Baptism – Baptism Covenants: LDS Lesson Activity: Follow in His Steps – Baptism and Covenants Walkabout, Come, Follow Me: What covenants did I make at baptism?

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Young Women
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS baptism and covenants walkabout. Take yourself on a walkabout to follow in the footsteps of Jesus to "Be Baptized and Confirmed" and "Keep Baptismal Covenants." There are many small steps along the way that

Sacrament – Renew Baptismal Covenants: LDS Lesson Activity: Sacrament Thinking Faces, Come, Follow Me: What does it mean to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ?

Sacrament – Renew Baptismal Covenants: LDS Lesson Activity: Sacrament Thinking Faces, Come, Follow Me: What does it mean to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ?
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. ALWAYS REMEMBER HIM Sacrament Thinking Faces & Sing-a-Song Circles. Youth can prepare to think the right thoughts during the sacrament by drawing and placing circles: #1 SMILE CIRCLE tells right action during sacrament; place it by the Always Remember

Baptismal Covenants: Alma Baptizes at the Waters of Mormon, Primary 4 Book of Mormon manual, lesson 12

Baptismal Covenants: Alma Baptizes at the Waters of Mormon, Primary 4 Book of Mormon manual, lesson 12
For Children and Youth, Come Follow Me lessons for Primary and home, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Book of Mormon study LESSON LIFESAVER Activity WATERS OF MORMON WORDSEARCH OBJECTIVE: To teach the children the meaning of their baptismal covenants

Baptismal Covenants: King Benjamin Teaches His People, Primary 4 manual, Book of Mormon, lesson 10 activity

Baptismal Covenants: King Benjamin Teaches His People, Primary 4 manual, Book of Mormon, lesson 10 activity
Use For CHURCH and HOME children and youth (Primary and Sunday School) LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Commitment Rhyme and Reason word find See Lesson Ideas below*. OBJECTIVE: This lesson helps strengthen the youth’s commitment to keep their baptismal covenants and follow Jesus

Baptism: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song visuals, “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” – Primary music leader, family home evening

When Jesus Christ was Baptized song
SONG VISUALS: “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” (Children's Songbook, 102) DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: . 17 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) pdf . Fun Ways to Use Song Visuals pdf USE SONG VISUALS FOR ANY LANGUAGE - Just add the words on the cue

Choose the Right / CTR: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “Choose the Right” – Primary music leader, family home evening

Choose the Right song visuals
SINGING TIME. "CHOOSE THE RIGHT" song visuals. Youth will know that "In the right the Holy Spirit guides." They can know that the Spirit's "light is forever shining o'er you" when the right choices are made. God wants us to "Be

GOSPEL PRINCIPLES: Faith, Repentance Baptism, Holy Ghost: Scripture Poster, Articles of Faith 1:4, LDS Lesson Activity for: Primary, youth, and family home evening

Article of Faith 1:4 scripture poster/card set - first principles ordinances of gospel
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION ACTIVITY. Articles of Faith 1:4 scripture poster/card set. Youth can share some of our beliefs by reciting: “We believe in the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second Repentance; third,