AGES 8-11 & TEENS. STRONG SPIRIT I can say "no" to temptation! poster. Youth can be reminded to: DECIDE to choose the right! PRAY to avoid temptation. LISTEN to the Holy Ghost. KNOW that Heavenly Father loves me and will
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN GROW LIKE JESUS Inch-by-inch growth chart and measure-up bookmark. Youth can contemplate their choices to see if they measure up to how Jesus "Increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" (Luke
POST-AND-PRESENT. FOLLOW JESUS - POINTS-TO-PONDER Spin-and-tell. From spinning the hands, youth can focus on certain standards to get them ready to meet Jesus again. SPIN TOPICS: Honor Parents, Read the Scriptures, Pay Tithing, Pray Daily, Respect My Body, Be Honest,
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CONSEQUENCES: Build a True Prince and Princess puzzle. Help children know that even though Heavenly Father has given us agency to choose for ourselves, He wants us to make the right choices each day. This way
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. REACH FOR THE STARS! Blessing Guessing Game & bookmark. Youth can learn that Heavenly Father's plan of happiness helps us Reach For the Stars! and obtain His blessings. Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home (family
YOUTH ACTIVITY. RIGHTEOUS RADIO slide-guide tool. Youth can TUNE-IN to the Lord's will each day as they: Pray; Study scriptures, Receive the Holy Ghost as they live commandments, and Receive priesthood blessings and a Patriarchal Blessing. Use for Come Follow
POST-AND-PRESENT. OUR PROPHET SPEAKS match or choice cube. Play the MATCH game by matching "call-out" messages from our prophet. To deepen the discussion, add the CHOICE CUBE option to the activity. First, choose a "call-out" message and then roll the
SINGING TIME. "I WANT TO LIVE THE GOSPEL" song visuals. Youth can increase their desire to keep the commandments, follow the plan of the Savior, and do what He wants them to do as they sing this song. Write the
YOUTH ACTIVITY. With this Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle game youth can learn that each choice has a consequence: Immediate, Future, or Eternal. USE FOR: Come Follow Me & CHURCH & HOME LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity Choosing a Consequence spin-the-bottle OBJECTIVE: Talk
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SCOOPING UP ICE CREAM BLESSINGS build-a-cone Youth really get the scoop on all the "sweet" blessings that come from obeying Heavenly Father's "sweet" commandments. For example, if you Teach the Gospel the SWEET blessing is "Feel great joy when