YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. I can BEAR my testimony! secret message poster. To learn messages to share in their testimony, youth can fill in the blank words found in the text: “I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true!” For example, I know the Book of Mormon is the Word of God.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME Lessons to use in Sunday School, Primary, Family Home Evening, or Activity Days
I can BEAR my testimony! secret message poster
OBJECTIVE: Help children discover testimony words they might express when bearing their testimony.
ACTIVITY: Let children discover the secret message on their own to learn what to say when they “bear” their testimony.

Using the words in the message below the poster “I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true!” . . . fill in the blanks.
• I know the Book of Mormon is the Word of God.
• Heavenly Father sent me to earth for a special purpose. He is the Father of my spirit.
• Joseph Smith is God’s chosen prophet. He restored the gospel of Jesus Christ in the latter days.
• We are led by Apostles and prophets just as in the days of old.
• Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Son. He came to earth to save us from sin.
• The Church of Jesus Christ is the only true church.
• My Heavenly Father lives and answers my prayers.
TO MAKE: Print in color or in black-and-white and have children color the poster.
THOUGHT TREAT (when appropriate): “Beary” Sweet Testimony Treats. Bear-shaped Cookies or candies (gummy bears) and say, “A testimony can be ‘beary‘ sweet.” Or, share berry-filled tarts (with jam centers) and say, “A testimony is “berry” (very) sweet.
Source NT37
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal binder rings to connect cards.
• Featured Scripture: Acts 4:31
1. Help the children understand that a testimony includes knowing the following (for which the above activity helps illustrate):
Heavenly Father lives and is the Father of our spirits.
Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Son and our Savior.
Joseph Smith is the prophet through whom the Lord restored the gospel in the latter days.
The Book of Mormon is the word of God and contains the fulness of the gospel.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church.
We are led by prophets and apostles today.
Discuss ways we can gain a testimony of these truths.
2. Explain and help the children memorize the ninth article of faith. DOWNLOAD this poster/card handout below.