Why Does the Lord Want Me to Be Healthy?


August 22, 2021

Come, Follow Me

AUGUST Youth Doctrinal Classes ACTIVITIES

August 22

Why Does the Lord Want Me to Be Healthy?

Doctrine and Covenants 89–92

Prepare Yourself Spiritually

It is easy for some people to think of the Word of Wisdom, found in Doctrine and Covenants 89, as a list of dos and don’ts. The Word of Wisdom does have some of those, but it also contains principles for keeping our bodies healthy. It also teaches that the way we treat our bodies influences our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. What blessings have you received as you have strived to live a healthy life?

Members of your quorum or class may have studied the Word of Wisdom as they read Doctrine and Covenants 89–92 this week. How can you help them understand the physical and spiritual blessings that come from obeying this revelation? You can find helpful insights by reviewing the Gospel Topics article “Word of Wisdom” (topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) or “Physical and Emotional Health” in For the Strength of Youth ([2011], 25–27).


POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Word of Wisdom Pie – Sweet Ideas for Staying Healthy

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity “Bloomin’ Good Blessings” Word of Wisdom toss and tell GAME

Prophets Taught the Word of Wisdom (Smile and Frown Grab Bag)

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Word of Wisdom Blossom Blessings (Healthy Flower Pot)

Learn Together

To begin a discussion about the Word of Wisdom, write these words on the board: Physical, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Social. Invite quorum or class members to read Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–21 and discuss how the promises in the verses can apply to these areas. What blessings can come from obeying the Word of Wisdom? How have we experienced these blessings in our lives?

  • Members of your quorum or class can learn a lot from each other by making a collective list of things they are doing to be healthy. Divide quorum or class members into groups, and assign each group to search one or more of the scripture passages in the first bullet under “Supporting Resources,” looking for truths about physical health. Have each group share what they learned and list their ideas on the board. How would we respond to questions like the following: Why does God give us laws concerning physical health? Why do we obey them?


LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity My Body is a Temple – Fitness Plan tent-card


LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Free of Disease! unseen fiend find


Modesty Checklist


POST-AND-PRESENT Activity My Body Is a Temple – Healthy Mind and Body (Match Game)


LESSON LIFESAVER Activity You Deserve a Hand! (5 Healthy Habits Planner)


My Body Is a Temple: Keep Thoughts Pure – Happy-Head = Happy Actions Brainstorm


LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Drug-Free Me! word find puzzle


Healthful Food Refrigerator Magnets

  • Members of your quorum or class may be asked questions about why they don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or do drugs. How do they answer these questions? They could search “Physical and Emotional Health” in For the Strength of Youth (pages 25–27) and find counsel and promised blessings that they could share with others. How does the way we treat our bodies affect our relationship with God? How have quorum or class members gained testimonies that obeying the Word of Wisdom blesses their lives?


  • Experiences that show the blessings of obeying the Word of Wisdom can inspire quorum or class members to be more committed to living this law. You could share an experience from your life or the experience President Thomas S. Monson shared in his message “Principles and Promises” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 78–79). SEE VIDEO BELOW. The video “Leave the Party” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) contains another example. SEE VIDEO BELOW. You could encourage quorum or class members to share their experiences.

Principles and Promises – President Thomas S. Monson – May we care for our bodies and our minds by observing the principles set forth in the Word of Wisdom, a divinely provided plan.

Leave the Party – John’s life may have been very different had he not had the courage to leave a party one evening in Japan.

  • To begin a discussion about how to resist temptations to violate the Word of Wisdom, you might show your quorum or class a fishing lure (or a picture of one). How do fishing lures deceive fish? Answers to this question can be found in the video “You Will Be Freed” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org; see also M. Russell Ballard, “O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 108–10). How are fishing lures like what Satan does to deceive or trick us? What message does President Ballard have for those caught in addiction? How could we help someone who is struggling with temptation turn to the Savior? (see the scriptures in the second bullet under “Supporting Resources”).

Elder M. Russell Ballard – O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One
There is hope for the addicted, and this hope comes through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read the full address: http://bit.ly/9XFGRz.

Act in Faith

Encourage quorum or class members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. How does today’s lesson relate to personal goals they have made? If they would like, quorum or class members could share their ideas.

Supporting Resources

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity I’m a Living Doll design-a-doll mobile goal chart

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.com



Word of Wisdom
Fun-tastic! Activities
For Class or Group Gatherings
Produced by Youth Leaders

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.com


THOUGHT TREAT: Apple a Day. Give each youth a small crisp apple to munch on as you talk about the reason they say, “Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.” Here’s why:
1. Apples satisfy your hunger in between meals.
2. Apples are full of vitamins and minerals. 
3. Apples stabilize the blood sugar so you don’t crave sweets.
4. Apples are known as “nature’s toothbrush,” cleaning your teeth as you chew.
5. Apples help prevent gum disease as they massage the gums while you chew.
6. Apples are 80% water and high in fiber, helping cleanse the body of toxins. So, if you can, eat two a day.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD My Body is a Temple fitness plan tent-card (HERE or above)

COUCH-POTATO MOTIVATORS: As you write on the blackboard, ask youth to help you list “couch potato” activities that are unhealthy and “perky potato” activities that are healthy.
Couch Potato Ideas: Watching television for hours at a time, overeating while watching television, eating junk food, not drinking enough water, not exercising.
Perky Potato Ideas: Exercising, cleaning house vigorously, not watching TV when you eat—so you can think about and enjoy every bite.  Snack on fruit and vegetables (preparing them ahead of time to take with you when you are away from home).

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD My Body is a Temple fitness plan tent-card (HERE or above)

Outer Beauty: Share ideas on grooming (e.g., skin and hair care, hair styling, nails, modest clothing styles and care, simple natural-looking makeup ideas) and remind youth that appearance is seen first, but it will not be the most important impression they leave.

Inner Beauty: The beauty that is found within that radiates through their countenance is the beauty that endures. If you spend as much time with the spiritual side as you do your appearance, you will radiate this inner beauty outwardly. To develop this inner beauty, read the scriptures and Church books and magazines, develop your talents, brighten someone’s day, smile, and serve others. J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan, said, “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD My Body is a Temple fitness plan tent-card (HERE or above)


DRUGS QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION: Have a qualified police officer (e.g., from the DARE Program) come in and talk to youth about drugs. Have a question and answer brainstorm before the officer comes, with one or two youth presenting these questions. Encourage youth to ask questions there. Bake a plate of yummy but healthful treats for the officer with a note of appreciation signed by youth.

QUICK TREAT IDEAS: Make a poster warning against drugs, using candy bars (e.g., Create “Joy”—Keep Off Drugs [Almond Joy bar]. Young Men Note: If young men are invited to activity, give them a Big Hunk candy bar with note: Be a Big Hunk and say no to drugs.
     Or, if you want to go totally healthy serve fruit (knowing sugar is 6-8 times the addiction as cocane – See 2017 book “Bright Line Eating”).

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Drug-Free Me! word-find puzzle (HERE or above)

In his talk Love of Right, Elder Marvin J. Ashton asked, “What causes a strong, lovely, vibrant young person to allow a chemical to control his or her behavior?” (See Conference Report, Apr. 1971, p. 13; or Ensign, June 1971, p. 30). 

Discuss with youth reasons why some misuse drugs. Reasons might include:
1. Peer pressure (wanting acceptance to gain or maintain popularity),
2. Escape (temporary feeling of well-being), immaturity (curious, bored, rebelling, or want to appear older),
3. Availability (easily obtained so they seem acceptable), and
4. Advertising appeal (ads with prosperous healthy-looking people make drugs seem acceptable). 

SHOW VIDEO: – A Brand New Year: Physical health – The Lord has commanded us to take good care of our bodies. This involves eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. In this video, youth from around the world talk about staying healthy and obeying the Word of Wisdom. (7:28)

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Drug-Free Me! word-find puzzle (HERE or above)


1. Aerobics or Walking.
2. Volleyball or basketball.
3. Bike riding in the park with a picnic.
4. Fitness field instruction. Go to a nearby college and have someone in the fitness field talk to the youth about fitness careers.
5. Salad bar and discussion. As a group, enjoy eating a variety of delicious healthy salad greens as you talk about a basic desire for good health. Real attractiveness begins with good health that comes from eating right, exercising, and getting enough rest.
6. Take a daily walk with a family member or friends. Start out by walking fifteen minutes one direction and fifteen back, then increase it until you’ve had a good brisk walk each day in the fresh air.
7. Grooming demonstration on personal care, makeup, hair, manicure, cleanliness, etc.
8. Healthy shake demonstration and tasting table.
9. Licensed nutritionist talk.
10. Preparing balanced healthy meals.

SHARE QUOTES ON SUCCESS: “Winners train, losers complain.” Author unknown; “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Babe Ruth (baseball hero); “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” – Fred Devito (US #1 Yoga Instructor)

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD “You Deserve a Hand! five healthy habits planner (HERE or above)

HEALTHY FOODS TASTE TEST: Have each youth bring their favorite health-food or healthy food item, e.g., fruit, veggies, or other. Have foods brought and placed on a tray or plates and under a table cloth so not to view. Then have a taste test. Have the youth cut up and share their item with others closing their eyes. Then randomly choose  youth to GUESS THE GOODIES.

1. Take youth to a fitness track or other place to run or walk. Explain that this is not a race; they can run or walk. Take their pulse and have them run or walk around the track. Take their pulse again. Talk about exercise and how it strengthens the heart.

2. Ask them to write about a conflict with their parents or a family member (what the youth did, what the other person did). Put the paper in a sealed envelope with their name on it.
3. As they go around the track again, have them think how they could have handled things differently.
4. Have youth write their change of heart on the envelope. Talk about a healthy heart (physically), a change of heart (spiritually), and striving to be more self–reliant through better control of our responses to conflict. An understanding heart is a helping heart. Finish with a light–hearted activity (e.g., go out for smoothies and play games).

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD I’m a Living Doll design-a-doll mobile goal chart (HERE or above)

PLANT SOME NUTRITIONAL IDEAS: Show real plants or drawings of (1) a plant that has had little water, little sunlight, and no fertilizer; and (2) a plant that is healthy because of water, sunlight, fertilizer, etc. Explain that we are made of the same molecules and that our body requires certain nutrients to retain health. Some foods are poison to our bodies and some foods are medicine to our bodies. You can see people who are not caring for themselves properly and those who are. Some people look tired and pale, while others look bright and energetic! Talk about the story of Daniel as a youth in the king’s court (Daniel 1:8‒16). Explain that in verse 12 “pulse to eat” means foods made of seeds, grains, etc.; see also Mosiah 9:8‒9; and D&C 89:14. Talk about the role of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Note that the body needs balance.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Health-ful Food refrigerator magnets (HERE or above)

VITAMIN VISIT TO THE LIBRARY: Take youth to the library to look at diet and nutrition books and cookbooks. Have them photocopy a short piece to share with the others. Have each youth share her discoveries about healthful, vitamin-rich foods and how they will help their body. Encourage them to copy at least one healthful recipe they wish to prepare for their family.
• Healthful Food Tasting Table: Have youth bring a healthful dish to sample along with copies of recipes. Be sure they sign their name on the recipe.
• Snack Attack Cures: Have youth share ideas for their favorite healthful snacks. Have them tell why this snack is good for them (e.g., an apple is eighty-five percent water and high in fiber [“nature’s scrub brush”], and celery calms the nerves.

HEALTH FOOD STORE TOUR: Have a guide walk you through a health food store or health-food section of grocery story to spot food, herbs, and books.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Health-ful Food refrigerator magnets (HERE or above)

FITNESS PRO QUESTION AND ANSWER NIGHT: Have a fitness professional come and show youth basic things they can do to stay active, and have the professional discuss how to gain physical strength through exercise, and weight lifting. Play volleyball or basketball, do exercises, or dance. Serve a blender drink (with protein powder), or have fruit and yogurt available, allowing youth to place yogurt in a bowl, then add and blend their own choice of fruit.

GOD’S GREATEST CREATION VIDEO: You’ll love showing this video to help youth appreciate and want to take care of their body. 

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD I’m a Living Doll design-a-doll mobile goal chart (HERE or above)

GUEST SPEAKER: Have guest speakers come who have lost loved ones or close friends to cancer, emphysema, AIDS, liver disease, heart attack, stroke, etc. They can share what it was like to see their loved ones in their condition. Talk about their experiences as they assisted them and saw someone care for them. Talk about what might have been done to prevent the illness. Was it genetic? What could have been done to avoid the illness? Talk about ways to prevent disease through diet, exercise, mental and spiritual wellness, etc.

“TASTY” TASTING TABLE TALK: Have youth bring healthy food sharing how it nourishes the body. Place items on a tasting table with cards telling nutrition facts, e.g., “Carrots are good for the eyes and help prevent night blindness.” Visit a produce store that has an educational program on nutritious foods so youth can learn about fruit and vegetables and how to prepare them. Elementary schools often go to stores on field trips, and some companies, like Dole Pineapple, sponsor these kinds of programs. You could also ask your Relief Society homemaking leaders to give a demonstration on nutritious food, or a representative from the 4-H or a government agency could provide a demo.

Matching Activity: DOWNLOAD Free of Disease! unseen fiend find (HERE or above)

August 22, 2021 YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS “Why Does the Lord Want Me to Be Healthy? for Aaronic Priesthood Quorums & Young Women – Come Follow Me – Lessons (D&C 89-92), Activities and Goals

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