28).
See also Articles of Faith 1:10
DOWNLOAD Articles of Faith 1:10 scripture poster/card kit (HERE or below) regarding the gatheringSee also Russell M. Nelson and Wendy W. Nelson, “Hope of Israel” (worldwide devotional for youth, June 3, 2018, ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
Doctrine and Covenants 29:2–11
I can prepare to meet the Savior.
Someday, each of us will be in the presence of Jesus Christ. While that day may be far into the future, the children can still think about what it will be like and how they can prepare for it.
Show a picture of the Second Coming (see Gospel Art Book, no. 66), and help a child read Doctrine and Covenants 29:11. Help the children notice phrases in the scripture that describe what they see in the picture. Share with the children how you feel about Jesus Christ coming to earth again.
As a class, sing a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83).
DOWNLOAD When He Comes Again song visuals (HERE or below)Show the children pictures of things they can do to prepare to meet the Savior and live with Him forever (see Gospel Art Book for some ideas). Help them find other ways to prepare in Doctrine and Covenants 29:2–10.
See these activities illustrating putting oil in our lamps to prepare to meet Jesus like the 10 Virgins (“drop by drop in religious living” quote from the Prophet Spencer W. Kimball*
• *DOWNLOAD Second Coming Be Prepared Game (HERE or below)
• DOWNLOAD Parable of the Ten VIrgins story puzzle (HERE or below)
Heavenly Father prepared a plan of salvation for me.
The more a child knows about God’s plan of salvation, the more he or she can exercise faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to follow that plan. What parts of the plan do you feel impressed to focus on?
Ask several children to share an example of a time when they had a plan, such as for a trip or for accomplishing a task. You could also share examples of plans, such as a calendar with activities written on it or instructions to make something. Why are plans useful? Share with the children that Heavenly Father has a plan that will allow us to become like Him.
To help the children understand God’s plan, make signs with these terms: premortal life, the Creation, the Fall, earth life, and the Second Coming. After explaining each term (see Doctrine and Covenants 29:9–45), give each sign to a different child, and ask them to stand in a line in the correct order to show when each event occurs in Heavenly Father’s plan. Each child could share what he or she knows about what is on his or her sign. Help the children see how knowing about Heavenly Father’s plan helps us become more like Him and the Savior.
Use one or more of the activities below to teach truths about the plan and how they apply to us. Consider asking a few of the children to come prepared to help you teach.
Agency. Help the children understand that Heavenly Father has given us the gift of agency—the freedom to choose—and holds us accountable for our choices (see Doctrine and Covenants 29:39–40). Create two signs for each child: one that represents making a good choice (for example, a smiling face) and one that represents making a bad choice (for example, a frowning face). Share examples of good choices and bad choices, and ask the children to raise the correct sign. Ask the children to share blessings that come when we follow Jesus Christ. Why does Heavenly Father let us make our own choices?
The commandments. Invite the children to make a list on the board of some of the commandments. (For examples, they could search Exodus 20:3–17 and Gospel Art Book, nos. 103–15.) Why does Heavenly Father give us commandments? What do we learn from Doctrine and Covenants 29:35 about Heavenly Father’s commandments?
DOWNLOAD Build a True Princess and Prince: Choose the Right Consequences puzzle (HERE or below) -
The Atonement of Jesus Christ. Help the children see that Heavenly Father prepared a way for us to be forgiven when we make wrong choices. Ask each child to read one of the verses in Doctrine and Covenants 29:1, 42–43 and share what it teaches about the Savior’s Atonement. Find a creative way to invite the children to share what they found, like in order of their birthdays, or shortest to tallest, and so on.
Heavenly Father prepared the perfect plan for our exaltation.
Doctrine and Covenants 29 teaches many truths about God’s plan for His children. As you read, look for truths you learn about each of the following parts of the plan:
DOWNLOAD Plan of Salvation Choosing Choices – Divine Destiny Decisions (HERE or below)-
Premortal life (see verses 36–37)
Creation (see verses 31–33)
The Fall of Adam and Eve (see verses 40–41)
Mortal life (see verses 39, 42–45)
The Atonement of Jesus Christ (see verses 1, 42–43, 46–50)
The Resurrection (see verses 13, 26)
The Final Judgment (see verses 12–13, 27–30)
What new insights did you gain? How would your life be different if you didn’t know about these truths?
You can study more about Heavenly Father’s plan in “The Plan of Salvation” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service, rev. ed. [2018], ChurchofJesusChrist.org/manual/missionary).
Doctrine and Covenants 29:31–35
“All things unto me are spiritual.”
In what sense are all commandments spiritual? What does knowing that all commandments are spiritual teach you about the purpose of commandments? You might list a few commandments and consider the spiritual principles related to each one.
What might change if you looked for spiritual meaning or purpose in your everyday tasks, even those that seem temporal or mundane?
See also Romans 8:6; 1 Nephi 15:30–32.
Even though some commandments may seem temporal, all commandments are spiritual to the Lord. To understand this truth, class members could read together verses 34–35 and list some commandments on the board, along with the spiritual principles and blessings related to each. They could share examples from their lives or from the scriptures that have helped them see the spiritual nature of God’s commandments. How does this activity affect the way we see commandments?
Doctrine and Covenants 29:36–50
Jesus Christ redeems us from the Fall.
This revelation opens with the Lord introducing Himself as our Redeemer, who has “atoned for [our] sins” (verse 1). The revelation goes on to explain some of the reasons we need a Redeemer. Consider how you would use verses 36–50 to explain why we need redemption through the Savior Jesus Christ.
In many faith traditions, the Fall is seen as a tragedy; what do you find in these verses that teaches the positive results of the Fall? (See also 1 Corinthians 15:22; 2 Nephi 2:6–8, 15–29; Mosiah 3:1–19; Moses 5:9–12.)
• DOWNLOAD Articles of Faith 1:2 scripture poster/card set (HERE or below)
• DOWNLOAD Because of Adam and Eve – Because of Jesus Christ: I Can Return Maze (HERE or below)
• DOWNLOAD Articles of Faith 1:3 scripture poster/card set (HERE) to memorize “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.”