KIDS CAN TEACH and YOUTH CAN TEACH Our TIME-TESTED Post-and-Present games and activities (250 in the series) are ideal for CHURCH and HOME show-and-tell presentations. Most of them are games that make learning fun! HERE'S HOW TO FIND THEM: •
INDEX: CREATIONS & CREATIVITY • God's Creations • Created in God's Image • Your Creations Activities to Make Learning Fun ALSO, SEE: • PLAN OF SALVATION, CHILD OF GOD • JESUS CHRIST • TALENTS This CREATION(s) and CREATIVITY Index spotlights
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Moroni and Me: My Personal Golden Plates OBJECTIVE: Help youth create their own set of golden plates
YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. SERVICE & TALENT SHOW planner/poster. Youth will love this to explore their talents: The way they treat others and the things they do. Then draw themselves doing the service as a picture/journal. They might write next to
POST-AND-PRESENT. FOLLOW JESUS - POINTS-TO-PONDER Spin-and-tell. From spinning the hands, youth can focus on certain standards to get them ready to meet Jesus again. SPIN TOPICS: Honor Parents, Read the Scriptures, Pay Tithing, Pray Daily, Respect My Body, Be Honest,
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. ANGEL TELLS OF TWO BIRTHS: John and Jesus puppet show (story) and match game. Youth can present these to younger children to know that an angel appeared to tell Mary and Elizabeth they were having babies and Mary's
YOUTH GAME ACTIVITY. Conference BINGO Super Listener's Conference Fun. Using bean, corn, or coin markers, get ready to spot spontaneous conversations about the gospel with this General Conference topics BINGO game. Youth can later shout out things they have learned