. . . 4 LESSONS & 40 ACTIVITIES . . .
Doctrine and Covenants 46:13–26
Heavenly Father blesses me with His gifts.
Each of the children you teach is a son or daughter of Heavenly Father, and He has blessed them with spiritual gifts.
Use Doctrine and Covenants 46:13–26 or “Chapter 20: Gifts of the Spirit” (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 77–80) to explain to the children some of the gifts Heavenly Father gives us through His Spirit and why He gives them. If possible, show objects or pictures that represent each gift. Pause occasionally to ask the children how these gifts could bless someone.
DOWNLOAD Gifts of the Spirit D&C 46 match puzzle (HERE or below)
- Give a child something that can be shared, like a piece of bread or two toys. Ask the child to share what you have given him or her with another class member. Explain that Heavenly Father gives us gifts, and He wants us to use them to help others. Tell the children about a time when you were blessed because someone shared his or her spiritual gifts.
Doctrine and Covenants 46:7–33
God has given spiritual gifts to bless His children.
The early Saints believed in spiritual gifts but needed some guidance about their purpose. As you study about gifts of the Spirit using Doctrine and Covenants 46:7–33, ponder why it is important that you “always [remember] for what they are given” (verse 8). Consider how these verses apply to this statement from Elder Robert D. Hales: “These gifts are given to those who are faithful to Christ. They will help us know and teach the truths of the gospel. They will help us bless others. They will guide us back to our Heavenly Father” (“Gifts of the Spirit,” Ensign, Feb. 2002, 16). What else do you learn from these verses about spiritual manifestations? How can these truths help you “not be deceived”? (verse 8).
DOWNLOAD Spiritual Gifts writing activity and game (HERE or below – see Teens)Ponder what your spiritual gifts are—and how you can use them “for the benefit of the children of God” (verse 26). If you have a patriarchal blessing, it likely identifies gifts you have been given.
DOWNLOAD Patriarchal Blessing Prep Checklist and Messages Memo (HERE or below)See also Gospel Topics, “Spiritual Gifts,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Doctrine and Covenants 46:7–33
Heavenly Father gives spiritual gifts for the benefit of His children.
The early Saints firmly believed in manifestations of the Holy Ghost. How can you help your class members build their faith that these gifts can be manifest in our lives today? You could begin by inviting class members to read Doctrine and Covenants 46:7–33 in pairs or small groups. Ask them to look for at least five spiritual gifts and to discuss ways they have seen those gifts manifested in their life or the life of someone they know—including people in the class. What did they find that they could share with the class to build their faith in these gifts?
The Lord declared that gifts of the Spirit benefit those who are faithful and are “not for a sign” (verse 9). Perhaps class members could discuss how spiritual gifts benefit the faithful. How can these gifts help those who want to gain or strengthen their testimony of the gospel?
DOWNLOAD Don’t Bottle-up Your Testimony – Share It! spin-the-bottle (HERE or below) -
Some people love God and try to keep His commandments but don’t feel they have experienced any gifts of the Spirit. How could the counsel in Doctrine and Covenants 46:7–33 help?
Doctrine and Covenants 47:1, 3
I can record my history.
The Lord called John Whitmer to keep a history of the Church. Today we are richly blessed because of Church histories that have been kept over the years.
Read together Doctrine and Covenants 47:1, 3, and ask the children to discover what the Lord wanted John Whitmer to do. What does the word “continually” mean in verse 3? How are we blessed by knowing about the history of the Church?
If the children you teach keep a journal, ask them to talk about the kinds of things they write about in their journal. The children might enjoy hearing a story from your childhood journal or the journal of an ancestor.
DOWNLOAD Meet My Ancestory Spotlight share a family story (HERE or below) -
Show the children examples of ways they could keep a regular history of their lives. For example, they can write in a book, collect pictures in a scrapbook, type on a computer, or make audio or video recordings. Help the children make a list of things that would be good to include in their personal histories, such as their testimony of Jesus Christ. Invite the children to make a sign or poster to take home with some of these ideas to remind them to record their personal histories.
DOWNLOAD Families Forever Pedigree and Story Sketch goal (HERE or below)The Lord wants His Church to keep a history.
John Whitmer’s calling to keep a history of the Church continued a long tradition of record keepers among God’s people (see 2 Nephi 29:11–12; Moses 6:5; Abraham 1:28, 31). In fact, the position of Church Historian and Recorder still exists today. Why do you think keeping a history is so important to the Lord? Ponder this as you read His instructions to John Whitmer about this assignment in section 47. Also, consider what personal experiences you need to record. For example, what has the Lord taught you that you want to be preserved?
As you ponder these questions, consider this insight from Elder Marlin K. Jensen of the Seventy, who served as Church Historian and Recorder from 2005 to 2012:
“We keep records to help us remember. … We desire to help Church members remember the great things God has done for His children. … Lessons from the past help us cope with our present and give us hope for our future” (“There Shall Be a Record Kept among You,” Ensign, Dec. 2007, 28, 33).
To learn more about the work currently being done under the direction of the Church Historian, visit history.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
DOWNLOAD Turning the Hearts of the Children to the Fathers finding temple workers concentration (HERE or below)
I can help others by sharing what I have been given.
The Lord encouraged the Saints in Ohio to help other Saints by sharing their land and their money. How can you use these verses to help the children find ways to share with others what God has given them?
Show the children a map of New York and Ohio (see the outline for April 12–18 in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Explain that the Lord commanded the Saints in New York and other areas to gather to Ohio, but many of them didn’t have enough money to build a house when they arrived. Help the children find in Doctrine and Covenants 48:1–4 what the Lord asked the Saints in Ohio to do to help. Ask the children what they would want to do to help if they were living in Ohio at this time. What have we been given today that we could use to help others? For an example, see “The Coat” SEE VIDEO BELOW (video, ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
• Read Doctrine and Covenants 48:4 together, and invite the children to look for something the Lord asked the Saints to do to help His work. Explain that saving money would allow them to buy land and build a temple someday. What can we save money for so we can help do the work of the Lord? Show the video “First Things First” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) VIDEO BELOW, and discuss how the children in the video fulfilled the Lord’s command to save money.
The Coat: A Story of Charity
MATTHEW 25:40 “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
First Things First!
I can help others feel welcome at church.
All of us, including children, want to feel welcome and accepted. How can you use these verses to help the children make others feel welcome at church?
Read Doctrine and Covenants 46:5 aloud, and tell the children in your own words what this verse means. Show pictures of people from around the world. Ask the children which of these people Heavenly Father would want us to invite to our Church meetings. Help the children practice inviting you or each other to come to a Church meeting or activity.
• DOWNLOAD Friend or Foe slap/flip game (HERE or below)
Ask the children to imagine that a friend is coming to church for the first time. Help them think of ways they could help their friend feel welcome. Let them practice what they would say or do if they saw a friend walk into the chapel or the classroom for the first time.
DOWNLOAD Light of the Gospel candle gift box (HERE or below – see Teens)
All earnest seekers are welcome to worship in the Lord’s Church.
Meetings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be among the most welcoming and inspiring gatherings in the world. How does the Lord counsel us in Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6 to receive those who attend our meetings? Do your friends and people in your neighborhood feel welcome at your ward’s worship services? What are you doing to make your Church meetings places that people want to return to? Ponder how your efforts to follow the Holy Ghost in Church meetings can affect your experience.
See also 3 Nephi 18:22–23; Moroni 6:5–9; “Welcome,” video, ComeUntoChrist.org; “Religious Enthusiasm among Early Ohio Converts,” Revelations in Context, 105–11.
We should welcome all to Jesus Christ’s Church.
For many, how and what they feel in Church meetings can significantly influence their activity in the Church. The Lord’s instructions in Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–7 can help your ward members create more welcoming, meaningful worship experiences for each other and for visitors. Class members could search these verses, looking for principles related to Church meetings and list on the board what they find. For each item in the list, the class could discuss what that principle looks like in practice.
How can the Lord’s instructions in Doctrine and Covenants 46 help class members see Church meetings as an opportunity to feel the Holy Ghost? You could invite class members to search Doctrine and Covenants 46:2 and discuss when they have seen leaders and teachers conduct meetings by the Holy Ghost. What is the role of those attending the meetings? Consider inviting class members to share times when they felt a meeting was directed and guided by the Holy Ghost.
Perhaps you could invite a few class members to share their experiences when they first attended a meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What helped them feel welcome? What advice would they give to other members to help make our Church meetings more welcoming? How can we apply the Lord’s counsel found in Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–7? Let class members practice what they would say if they saw a stranger walk into the chapel for the first time.
A hymn like “’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love” (Hymns, no. 176 or 177) could also help class members think about and discuss how to make our Church meetings more welcoming and uplifting. Maybe class members could sing the hymn together and share ideas from the lyrics about how to help others feel God’s love at church.
DOWNLOAD “The Things I Do” song visuals (HERE or below) to sing verse “I’ll take my friends to church with me” and more