YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. LEARN ABOUT THE HOLY GHOST. Youth can learn from these scriptures and record their impressions: God will give us a “new heart” and a “new spirit” as we keep His commandments. He will show us things to come. He will give us love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance as we live and walk in the Spirit. We can receive this gift (confirmation) at baptism. If we trust, the Spirit can enlighten our minds and bring us joy.
Great for Sunday School – Seminary – family night – Youth Goal activity
Challenge youth to
Learn about the Holy Ghost
With this planner, they can search and ponder the scriptures and discuss with youth groups, friends, or family what they have learned and challenge them to do the following (found on the planner).
• Ezekiel 36:26-27 Chapter 36 Summary: “In the last days, all the house of Israel will be gathered to their own lands—The Lord will give them a new heart and a new spirit—They will have His gospel law.”
– verse 26 “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.”
– verse 27 “Cause you to walk in my statutes.”

• John 14:26 (Comforter teach you); John 16:13 (Spirit of truth will guide you and “shew* you things to come”)
DOWNLOAD John 14:26 scripture poster (HERE or below)
• Galatians 5:22-25 (Fruit of the Spirit: love; joy; peace; longsuffering; gentleness; goodness; faith; meekness; temperance; live & walk in the Spirit)
DOWNLOAD Fruits of the Spirit decision-maker (HERE or below)
• 2 Nephi 32:5 (through baptism receive the Holy Ghost to “show you all things what ye should do”)
Also, DOWNLOAD 3 Nephi 30:2 (HERE or below)
• Moroni 10:4-5 (ask God for truth with a sincere heart, with faith, the Holy Ghost will manifest the truth)
DOWNLOAD this Moroni 10:4-5 scripture poster (HERE or below)
• Doctrine & Covenants 11:12-14 (trust in that Spirit to enlighten your mind and bring joy)
*Definitions of shew. verb. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment.
This perfect motivator is for YOUTH to “Learn about the Holy Ghost.” Simply follow the questions and directions to complete the SPIRITUAL goal. This form makes goals easier to complete.
Download includes goal tracker in Color or Black & White. It is fun for the YOUTH to color in the Black & White version as they complete their goal. Or, reward them with the color version once the goal is completed to re-enter their notes to place in a MEMORY SCRAPBOOK.
Create another goal. The goal border can also be cut out and pasted on a blank page to create their own goal, e.g. with the FLASHLIGHTS border they could have a goal to: “Be a light to others through service.” Copyright: This planner is not to be reproduced for sale/profit.
Youth can fill in journal portions #1 and 2
#1 How the Holy Ghost Can Help Me Make Good Decisions in My Daily Life:
#2 I Have Made an Effort to Pray and Live Worthy of the Companionship of the Holy Ghost. My Thoughts and Feelings:
Ideas for Discussion:
To Receive Revelation:
• Doctrine & Covenants 6:22-23 (pray for truth and find peace and a special witness);
• D&C 8:2-3 (in your mind and heart receive the spirit of revelation; the same that directed Moses “through the Red Sea on dry ground”);
• D&C 9:7-9 (study it out in your mind; ask if it be right; if it is right – bosom will burn)
Light of the Holy Ghost mobile
This activity helps youth learn how the Holy Ghost is their light. With the different sides of the mobile, they will learn (1) Different ways that the Holy Ghost can bless their lives and (2) What they can do to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Look up scriptures for clues to the missing words.
STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS (Compare to the Spirit – the Holy Ghost):
1. Create a room full of clutter with a bouquet of flowers in the center of the table. Have dirty dishes on the table. Scatter magazines, papers, and clothes all over the floor. Have a dust cloth, vacuum, a pan of dish soap, and a dishcloth to wash dishes available. Ask youth to enter the room, sit down, and write down their feelings.
2. Ask youth to go out, but have a few stay after, and help clean up the room. Leave the bouquet of flowers in the center of the table.
3. Ask youth to come back into the room and write down their impressions. Say, “The bouquet of flowers you see can be compared to the Holy Ghost in our lives. The first time you saw this room, you saw a room full of clutter. You may not have noticed the flowers. But when the room was free of clutter, you might have seen the flowers first. This is how it is with the Holy Ghost. When our minds are free of clutter, we are free to listen to and enjoy Heavenly Father’s spirit.”
4. Make a list of things that clutter their lives that might prevent us from listening to the Spirit (for example, not doing homework, not going to church, not reading the scriptures, not helping around the house, not going to seminary, etc.)
5. Blindfold one of the youth, saying, “Sometimes we blindfold ourselves with things that don’t matter and neglect the things that do matter.” Ask youth what our decisions would be without the influence of the Holy Ghost.
• DOWNLOAD the My Writing Creation Activity (HERE for youth to write their stories) and the following example.
• I Felt the Spirit – From an interview with Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General Board President; by Linda Davies – DON’T MISS THIS TESTIMONY
PERSONAL REVELATION TESTIMONY TIME: Have youth take a few moments to look within themselves, then bear their testimonies. Discuss how personal revelation comes when we live the commandments and seek the Spirit through prayer, and fasting.
For Young Women (can do same for men with men in the scriptures)
Spotlight women in the scriptures who have received revelation. Talk about these experiences and how we too can rely on the Spirit to guide us. Examples of Women in the Scriptures:
• Abish—Lamanite woman, servant of Lamoni (see Alma 19:16-17, 28-29). Already a convert, she is there when the king, queen, and others in the household fall to the earth; she calls people to the king’s house; then awakens the queen when the people become fearful.
• Anna—prophesied of Jesus’ mission, served God in the temple, fasted and prayed day and night (see Luke 2:36-38).
• Queen Esther—had great faith, asking the Jews to fast for her (see Esther 4-5).
LIGHT OF CHRIST BY CANDLELIGHT: Have youth each bring their favorite dish or treat and their favorite thought about Jesus. Then eat then by candlelight. Have several large candles in the center while youth sit around and pass the treats. Talk about lighting your way by following the light of Jesus Christ. Talk about how everyone is born with that light, and how by obtaining the gift of the Holy Ghost we have that added light, a constant companionship to guide us.
REVELATION REVEAL: Have youth bring their favorite quote from a general conference (found in the Ensign) or other Church magazines Reveal why this was so inspirational taking 1-2 minutes to read and discuss each. Then collect these to place in a notebook entitled Revelation Reveal and the year. Then each year youth can have the same meeting only bring a different inspirational quote. This way they can add to the collection and add an additional year to the folder. With these, they will always have something from their peers and they found inspiration. These will be needed in the Latter-days when trials come.
“What are the roles of the Holy Ghost?”
The Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, bears witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is the source of personal testimony and revelation. He can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger. He is known as the Comforter, and He can calm our fears and fill us with hope. Through His power, we are sanctified as we repent, receive saving ordinances, and keep our covenants. It is through the influence of the Holy Ghost that we receive knowledge of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and feel Their power, goodness, and love.
• What experiences have taught you about the roles of the Holy Ghost?
SEE What are the roles of the Holy Ghost? (HERE)
• How can the Holy Ghost help the youth in all aspects of their lives?
SEE How Can the Holy Ghost Bless Me Every Day? (HERE)
• How can you help them recognize His influence?
After we are baptized, we receive the ordinance of confirmation. As part of this ordinance, we are told to “receive the Holy Ghost.” This means the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion if we desire and invite His presence in our lives and faithfully keep the commandments.
– Prepare Yourself Spiritually
1) How has the gift of the Holy Ghost comforted or helped you personally? When have you felt close to the Spirit? What experiences can you share with the young women?
2) Do you know of any experiences the youth have had with the gift of the Holy Ghost? Do they understand what they must do to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost?
MORE LESSON IDEAS “How Do I Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost?” from