“Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”
Interactive Activities For Children and Youth
Primary, Sunday School, Youth Doctrine, and Family
Book of Mormon LESSON 24
Teaching Come Follow Me lessons just got easier with our activities for JUNE (week #3)
Theme: “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”
Alma 5-7
• SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading with reward stamps and pop-ups to match the lesson theme.
• Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum for all ages.
Lesson 24 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss the topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to the scripture you underline.
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
Lessons 22-26 Scripture Scholars
Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:
. . . 4 LESSONS & 24 ACTIVITIES . . .
June 10–16: “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”
Alma 5–7
Alma did not know about today’s lifesaving heart transplant surgeries, which replace a damaged or diseased heart with a healthy one. But he knew about a more miraculous “change of heart” (Alma 5:26)—one in which the Savior gives us a newness of spiritual life, like being “born again” (see Alma 5:14, 49). Alma could see that this change of heart was exactly what many of the Nephites needed. Some were rich and others poor, some prideful and others humble, some persecutors and others afflicted by persecution (see Alma 4:6–15). But all of them needed to come unto Jesus Christ to be healed—just as we all do. Whether we are seeking to overcome pride or to endure afflictions, Alma’s message is the same: “Come and fear not” (Alma 7:15). Let the Savior change a hardened, sinful, or wounded heart into one that is humble, pure, and new.
Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church
In the Book of Mormon, Alma the younger is a high priest and chief judge in Zarahemla. He learns that many people in God’s Church have become prideful. They care more about money and possessions than about God. They turn their backs on the poor, sick, and afflicted. Alma steps down as the chief judge to preach faith in Jesus Christ and repentance to the people. Nephihah takes his place as the chief judge over Zarahemla.
Alma reminds the people how to gain salvation through repentance. He teaches them to keep the commandments and to be born again through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Many people believe Alma’s words and experience a mighty change of heart. They repent and humble themselves. Some people who do not belong to the Church also believe, have faith in Jesus Christ, and are baptized.
The people in God’s Church in Zarahemla become humbled and unified. Alma the younger then goes to Gideon to preach. Alma prophesies of Jesus Christ, who will come into the world to redeem His people. Alma tells the people to repent and be born again to gain salvation. Many people in Gideon believe and are baptized by Alma the younger. Based on Alma 4–7.
I must experience—and continue to feel—a mighty change of heart.
President M. Russell Ballard said: “I need to regularly take time to ask myself, ‘How am I doing?’ … As a guide for me during this private, personal review, I like to read and ponder the introspective words found in the fifth chapter of Alma” (“Return and Receive,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 64).
Consider reading Alma 5:14–33 as if you were interviewing yourself and examining your heart. You may want to record your responses to the questions. What do you learn about yourself? What do you feel inspired to do as a result of your interview?
See also Dale G. Renlund, “Preserving the Heart’s Mighty Change,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 97–99.
A Book of Mormon prophet, Alma the younger, preaches in Zarahemla. He reminds the people that they can gain salvation through repentance. He teaches them to keep the commandments and to be born again through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Many people believe Alma the younger’s words and experience a mighty change of heart. They repent and humble themselves. Some people who do not belong to the Church also believe, have faith in Jesus Christ, and are baptized. The people in God’s Church in Zarahemla become humbled and unified. Based on Mosiah 29:43; Alma 5:3–8, 13–14, 16, 26–29, 33, 38, 43–46, 48, 60, 62; Alma 6:6.
I must experience—and continue to feel—a mighty change of heart.
I can gain my own witness of the Savior and His teachings through the Holy Ghost.
In Alma 5, when Alma explained how he gained his testimony of the Savior, he did not mention his experience seeing an angel (see Mosiah 27:10–17). How did Alma come to know the truth for himself? Perhaps you could use what you find in Alma 5:44–51 to write a “recipe” for obtaining a testimony of Jesus Christ and His teachings. What “ingredients” (truths of the gospel) and “instructions” (things we can do to seek for truth) did Alma include? What “ingredients” and “instructions” could you add to your recipe from your own experiences or other experiences in the scriptures?
I can gain my own testimony through the Holy Ghost.
To help your children learn to grow their own testimony, you could show them the picture below and ask them how we help baby animals grow. You could then relate this to taking care of our testimonies. What care do our testimonies need? How can we tell if they are growing?
How did Alma gain his strong testimony of Jesus Christ? You could read Alma 5:44–46 with your children to find answers to this question. Perhaps your children could write down a plan to do one thing this week to strengthen their testimony.
I can gain my own witness of the Savior and His teachings through the Holy Ghost.
I can gain my own testimony through the Holy Ghost.
“I perceive that ye are in the paths of righteousness.”
Sometimes we’re like the people in Zarahemla, who needed to be called to repentance (see Alma 5:32). Other times we’re more like the people of Gideon, who were trying to walk “in the paths of righteousness” (Alma 7:19). What do you find in Alma’s message in Gideon (in Alma 7) that’s similar to what he said in Zarahemla (in Alma 5)? What differences do you notice? Look for things Alma taught that can help you stay “in the path which leads to the kingdom of God” (Alma 7:19).
Following Jesus Christ keeps me on the straight path back to Heavenly Father.
Let your children look in a mirror as you read Alma 5:14 (see also this week’s activity page). What does it mean to have the Savior’s image in our countenance?
How can you use Alma’s description of the path back to Heavenly Father to help your children learn to make good choices? You could read Alma 7:19–20 to them and let them act out walking in “crooked paths” and walking in a straight path. Help them think of choices that help us stay on the path and other choices that take us off the path. You could also look at pictures of Jesus together and talk about things He did to show us the path back to Heavenly Father. A song like “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79) could provide some ideas.
DOWNLOAD I’m Trying to Be like Jesus song visuals (HERE or below)
“I perceive that ye are in the paths of righteousness.”
Following Jesus Christ keeps me on the straight path back to Heavenly Father.
. . . JESUS IS MY SAVIOR . . .
The Savior took upon Himself my sins, pains, and afflictions.
Have you ever felt that no one understands your struggles or challenges? If so, the truths Alma taught can help. As you read, reflect on what these verses teach about the purposes of the Savior’s sacrifice. You might make a chart with the headings What the Savior suffered and Why He suffered and list what you find in Alma 7:7–16 (see also Isaiah 53:3–5). Can you think of specific times He suffered some of these things? Here are some examples from the scriptures: Matthew 4:1–13; 26:55–56; 27:39–44; Mark 14:43–46; Luke 9:58. Can you add anything to your list from these verses?
It is one thing to believe that the Savior suffered for you. But how does His suffering make a difference in your everyday life? Here are some scriptures that show how Jesus Christ can help or “succor” you: Enos 1:5–6; Mosiah 16:7–8; 21:15; 24:14–15; 3 Nephi 17:6–7; Ether 12:27–29; Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–10. What did you learn from these verses? What are some other ways He comes to your aid? When have you experienced His help?
A hymn like “I Need Thee Every Hour” or “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, nos. 98, 136) could deepen your appreciation for the Savior’s succor. What phrases in these hymns express your feelings toward Him?
See also Gospel Topics, “Atonement of Jesus Christ,” Gospel Library; “His Grace” (video collection), Gospel Library.
The Savior took upon Himself my sins, pains, and afflictions.
How can you help your children understand Alma 7:10–13 so they can know that Jesus Christ cares about them and can help them? Perhaps you could ask them to share an experience when they were sick or in pain or had another problem that made them sad. How did others help them feel better? Bear your testimony that the Savior has suffered those things too, and talk about a time when He comforted and helped you.
As you and your children read Alma 7:11–13, look for the things Jesus Christ suffered for us. Invite your children to use words and phrases they found to complete this sentence: “Jesus suffered so He can help me.” How does it help us to know that Jesus understands our struggles? How do we receive His help? Share your testimony of Jesus Christ.
The Savior took upon Himself my sins, pains, and afflictions.
JUNE 2024 Music Song Visuals for Singing Time
“TESTIMONY,”Hymns, no. 137 DOWNLOAD song visuals – COMING SOON
“We’ll Bring the World His Truth,”Children’s Songbook, 172 DOWNLOAD song visuals (HERE)
“Follow the Prophet,”Children’s Songbook, 110-11 DOWNLOAD song visuals (HERE)
Alma 5-7
JUNE (week 2)
Lesson 24: June 10-16, 2024
“Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”
#ComeFollowMe #BookOfMormon #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #YouthClasses #YoungMen #YoungWomen #FamilyScriptureStudy #ChurchOfJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #MightyChangeInYourHearts