YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST adversity light switch buddy. Youth's faith in Jesus turns on as they review this 1 Nephi reminder that He will "be your light" as you keep His commandments. FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH Come
SINGING TIME. "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON" song visuals. Youth can learn that Jesus was introduced to the world by His Father (our Heavenly Father). First, when He was baptized, "This Is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" The Nephites heard
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. "ASK GOD" Moroni 10:4-5 scripture poster. Moroni engraved this PROMISE on gold plates that he gave to Joseph Smith hundreds of years later, called The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Christ visited Moroni's people the Nephites.
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Moroni and Me: My Personal Golden Plates OBJECTIVE: Help youth create their own set of golden plates
INDEX: @ Activities to Make Learning Fun Click on the posters below to VIEW DETAILS or the Buy Now button to DOWNLOAD. ALL AGES AGES 1-5 AGES 4-7 AGES 8-11 TEENS AGES 1-5 AGES 1-5 AGES 1-5 AGES 1-5 AGES 1-5 AGES
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, Daily Scripture Devotionals ACTIVITY: 3-D Baby Jesus Ornament Children can proudly hang this ornament on their Christmas tree or in their room to remind them that
Start With the COME FOLLOW ME Lesson-Match Activities to Make Learning Fun Click on the curriculum year - topic to find activities for all ages for each COME FOLLOW ME lesson • COME, FOLLOW ME – Book of Mormon ⇓
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. BE PREPARED Second Coming GAME. Youth can make it to the Second Coming as they read wordstrips and fill their lamps to be prepared for when Jesus comes again. Reading the quote from the Prophet Spencer W.
INDEX: PRIESTHOOD of God • Priesthood Keys • Priesthood Ordinances • Priesthood Blessings Activities to Make Learning FunINDEX: ALSO, SEE: • ETERNAL FAMILIES • BAPTISM When Jesus Christ organized His Church He ordained His apostles with PRIESTHOOD power to baptize, heal
SCRIPTURE TO MEMORIZE. SECOND COMING warning 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6 scripture poster/card set. “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; BUT LET