AGES 1-5 CRAFT ACTIVITY. GUESS WHO HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS LOVE? ME! mirror and frame. Children can learn that God the Father and the Son love each of us perfectly before we came to earth and now and forever! They
Little LESSON LIFESAVERS PRAYER STEPS poster or coloring page HOW DO YOU PRAY TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER? YOUTH CAN TEACH children these steps to prayer: 1. Open your prayer by saying, “Heavenly Father.” 2. Thank Heavenly Father for your many
AGES 1-5 ACTIVITY. PLAN OF HAPPINESS poster or coloring page. Children can learn they lived with Heavenly Father as spirits before birth. Heavenly Father has a plan for them to come to earth to gain a body and learn to
AGES 1-5 HEAVENLY HOME & EARTHLY HOME with plastic spirit & paper dolls. With the heavenly home and earthly home pictures, children can move their plastic spirits and paper dolls by inserting them into their pockets. These represent pre-mortal life,
AGES 1-5. I THANK HEAVENLY FATHER many thanks mini-book. Children have plenty of things to talk to Heavenly Father about, expressing gratitude for with this flip-through reminder book. There's Family, food, home, pets, health, and friends. Great for Primary, Family
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. SUNDAY IS A SPECIAL DAY Sunday fun box. Children take turns rolling the box and playing these games: #1 Do As I'm Doing Game to roll to block and do the action and others follow. Others follow
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study Little LESSON LIFESAVERS I Am Thankful for Home (charm bracelet or necklace) Nursery Lesson 15: I Will Be Thankful Find Lesson 15 - I