COME, FOLLOW ME Activities to Make Learning Fun!

Old Testament LESSON 47

Here are Instant COME FOLLOW ME Activities for NOVEMBER (week #2) Theme: “Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall LiveAmos; Obadiah

You’ll find our popular SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading. 

Then scroll down to find COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities and song visuals for this week’s lesson theme. There are tons of fun lesson plans that even KIDS CAN TEACH.

It all starts here. Don’t miss the BUNDLES to save $ (HERE)

"Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live" Come Follow Me Lesson Activities

Lesson 47 Scripture Scholars

"Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live" Come Follow Me SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS

Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:

"Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live" Come Follow Me SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS
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 BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.

EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE: 
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
 STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year.

Lessons 45-48 Scripture Scholars

November BUNDLE Old Testament Scripture Scholars

November BUNDLE Old Testament Scripture Scholars
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September’s BUNDLE of BOOKMARKSPOP-UPs, and STAMPS. Glue STAMPS onto the STAMP KEEPER (to download separately, below).

Stamps for weeks 1-4 Scripture Scholars Lessons 45-48 – Included in the BUNDLE

November STAMPS Old Testament Scripture Scholars

STAMP KEEPER (1-52 stamps) $3.00
This is included in the January BUNDLE (or, download it below)

Scripture Scholar Stamp Keeper

. . . 3 LESSONS & 30 ACTIVITIES . . .

TO SELECT, click the “Buy Now” button
TO PAY, click the shopping bag $2.50 minimum
YOUR ORDER comes in a download link



Amos 3:77:14–15

Prophets are messengers of Jesus Christ.

One of the most important things children can know about prophets is that they are messengers of Jesus Christ. The ideas below can help you teach them this significant truth.

  • Whisper to one of the children a message for the rest of the class (such as asking the children to stand on one foot or turn around in a circle), and ask him or her to share the message with the other children. Repeat this activity, allowing a few other children to be the messenger. Help them understand how the messenger in this activity is like a prophet, who shares God’s message with us. Share a few examples of recent messages from the living prophet that have helped you grow closer to Jesus Christ.

  • Invite a child to stand at the front of the room and pretend to be the prophet Amos. As you share some facts about Amos from Amos 7:14–15, give the child pictures or props to hold that go with each fact, such as pictures of a sheep, a fruit, and the Lord. Explain that Amos was a shepherd whom the Lord called to be His messenger. Then show pictures of the Lord and the living prophet, and explain that the Lord continues to call messengers today. Read Amos 3:7 aloud, and ask the children to point to the appropriate picture when they hear the words “Lord” and “prophets.” Share your testimony that just as in the days of Amos, Jesus Christ speaks to us through His prophets.

  • Share a story from a recent Church magazine about the living prophet or about experiences Church members have had when they have followed the prophet’s counsel. (See also “Meet Today’s Prophets and Apostles” at

  • Sing or play a recording of a song about prophets, such as Follow the Prophet (Children’s Songbook, 110–11), as the children work on this week’s activity page. Point out to the children phrases in the song that teaches how prophets lead the way to Jesus Christ.
    DOWNLOAD Follow the Prophet song visuals (HERE or below)

  • Write several questions about prophets on strips of paper, such as the following: Why do we have prophets? What do prophets do? Why do you follow the prophet? What do prophets teach about?

Prophets are messengers of Jesus Christ.

POST-AND-PRESENT. OUR PROPHET SPEAKS match or choice cube. Play the MATCH game by matching “call-out” messages from our prophet. To deepen the discussion, add the CHOICE CUBE option to the activity. First, choose a “call-out” message and then roll the cube and then answer that question with that choice. For example, if they choose “Pray often” and roll “WHY is this important” on the cube they might say, “Because this way I can stay close to Heavenly Father and receive inspiration and guidance.” READ MORE

Our Prophet Speaks (Choice Cube Ponder & Match Game)

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FOLLOW THE LATTER-DAY PROPHETS puzzle match. Youth can learn that Heavenly Father has prophets in these latter-days to help Jesus Christ’s Church grow strong and be preached to all nations. This activity tells what different prophets have said to guide us, e.g, George Albert Smith taught the members to “be a friend to the friendless.”  READ MORE

Follow the Latter-Day Prophets – Puzzle Match

AGES 1-5. HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS APPEARED TO JOSEPH SMITH: First Vision poster or coloring page. Children love telling this story of Jesus and Heavenly Father appearing to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove. He came to ask which church to join and Jesus said none of them. Joseph was to restore The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the earth again. READ MORE

First Vision - Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus poster or coloring page

Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus.

AGES 4-7 PORTRAIT OF A PROPHET Ancient & Modern posters. Prophets of olden times and modern times can be portrayed here as children move clothing hair and headwear to illustrate prophets. Talk about how prophets were sent by God to teach us of Jesus Christ and His apostles who guide and protect us. Prophets might be Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Jonah, Danel, Lehi, Nephi, King Benjamin (shown below), Joseph Smith, or our living prophet today.  READ MORE

Portrait of a Prophet POSTER - make a prophet

Portrait of a Prophet ancient & modern posters
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AGES 8-11 REVELATION ROUTES puzzle poster. Youth can know who receives revelation: THEY can receive revelation for their own lives. PARENTS can receive revelation for their children. TEACHERS and leaders receive revelation on how to teach and lead. BISHOPS receive revelation for the whole ward. The living PROPHET receives revelation for the entire Church (D&C 28).  READ MORE

Revelation Routes puzzle poster

TEENS PROPHET PONDER journal. Youth will be inspired to write the prophet’s message and to ponder and pray about his words with this page. They can first hear these messages in the April and October general conferences (reading a month later in the Church magazines). The prophet’s words are God’s words to us, a treasure to be treasured.  READ MORE

Prophet Ponder Journal

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY.  THE PROPHET IS OUR COACH Heavenly Home-Run Baseball. Youth can learn to win from this (game of life) that Heavenly Father has sent us the prophet as our coach. They may learn from playing this game that in life they may have a base hit, a foul ball, or strike out. The important thing is that they eventually have a HOME RUN to return to live with Heavenly Father again.  READ MORE

ACTIVITY: The Prophet Is Our Coach (Heavenly Home-Run Baseball)


POST-AND-PRESENT. DO AS I’M DOING – Serve Like a Prophet Guessing Game. Here youth can follow the examples of prophets regarding service. These prophets show us how and how important it is to serve the Lord. SPOTLIGHT IS ON: Moses, King Benjamin, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, and Russell M. Nelson. Simply match up the arrow word strips with the prophet.  READ MORE

Do As I'm Doing - Serve like the Prophets Guessing Game

SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. GOD REVEALS SECRETS TO PROPHETS Amos 3:7 scripture poster/card set. Children and youth can know that Jesus Christ speaks to us through His prophets. Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”  READ MORE

Amos 3:7 Prophets God reveals secrets to the prophets

SINGING TIME. “FOLLOW THE PROPHET” song visuals.  Our Prophet Russell M. Nelson is featured in the chorus of these 80+ song visuals. Children will love singing about the Prophets: Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Jonah, and Daniel to know that by following the prophet we are guided, God sends them to tell His people His warnings and promises. Write the words on the cue cards and mount them on the back of the visuals.  READ MORE

MUSIC TIME Song Visuals for "Follow the Prophet"


Amos 5:14

If I seek good, the Lord will be with me.

Amos invited the Israelites to “seek good, and not evil” and promised that if they did, “the Lord … shall be with you.” How will you help the children respond to this invitation and receive this promise?

  • Display several pictures of children doing good things, such as helping others or taking the sacrament. Let each child take a turn describing one of the pictures while the other children guess which picture he or she is describing. Read Amos 5:14, and help the children think of ways they will “seek good” every day.

  • Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves doing something good. Read Amos 5:14, and emphasize the Lord’s promise that He will be with us when we seek good. Invite the children to add to their drawings a picture of Jesus standing with them.

If I seek good, the Lord will be with me.

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. INVITE THE HOLY GHOST invitation brainstorm. Youth choose an invitation, e.g, “You’re Invited! because I read the scriptures.” Then tell why this ACTION (obeying that commandment) would invite the Spirit. Invitations are posted, then placed in an envelope. This commitment-filled envelope can actually serve as a time capsule to review again at a later date.  READ MORE

You're Invited because . . . Invitations to invite the Holy Ghost

POST-AND-PRESENT. FOLLOW JESUS – POINTS-TO-PONDER Spin-and-tell. From spinning the hands, youth can focus on certain standards to get them ready to meet Jesus again. SPIN TOPICS:  Honor Parents, Read the Scriptures, Pay Tithing, Pray Daily, Respect My Body, Be Honest, and Attend Primary.  READ MORE

Follow Jesus Gospel Standards point-to-ponder - spin-and-tell

AGES 1-5 FISHES & WISHES (little lessons on obedience). Help children want to obey Heavenly Father and Jesus and honor their parents. FISH: Fold your arms. Say, “I love my Heavenly Father.” Walk quietly around the room. Smile at the other children. Pick up a toy and put it away. Help the class sing “I Am a Child of God.” Say, “Jesus loves the little children.”  READ MORE

I Can Be Obedient (Fishes and Wishes to Obey)ty for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study

Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity I Can Be Obedient (Fishes and Wishes to Obey)
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AGES 4-7 MY LIFE IS FULL OF FLAVOR When I’m a Good Example ice cream sundae. Children scoop up character traits as they play this matching game or create a poster. The cherry on top is for trying all the character traits: Show kindness, Forgive, Be a peacemaker, Be loving, Help others, and Be obedient.  READ MORE

My life is full of flavor when I’m a good example. ICE CREAM SUNDAE

Little LESSON LIFESAVERS MY LIFE IS FULL OF FLAVOR When I'm a Good Example ice cream sundae
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AGES 8-11 INVITES THE SPIRIT – TURNS THE SPIRIT AWAY game. Youth will increase their desire to have the right spirit influencing them as they draw from wordstrips to find actions and vote: which actions INVITE THE SPIRIT and which actions TURN THE SPIRIT AWAY. One brings happiness and the other sadness. READ MORE

Invites the Spirit - Turns the Spirit Away GAME

TEENS WARM FUZZY RIGHTEOUS REMINDERS poster and bookmark. Youth can be reminded of five ways they can live the gospel daily to feel our Savior’s love. They can place a smiling face over the circle for which they try to live the gospel in that way: Love, Service, Obedience, Prayer, Study, and Work.  READ MORE


ALL AGES ARTICLES OF FAITH 1:13 virtues to seek after – poster/card set. Youth can identify “praiseworthy” goals they can seek: “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men.” These character traits and more will help them endure life’s challenges.  READ MORE

Articles of Faith 1:13 – VIRTUES: I Seek After Praiseworthy Things

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (D&C 46) match game. Youth can learn why it is important to recognize and seek the true gifts of the Spirit and not be deceived. Gifts of wisdom, knowledge, healing, prophecy, testimony, tongues.  READ MORE

Gifts of the Spirit D&C 46 (Match Puzzle)

SINGING TIME. “CHOOSE THE RIGHT” song visuals. Youth will know that “In the right the Holy Spirit guides.” They can know that the Spirit’s “light is forever shining o’er you” when the right choices are made. God wants us to “Be safe thru inspiration’s power.” We have safety with His direction and have “safety for the soul” as we “Let God and heaven be our goal.”  READ MORE

Choose the Right song visuals

SINGING TIME. “LISTEN, LISTEN” song visuals. Youth can quickly get the idea that if they make good choices they will have a special spirit to guide them. “Listen to the still small voice! … when you have to make a choice. He will guide you always.” The Holy Ghost is shown as a real personage of the Godhead along with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (only without a body of flesh and bones) as He dwells in our minds and hearts.  READ MORE

Listen, Listen song visuals, Children's songbook p. 107


Amos 8:11–12

The Restoration of the gospel ended the famine of apostasy.

Understanding what Amos taught about apostasy can help the children feel grateful for the Restoration of the gospel.

The Restoration of the gospel ended the famine of apostasy.

POST-AND-PRESENT. RESTORED TRUTHS: Lost-and-Found Gospel Treasures. Help youth learn about the gospel treasures brought to the earth by Jesus. They will learn how the gospel treasures were lost when Jesus died and how they were found again when Joseph Smith restored the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. Match the jewels to see the lost-and-found treasures. READ MORE

Lost-and-Found Gospel Treasures post-and-present activity

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BECAUSE OF THE RESTORATION Quiz match game. Help youth learn the parts of the gospel that were taken from the earth and restored in the Latter-days. The quiz cards are in two parts to match, e.g., (part 1) “Because of the Restoration the Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery …(part 2) … The power and authority to be baptized are once again on the earth.”  READ MORE

POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Because of the Restoration – Quiz / Match Game

AGES 1-5 I BELONG TO THE CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poster or coloring page. Children want to belong to the Church that has the fullness of the gospel. The HOME ACTIVITY instructs parents:  “Let’s talk about what it means to be a member of the Church. Help me understand that we have the priesthood, a living prophet, and the scriptures that teach us truth.”  READ MORE

I Belong to the Church poster or coloring page

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AGES 4-7 THE FIRST VISION movable scene. While Joseph Smith was kneeling in the Sacred Grove, praying to know which church he should join, he saw the Father and the Son appear. He was told to join none of the churches. Joseph Smith was about to become God’s prophet to restore Jesus Christ’s Church in the latter days. Jesus Christ’s Church with all of the original parts of the gospel, e.g. the priesthood, were to be restored. Children can pull the two-personages up and down.  READ MORE

First Vision movable scene #FirstVision

AGES 8-11 MORONI’S MESSAGE: The Gospel Is Restored – Angel Moroni’s Match Game. Children can learn how the full gospel of Jesus Christ was restored again to the earth after Jesus and His apostles died. The Angel Moroni brought them to Joseph Smith, written on gold plates. They were to be translated into The Book of Mormon. This is where we can read about these gospel treasures that were restored. READ MORE

Moroni's Message: The fulness of the gospel is restored! Angel Moroni's Match Game

TEEN TEACHING TOOL. APOSTASY MIRROR teaching tool. Youth can use this as a teaching tool, to enclose in their scriptures to share. The mirror is the Church of Jesus Christ, with Christ at the top (the nail). The apostles (the pieces of tape) held up the mirror until they all died then the mirror fell and broke, so there became a need for a restoration. READ MORE

Apostasy Mirror (Restoration) teaching tool; story card

ALL AGES FIRST VISION Memory Match Game or Tell-the-Story cards. Youth can start by reading James 1:5 which motivated Joseph Smith to pray in the Sacred Grove to ask God which church was true. The Father and the Son appeared to him to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ again upon the earth.  READ MORE

FIRST VISION Memory Match Game or Tell-the-Story Cards

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FIRST VISION Joseph Smith’s Answered Prayer. Youth can tell the story with this large version (or the smaller version*. They can know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are near when we pray and have answers to our prayers just as Joseph Smith did after reading James 1:5 to “ask God.” This activity scene helps you tell his story in Joseph Smith–History 1:1-20. Plus, there is a bonus scripture poster included in this kit.  READ MORE

*DOWNLOAD the smaller version of the above activity (HERE)

First Vision – Joseph Smith’s Answered Prayer

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. TRUE CHURCH RESTORED Then-and-Now Match Game. Matching up these THEN-and-NOW images of Jesus Christ’s Church, we learn that it is the same NOW after putting back the parts that were lost after His death and the death of His apostles. Bits and pieces were scattered but needed to be restored (see the Apostasy Mirror HERE). Youth can strengthen their testimony knowing that the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is now complete. These matching cards show how.  READ MORE – Also, see the Then-and-Now sticker poster (HERE).

The True Church Was Restored to the Earth THEN-and-NOW Match Game

THEN-and-NOW sticker poster
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view), or, click on the poster to download.

SONG VISUALS “THE PRIESTHOOD IS RESTORED”. Youth can know from this song that “The priesthood is restored, The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow’r is here again.” God’s priesthood was taken from the earth after Jesus and His apostles died. The priesthood’s power to baptize, give the Holy Ghost, temple ordinances, and more was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith by heavenly messengers. See Restoration of the Priesthood (HERE). READ MORE

The Priesthood Is Restored song visuals


Amos; Obadiah
NOVEMBER (week 3)
Lesson 47: November 14-20, 2022
“Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live”

Amos 3:7; 7:14–15 Prophets are messengers of Jesus Christ. Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me "Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live" Amos; Obadiah LESSON ACTIVITIES

Come Follow Me "Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live" Amos; Obadiah LESSON ACTIVITIES

#ComeFollowMe #OldTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals  #SeektheLordandYeShallLive #Amos #Obadiah #November #ProphetsAreMessengersofJesusChrist #IfISeekGood #TheLordWillBeWithMe #TheRestoration #FollowtheProphet #HolyGhost #ChoosetheRight

COME FOLLOW ME Old Testament – Amos; Obadiah NOVEMBER (week 3) Lesson 47 “Seek the Lord, and Ye Shall Live” (November 14-20, 2022) – Activities and Song Visuals for Primary and Home, family home evening (Individuals & Families), Sunday School, Seminary

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