Games and Activities
AGES 1-5

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth

Jesus Loves Me - Count-the-Ways (birth - resurrection) book

FOLLOW JESUS Activity Ages 4-7 Jesus Loves Me – Count-the-Ways (to Resurrection) spotlight book
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I can be an example. poster or coloring page

LESSON LIFESAVERSI Can Be an Example poster or coloring page
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Jesus once was a little child. I can be like Jesus. PICTURE OF JESUS AND ME PLAQUE

I can be like Jesus. picture of me and Jesus plaque LESSON LIFESAVER Ages 1-3
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We are blessed when we follow the prophet! Noah's Family Obeys puppet show medallion

FOLLOW THE PROPHET Activity for Ages 1-3 Follow the Prophet - Noah's family obeys puppet show medallion
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I Can Be Obedient (Fishes and Wishes to Obey)ty for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), LDS, Christian, Bible Study

OBEDIENCE Game Ages 4-7 I Can Be Obedient(Fishes and Wishes to Obey)
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The Holy Ghost Helps Me to Be Happy flip-faces and game

HOLY GHOST Activity Ages 1-3 The Holy Ghost Helps Me to Be Happy – smile & frown choices flip-sign
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HOLY GHOST Helps Me CTR flip sign/game AGES 1-3
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AGES 2-5

Follow in Jesus's Steps - example sandals

Follow in the Footsteps of Jesus example sandals
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AGES 2-5

Little LESSON LIFESAVERS Find the Little Lost Lamb (Picture Puzzle)

Find the Little Lost Lamb picture puzzle
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AGES 2-5

The Sabbath day is a special day! poster or coloring page

The Sabbath day is a special day! poster or coloring page
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AGES 2-5

I can be obedient POSTER or COLORING PAGE

I CAN BE OBEDIENT poster or coloring page
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AGES 2-5

Little LESSON LIFESAVERS “I have ‘bean’ obedient.” BEANBAG GAME

“I have ‘bean’ obedient.”BEANBAG GAME
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Games and Activities
AGES 4-5

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth

AGES 4-7

I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. (feel-good-flip-flag)

COMMANDMENTS Activity Ages 4-7 I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. (feel-good flip-flag)
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AGES 4-7

Showing Love to Parents O’bee”dience Meter

OBEDIENCE Activity Ages 4-7 Showing Love to ParentsO”bee”dience Meter
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AGES 4-7

Jesus Is My Hero! doorknob sign

FOLLOW JESUS Activity Ages 4-7 Jesus is My Hero (be like Him doorknob sign)
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AGES 4-7


LESSON LIFESAVERSChoose The Right slap game Ages 4-7 Primary, Sunday School
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AGES 4-7

My life is full of flavor when I’m a good example. ICE CREAM SUNDAE

MY LIFE IS FULL OF FLAVOR When I’m a Good Example ice cream sundae
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AGES 4-7

MY TITHING Shows My Love to Heavenly Father and Jesus (envelope)

MY TITHING Shows My Love to Heavenly Father and Jesus (envelope)
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AGES 4-7

RIGHT ROAD TO HEAVEN Map with “Trusty Truck”

LESSON LIFESAVER ActivityRight Road to Heaven roadmap with Trusty Truck
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AGES 4-7

Little LESSON LIFESAVER I Love Jesus Word Picture Story

LESSON LIFESAVERI Love Jesus word picture story
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AGES 4-7

What would Jesus want me to do? Choose and Match Puzzle

THINK What would Jesus want me to do? choose & match puzzle
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AGES 4-7

I am happy when I FOLLOW JESUS decision maze

LESSON LIFESAVERSI am happy when I follow Jesus. decision maze
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AGES 4-7

Doing Good Unto Others GOLDEN Ruler

LESSON LIFESAVERDoing Good Unto Others golden ruler
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AGES 4-7


LESSON LIFESAVERSFOLLOW JESUS Heavenly Treasure Hunt and match game - Ages 4-7
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AGES 4-7

Wise Man and the Foolish Man flip-flag

WISE CHOICES Ages 4-7 Activity: Wise Man and Foolish Man flip-flag
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WISE CHOICES Ages 4-7 Wise Man and Foolish Man (Flip-Flag)
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AGES 4-7

Portrait of a Prophet POSTER - make a prophet

LESSON LIFESAVERPortrait of a Prophet ancient & modern posters
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AGES 4-7

CHOOSE THE RIGHT: I am happy when I CTR happiness wheel

AGES 4-5 Little LESSON LIFESAVERSI Am Happy When I Choose the Right (CTR Happiness Wheel)
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AGES 4-7

Choose to Follow Jesus premortal life puppet show #PlanofSalvation

I choose to follow Jesus - premortal life puppet show
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AGES 4-7

“Dare to Do Right – Dare to Do True” CTR wristbands

Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: “Dare to Do Right – Dare to Do True” CTR wristbands
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AGES 4-7

BADGE I Believe in Obeying the Law

I Believe in Obeying the Law badge
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AGES 4-7

Let Your Light Shine! Example Candle mobile

Let Your Light Shine!Example Candle mobile
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AGES 4-7

Choose the Right and Follow Jesus “Chews”-the-Right Gum Ball Machine

“Chews”-the-Right Gum Machine
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AGES 4-7

Sabbath Day Exodus 20:8 (Rebus Medallion)

LESSON LIFESAVERSSUNDAY Commandments Sabbath Day Exodus 20:8 (Rebus Medallion)
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AGES 4-7

I can be strong and tell the truth! Trevor and Trina Truth (sack puppets)

HONESTY Activity Ages 4-7 I can be strong and tell the truth! Trevor and Trina Truth sack puppets
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AGES 4-7

Annabelle Accountable, the “Udderly” Responsible Cow (flip-flap spot-the-spot choices)

CHOICES Activity Ages 4-7 Annabelle Accountable, the "Udderly" Responsible Cow flip-the-spot choices
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CLICK the title or poster below to find it all

37 POST-AND-PRESENT Poster Games and Activities

124 LESSON LIFESAVER Activities and Handouts
Ages 1-3     Ages 4-7
Ages 8-11
Ages 12-16 TEENS

23 SCRIPTURE poster/card sets to memorize

29 SONG VISUALS to teach about the subject

click posters or topics below

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of Post-and-Present activities for CHURCH & HOME

CHOOSE THE RIGHT - Index - Ages 1-3 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

CHOOSE THE RIGHT - activities and handouts to make learning fun for youth AGES 8-11 (and pre-teens) - USE FOR CHURCH & HOME - Primary, Sunday School - Also use for COME FOLLOW ME lessons

CHOOSE THE RIGHT - Index - Ages 8-11 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

CHOOSING THE RIGHT Index - Teen LESSON LIFESAVER Interactive Activities to Challenge Youth and gospel learning

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index - Scripture memorize cards and posters for All Ages

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index for Singing Fun song visuals

ARTICLES OF FAITH 13 Articles of Faith 1-13 BUNDLE

C – INDEX Commandments – Choose the Right Ages 2-5, 4-7 LESSON LIFESAVER ACTIVITIES for Come Follow Me, Primary, Family Home Evening, Sunday School
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