How Can I Resist Pornography?


June 13, 2021

Come, Follow Me

JUNE D&C Come Follow Me Lesson Activities - How Can I Resist Pornography?

June 13

How Can I Resist Pornography?

Doctrine and Covenants 63

Prepare Yourself Spiritually

Quorum or class members may have studied Doctrine and Covenants 63 this week and read about the Lord’s warning to the early Saints about the dangers of lust—a warning He has given repeatedly (see Doctrine and Covenants 63:13–16Matthew 5:27–283 Nephi 12:27–30). While these warnings have applied to people in all ages of time, they apply more urgently in our day, when pornography is a widespread plague. What dangers and pressures related to pornography might the members of your quorum or class face? What gospel principles and preventive measures can help them keep their thoughts and actions pure?
DOWNLOAD Color My Life With the Gospel – Happy Crayons Game (HERE or right/below)

As you prepare to teach, consider reviewing “Entertainment and Media” and “Sexual Purity” in For the Strength of Youth ([2011], 11–13, 35–37) and Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts (booklet, 2006).

Color My Life with the Gospel (Happy Crayons GAME)

How Repentance Can Help You Overcome Pornography

Description of Video “Repentance Can Help Overcome Pornography”

It is possible to repent and leave pornography use in your past. Sincere repentance means that we experience a change of heart. It is about more than just changing our behavior. We can work with Jesus Christ to change.
DOWNLOAD My Change of Heart Steps mobile (HERE or below)

Quote from Video President Russell Nelson said, “If you are going to repent, you are going to change your mind, change your body of knowledge, change your spirit, you’re going to change even the way you breathe . . . turning with the Savior.”
• 3 Nephi 27:27 (be as God is)
Mosiah 26:30 (repentance/forgiveness)

My Change of Heart Steps mobile

Jesus My Savior Promises Planner

Learn Together

To begin a discussion about pornography, you might invite quorum or class members to read Doctrine and Covenants 63:13–16 and discuss insights from these verses that help them understand why pornography is so harmful. To help your quorum or class members understand how to resist pornography, use one or more of the following activities. At the conclusion of your discussion, you may feel prompted to discuss how the bishop can help those involved with pornography (see For the Strength of Youth, 1237).

How Can I Avoid Relapses with Pornography Use?

Let God Guide You: From Weakness to Strength

“Becoming like Christ is about persistence, patience, and partnership.” (from the above VIDEO)

Description of Video “Avoid Relapses with Pornography Use” When we’re seeking to prevent relapses with pornography, it can be helpful to be accountable on a daily basis. We might have a daily support person or accountability partner to check in with. This support person might be your spouse if you’re married or your parents if you’re an adolescent. Setting boundaries can help us hold ourselves accountable. Accountability and connection are important in recovery.

Members of your quorum or class may have questions about resisting pornography. To help them find answers, you might write the following questions on the board: What is pornography? Why is it harmful? How can we turn away from the temptation of pornography? To help quorum or class members find answers to the first two questions, ask them to review “Pornography” in True to the Faith (pages 117–18) and “Entertainment and Media” and “Sexual Purity” in For the Strength of Youth (pages 11–13, 35–37).
My Modesty Checklist cover and care plans (HERE or below)

Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me” Swat Game (HERE or below)

To help them find answers to the third question, ask them to review Genesis 39:1–12Romans 12:212 Timothy 2:22Alma 39:3–9Moroni 10:30Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18121:45–46. Invite them to share the answers they find.

Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me! Media Choices SWAT GAME

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity: My Modesty Checklist


To help your quorum or class discover ways to resist pornography, you might have them review (SEE VIDEOS BELOW) Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s message “Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 44–46) and Sister Linda S. Reeves’s message “Protection from Pornography—a Christ-Focused Home” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 15–17).
Media Influences: TV Topper, Phone Friend, Bookshelf Buddy tent-card (HERE or below)


They could imagine that they are having a talk with their future son or daughter about why pornography is so destructive and how to avoid it. What information would they share from the conference message they reviewed? Invite them to form pairs and share the answers they found. Also, ask them to write down what they will do to avoid pornography.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland – Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul

Highlight: Protection from Pornography—a Christ-Focused Home—Linda S. Reeves

My Body Is a Temple: Keep Thoughts Pure – Happy-Head = Happy Actions Brainstorm

MEDIA INFLUENCES: TV Topper, Phone Friend, and Bookshelf Buddy tent-cards

“I Have a Strong Spirit! I Can Say ‘No” to Temptation! I Can Say No!” poster

Invite those you teach to read 1 Corinthians 10:13 and Alma 13:28. Ask them how they think these scriptures relate to our challenges with resisting pornography today. You could also ask them to imagine that they have a friend who has struggled with pornography and wants to repent. What do they find that would help their friend in the scriptures under “Supporting Resources” and on pages 1–4 of the booklet Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts? What might help their friend understand that the bishop can help him or her? (see For the Strength of Youth, 12, 37).

2 Nephi 2:27 choose liberty and eternal life

D&C 121:7-8 Bite-size Memorize

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 My Body is a Temple – Holy Ghost

Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm

POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Perfect Brightness of Hope mood-changer

Hold Fast to the Lord's Standards word find

Feelings When I Do and Do Not Forgive (doorknob hanger)

BLIND PUZZLE: “I can overcome trials and challenges with the help of Jesus Christ”

Chastity: What Are the Limits?

Let God Prevail | Russell M. Nelson | October 2020

Act in Faith

Encourage quorum or class members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. How does today’s lesson relate to personal goals they have made? If they would like, quorum or class members could share their ideas.

Spread My Wings GOAL Tracker & Mirror Motivators
Plan a GOAL program for yourself that may include any goal using this SPREAD MY WINGS – My Goal form with Weeks 1-4 Sunday – Saturday. Participate in the program for one month.

Supporting Resources

The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster

What Is Addiction Recovery?

What Should I Do When I See Pornography?

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities,

Resisting Pornography
Fun-tastic! Activities
For Class or Group Gatherings
Produced by Youth Leaders

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities,


WALK AND TALK WHERE JESUS WALKED: Create a reverent ambiance where youth walk on footprints that lead to pictures and stories about the life of Jesus. As much as possible, create a setting reminiscent of Jerusalem. Learn about the customs and traditions of the Jews. Tell about the conditions and political climate. Include music.

LIVING BREAD BAKING CONTEST: Talk about how Jesus Christ is the “living bread” and share samples of food Jesus would have eaten like unleavened bread (without yeast), milk and honey. Also have bread dough (raised, using yeast) for youth to design shapes. Bake, vote, and give awards, e.g. “Most Creative,” “Funniest,” “Most Likely to Be Eaten First,” etc. Have quotes to hand out or enlarged to read:
. “Come unto me … buy milk and honey, without money.” (2 Nephi 26:25)
. “Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
. Meet … often to partake of bread.” (D&C 20:75)

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Jesus Is My Life Savior life-preserver promises planner (HERE or above)

PRAYER ROCK PAINTING: Provide a medium-sized rock and paints for youth to paint their own personal rock. Talk about prayer using the scriptures. Invite leaders and youth to share their experiences and testimonies on prayer. Ask youth to place their prayer rock under, or on, their pillow to remind them to pray before going to bed. “If they bump their head, then there are prayers to be said.” They can hold onto their rock tightly as they pray thinking, “Jesus is my rock” as noted in the scripture (Psalm 18:2): “The Lord is‍ my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler (shield), and the horn of my salvation, and‍ my high tower.”

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Jesus Is My Life Savior life-preserver promises planner (HERE or above)


Have a weight lifting class and discuss the weight Satan puts upon us if we accept his temptations. We have the power to push through (1 Nephi 15:24).

“WHITE” BALLOON BOUNCE AND “BLACK” BALLOON STOMP: Give each youth a white and a black balloon to blow up and tie. The white balloon represents purity and the ability to resist temptation and the black balloon represents temptation.
To Play:
1. White Balloon Bounce: Have youth think of one or two ways they can resist temptation and write it on everyone’s balloon with a permanent marker. Have them at the same time bounce their balloons into the air, giving an idea on how to resist temptation (e.g., obey parents, dress modestly, come home from dates early, get enough rest, read the scriptures, pray, attend church, serve others, listen to the Spirit, read The New Era, listen to the prophet, etc.). Youth can take balloons home.

2. Black Balloon Stomp: Tell the youth that we can “help” stomp out temptation by living the gospel. Tie a string to black balloons and then to youth’s ankles (with shoes off). At “go,” stop out temptation balloons popping all. The last with a balloon says, “Help!” and all stomp her temptation out.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Temptation Traps and Escapes brainstorm (HERE or above)

Ask youth what their Achilles’ heal is. (It is their vulnerable or weak spot.) See the story that follows*. Discuss common Achilles’ heels. Be willing to share yours as a leader. Mention that there are some we need not share but we should know what they are. Discuss the idea that knowledge is power. If we know we have a weakness, we can best combat it. Discuss some of the weaknesses brought up and what might be done to avoid them. Have someone come who has been successful at overcoming her Achilles’ heel (a major problem) who would be willing to share (e.g., drug abuse, smoking, anger, addiction to soap operas, etc.).

*Story and discussion: An old Greek legend tells of a young man who had only one vulnerable spot. Ask a class member to tell the story of Achilles.
Achilles [uh-KIL-eez] was one of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology. Soon after his birth, his mother, Thetis, dipped him in the River Styx, which according to legend would protect his body from harm. However, the water did not touch the heel by which Thetis held him. During the tenth year of the Trojan War, Paris shot an arrow into Achilles’ unprotected heel. Achilles died of the wound.
. What does it mean to have an Achilles heel? (To have a vulnerable or unprotected weakness.)
. How does Satan know our weaknesses? (He knows us from the premortal life.)

• How can we overcome our weaknesses?
Quotation: After the discussion, read the following quotation: “Satan knows all the tricks. He knows where we are susceptible to temptations and how to entice us to do evil. He and his messengers suggest evil, minimize the seriousness of sin and make evil inviting” (ElRay L. Christiansen, “Q and A,” New Era, July 1975, p. 49).
Quotation and chalkboard: Assign a class member to list on the chalkboard each of the temptations mentioned as the following quotation is read aloud.
• “Now, the adversary knows that a little sin will not stay little, and he welcomes any and all into his kingdom by first trying to get us to lie a little, then helping us to try to justify ourselves in so doing or to cheat or to steal. Some folks are indeed induced to desecrate the Sabbath day until it becomes habitual with them. Some people begin with the use of liquor just to ‘relax a bit.’ Also, drug abuse, evil speaking, disobedience to parents, or deceiving one’s own companions—these are means he has of getting us to digress from the proper course. He knows full well that, if continued, such diversions soon result in regrets, sorrows, and losses, because they lead us into greater sinfulness.
• “No doubt one of the most infamous snares set out by the adversary is that of unchastity” Youtube video of this, click HERE (ElRay L. Christiansen, in Conference Report, Oct. 1974, p. 29; or Ensign, Nov. 1974, p. 24). (The above story discussion was taken from the Young Women Manual 1, lesson 28)

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Temptation Traps and Escapes brainstorm (HERE or above)


MAKE SOME OBEDIENCE COOKIES: Choose a terrific cookie recipe and make it with the youth. Follow the recipe exactly and bake. With the same recipe omit the sugar and salt or the baking soda or half the flavoring or sweet ingredients, e.g., vanilla, or chocolate chips. Bake and keep separate from the Obedience Cookies (that are perfect).
Discuss the DIfference:
Have a discussion around the table with milk and one each of the Obedience Cookies and Disobedience Cookies. Talk about what can happen in life if you choose not to obey certain commandments. Life can be sweet and full, or it may lack certain wonderful ingredients. As the Spirit directs, choose some scriptures to make the point. Bear testimony.

TALK ABOUT THE TREE OF LIFE: “In that very well-known vision found in 1 Nephi chapter 8, we are reminded of the difficulty of staying on the strait and narrow path that leads to eternal life. Father Lehi described to his sons the challenges facing different groups of people seeking the tree of life, “whose fruit was desirable to make one happy” (v. 10). This tree represented the love of God (see 1 Nephi 11:21–22).” Read More . . . A Virtuous Life—Step by Step – Mary N. Cook – First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency

Lehi Sees a Vision of the Tree of Life | 1 Nephi 8 | Book of Mormon

In the wilderness, Lehi has a vision filled with symbolism that includes the tree of life. In his vision, he struggles for some time in the dark before finally making his way to the tree. He eats or partakes of its fruit and desires his family to do likewise. He sees a rod of iron, a strait and narrow path, and the mists of darkness that enshroud men. Sariah, Nephi, and Sam eat the fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse.

CLICK HERE to listen to the Radio Commentary: The Iron Rod – Episode 23 – Description: The vision of the tree of life is one of the most well-known visions recorded in the Book of Mormon. There have been commentaries, talks, and artistic renditions on the vision of the tree of life. One of the most important symbols in that vision is the iron rod and the straight and narrow path. But what does it mean to hold to the rod? How do we know if we are on the straight and narrow path? Listen to this episode of Q&A and hear the teachings of prophets and apostles in our time and times past for the answers.

Matching Activity DOWNLOAD Hold Fast to the Lord’s Standards word-find (HERE or above)


TUG AT THE HEARTSTRINGS: Have an evening of poetry reading at someone’s house and feel your heartstrings being tugged. Use soft lights and music to set a relaxed mood.  Also, read selected scriptures that show heartfelt emotion. Encourage youth to really think about this and come prepared with their favorite poetry, hymns, or scriptures to read, especially those relating to Jesus and His love for us that bring hope and peace.

“CHANGE OF HEART” ROLE-PLAY: Have youth team up and visit the ward library to find an article that expresses a change of heart. Have them rehearse and then act out the story in a five-minute play for the other youth. Act while one person reads parts of the story.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD My Change of Heart Steps mobile (HERE or above)

CATERPILLARS: Have pictures of beautiful butterflies everywhere. Try to find a chart (or video – see below*) of how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Explain how the butterfly must struggle to emerge from the cocoon.

Tell the story of a young lady who was watching this process and decided to help. It looked like the butterfly was having a hard time coming out of its cocoon, so she gently peeled open the cocoon a little for the butterfly. As she watched over the next few days, it came out more easily, but its body was much larger than normal and its wings were limp and frail.
          It could not fly but only wiggle and flop along the ground. This is because a butterfly must work hard to gain its freedom. The pressure to squeeze out of the tight cocoon pushes blood to its wings and completes the process. In the same way, pressure can make us strong. We can take the easy road or we can show discipline and courage and persistence and become much more!

Butterfly Cookies: Make butterfly-shaped cookies using a cookie cutter or knife to cut out shapes after rolling out sugar cookie dough. Youth can frost and decorate.

Caterpillar Cake: Make a long caterpillar with several upside-down cupcakes lined up for the body with licorice antennae.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster (HERE or above)

HAVE YOUTH PRESENT A FAMILY HOME EVENING ON REPENTANCE: Click Butterflies-Are-Free Repentance Garden post and present activity.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster (HERE or above)

LEARN THAT PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS: Encourage youth to keep going/working, no matter how hard the task. Tell them that each time they do something that is difficult—it becomes easier the next time. Challenge them to make a list of difficult tasks and set goals to achieve.

*VIDEO: monarch butterfly emerging from the chrysalis 

 THE ONLY THING CONSTANT IS CHANGE: Tell the youth that our life changes daily in many ways and the Lord knows what is coming. We need not look for a crystal ball or psychic reading as “the world” often does. We can prepare for our future with the Holy Ghost. Let the Spirit be your guide to prompt us as we are prayerful and listen to the promptings.

LEARN ABOUT CHANGE: (1) Read stories from the New Era of youth who have made changes in their lives. (2) Show Mormonad posters (available at the Church Distribution Center), e.g., “Rise Above the Blues” (see video below), “There’s a Way Out,” “Service: Get a Handle on It,” etc. SEE MORE.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster (HERE or above)

• VIDEO OR POSTER: Rise above the Blues (D&C 136:29) MormonAd 

DEVELOP STRONG HABITS: Give each youth a calendar and 21 stickers. Tell them it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. Have them enter their goal for change at the top of the calendar and concentrate on that goal for 21 days. Place the stickers on the calendar for the days they tried the new habit. Tell them some habits may take less time or longer to develop, but consistency is the key. Try a new habit this month.

CHANGE RELAY: Have a dress-up relay race with a clothing box filled with men’s clothing: three or more of each item: pants, shirt, shoes or boots, hat, gloves, belt, glasses. If it is just young women, use women’s clothing. (1) Divide guests into two teams at opposite ends with a clothing box in the center of the room. Each youth must run, put on 6 or 7 items over their clothing. Youth races to the model outfits by walking around a chair placed four feet away, then back to the box to remove the outfit and return to their team. (2) All could receive a diaper pin pinned on a note that reads: “Prepare for Change.”

CHANGE SKIT: Put on skits about change (providing objects/props and clothes).

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster (HERE or above)

“Technology with its substantial benefits also brings challenges. … Be courageous! Be strong!” —Elder Gary E. Stevenson

HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MEDIA. Things as they really are – Elder David A. Bednar warns of the harmful effects digital technologies can have on our souls and invites us to ask ourselves two questions to see if we are using these technologies properly. 

Things As They Really Are | David A. Bednar Elder Bednar warns against the potentially stifling, suffocating, suppressing, and constraining impact of some kinds of cyberspace interactions and experiences upon our souls. When we distance ourselves from relationships, covenants, and the physical body in an online virtual reality, we lose sight of things as they really are.

1. Prepare ahead chocolate chip cookies or brownies and have them ready on two separate plates (showing the same treats). Attach the following note to one of the plates of cookies or brownies: Questionable Cookies / Questionable Brownies
2. With the two plates of cookies or brownies in front of youth, talk about movies, Hollywood standards, movie ratings, etc. Lead the discussion into phrases that people use after going to these movies (for example, “The movie isn’t too bad,” “There’s only a little swearing,” “Just a little talk about sex.” “You didn’t see much,” or “I’ve seen worse”).

3. Tell youth you made some cookies or brownies with the best ingredients (real butter, highest grade chocolate chips). Then hold up the plate with the sign Questionable Cookies or Questionable Brownies and say, “What if I told you that in this batch I added a little bit of doggie-do? Just a little never hurt anyone. Try them.” What would you do?
4. After getting their reaction, say, “These are completely edible cookies. There’s really no doggie-do in them.” Talk about ways Satan leads people “carefully down to hell,” by adding just a little here and there (through desensitization).
5. Read 2 Nephi 28:21. While you enjoy the cookies or brownies, make some new resolves. Have youth always ask themselves before participating in media, “Do I like doggie-do in my brownies?”

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Media Influences: TV Topper, Phone Friend, and Bookshelf Buddy tent-cards (HERE or above)

June 13, 2021 YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS “How Do I Resist Pornography?” for Aaronic Priesthood Quorums & Young Women – Come Follow Me – Lessons (D&C 63), Activities and Goals
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