POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I’LL HONOR HIS NAME Children Around the World Honor Jesus. Children will love learning how children from other countries far across the world follow Jesus. As children read the stories they can tell what each child did in the stories to honor Jesus. For example, Dimitri, from Russia, felt pressured to use bad words as some of the other boys did. What did he do to honor Jesus?
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Post-and-Present Activity:
I’ll Honor His Name (Children Around the World Honor Jesus)
OBJECTIVE: Help children look at different situations and try to guess how the children in these stories honored Jesus.

TO MAKE Print, color, and laminate the children and stories and the world. Laminate images. Laminate the world and place double-stick tape on the back to mount on a poster or board (or mount the world on a poster and laminate the entire poster). Place double-stick tape on the back of each child’s picture to mount on the poster or board.
1. Assign teachers or older children ahead of time to read the situation story.
2. Post the world on the board or the poster (with the world mounted on the poster) on the board.
3. Have children who are reading to come up one at a time and post their child on the board around the world. Then read their story, stopping after they read, “WHAT DO YOU THINK ____________ DID TO HONOR JESUS?”
4. Children can raise their hand and answer. Then have the child who is reading read what that child in the story did to honor Jesus.
THOUGHT TREAT: A Chocolate-Chip Cookie like Scotty is holding in the story. Talk about how he thought the cookies his mother made that day tasted especially good. Talk about how the cookie smells and how we might be tempted like Scotty to have one more, even when we are told we could have only one. Sometimes it is hard to honor Jesus, but we can remember and choose the right every time if we think what we might do in a situation. In this case, would you have the courage Scotty had to put the cookie in a bag and ask his mother to hold it for your brother? WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO HONOR JESUS?