. . . 3 LESSONS & 30 ACTIVITIES . . .
Doctrine and Covenants 64:9–10
Jesus Christ asks me to forgive others.
What object lessons or activities can you think of that would help the children understand what it means to forgive? As you discuss forgiveness, remind the children that forgiving does not mean allowing others to hurt us.
Read the phrase “ye ought to forgive one another” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:9), and ask the children what it means to forgive someone. To help them understand, share a few simple examples. Help them role-play these examples to practice forgiving.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 64:10 slowly to the children, and have them shake hands with another child when they hear the word “forgive.” Share your testimony of the peace and happiness that come when we forgive others.
Sing a song about forgiveness, such as “Help Me, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 99). What does this song teach us about forgiving others?
Doctrine and Covenants 64:7–10
The Lord wants me to forgive everyone.
As these verses show, even disciples of Jesus Christ sometimes have trouble forgiving one another. Consider how you will help the children understand the Lord’s command “to forgive all.” (Clarify that forgiving does not mean allowing people to hurt us; they should always tell a trusted adult if someone hurts them.)
DOWNLOAD Forgive, Forget, Forever For Jesus necklace (HERE or below)
Invite the children to imagine that they were asked to teach a younger sibling about forgiving others. How would they do it? Invite them to read Doctrine and Covenants 64:7–10 in pairs and to find phrases they would use in their teaching. They could also practice teaching one another.
Sing together “Help Me, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 99). How does Heavenly Father help us forgive others?
DOWNLOAD Help Me, Dear Father song visuals (HERE or below) -
Think of an analogy that might help the children understand how we are “afflicted” when we don’t forgive (verse 8). For example, show the children a bag of mud or dirt; ask them to imagine that someone threw mud on them. How might failing to forgive be like saving the mud and always carrying it with us? Why would it be better to throw the mud away? Help the children think of other analogies that teach why it is important to forgive.
DOWNLOAD activities and song visuals below.
. . . WILLING HEART & MIND . . .
I can obey Jesus with my heart and mind.
The Lord taught the Saints that to build Zion, they needed to give Him their hearts and willing minds. Consider how you will help the children begin to think about what this means for them.
Read to the children from Doctrine and Covenants 64:34: “Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” Repeat this phrase a few times, pointing to your heart and head as you read those words, and invite the children to do the same. How can we give our hearts and minds to the Savior? (It might help to explain that our heart refers to our feelings and love and our mind refers to our thoughts.)
Sing a song about loving and following the Savior, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75; especially verse 3). How do we show the Savior that we love Him? Share your feelings for Jesus Christ.
Doctrine and Covenants 64:33–34
The Lord requires my “heart and a willing mind.”
Building Zion—or helping the Church grow—is “a great work.” To accomplish it, the Lord requires us to offer Him our hearts and willing minds. Those who live in Zion are “of one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18).
Show the children some things that are made up of many small parts, like a puzzle or a rug. Help them think of other examples. Invite the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 64:33. What does God want us to do to help Him accomplish His “great work”? What are the “small things” we can do that will help accomplish this work?
Ask the children to complete an action that requires two objects, but give them only one (for example, writing on the chalkboard without chalk or cutting a piece of paper with no scissors). Invite the children to read Doctrine and Covenants 64:34 to find out what two things the Lord asks of us. Why do we need to give both our heart and mind to the Lord? How do we do this?
DOWNLOAD activities and song visuals below.
I can help prepare the world to receive Jesus Christ.
The mission of the Church—God’s kingdom on earth—is to prepare the world for the return of the Savior. The children you teach are an important part of this mission. What can you do to help them participate?
As a class or in pairs, read Doctrine and Covenants 65, and count how many times the word “prepare” is written. What is the Lord asking us to prepare for? What can we do to prepare ourselves and the earth?
Show a picture of the Savior’s Second Coming (see Gospel Art Book, no. 66), and ask the children to describe what they see or what they know about this event. Give the children key words and phrases to find in Doctrine and Covenants 65 (such as “filled the whole earth” and “wonderful works”). What do these words and phrases teach us about the Second Coming and our role in preparing for it?
DOWNLOAD activities and song visuals below.