I Can Show Respect (respectful choices) poster

OBJECTIVE: Encourage youth to make good choices by thinking ahead about a RESPECTFUL or a DISRESPECTFUL choice and the consequences of each.

LESSON IDEAS: Youth can learn to be respectful as they follow the example of Jesus Christ when he Cleansed the Temple. See scriptures and lesson ideas below*.

ACTIVITY: I Can Show Respect (respectful choices) poster

1. Print in color or color and cut out a poster and set of cards for each youth.

2. Ask the youth to take turns placing the cards on the poster under I can show RESPECT, or I should not show DISRESPECT.

3. After each they might name a consequence for that action (why they would do or not do that action).

. Show Reverence

. Pray Appropriately

. Dress Modestly

. Be Kind to Others

. Use Good Words

. Listen Politely

. Say Thank You

. Forget to Say Please

. Ignore Parents

. Interrupt Others

. Demand to Eat

. Call Others Bad Names

3. Have each youth choose a card in each category and tell the consequences for making those choices. Examples:

     – RESPECTFUL “Listen Politely.” Listen while the person is speaking without raising your hand or interrupting. Then speak.
Reasons Why We Need to Listen Politely:
• This is the smart way to get smart as you will learn while you listen.

• This will give you time to ponder what they said and think of what to ask or tell them.
• It shows that you are willing to listen and learn.
• Once you speak, they will listen because you listened to what they said.

     – DISRESPECTFUL “Interrupt Others.” Speak while the person is speaking without raising your hand. Wait your turn to speak.
Reasons Why We Should Not Interrupt:
• Stop, look, and listen to the person speaking to you.

• This way you are smarter from the things you have learned.
• Then you can tell them your thoughts and they will listen to you because you have shown respect to them.

ACTIVITY INCLUDES – SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help youth Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.

Matthew 21:12-14 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

Jesus Cleansing Temple SCRIPTURE CARD Matthew 21
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I Will Show Heavenly Father and Jesus Respect
Jesus Christ Cleanses the Temple
See LESSON IDEAS Cleansing the Temple (HERE)

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to respect sacred places, friends, and family.

. John 2:13-16
 Jesus saw the people selling animals and things in the temple and He drove them out saying, “Make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.”

. Matthew 21:12-14 “My house shall be called the house of prayer” (He healed the blind and the lame there)
. Luke 19:45-48 “He taught daily in the temple.”
. Mark 11:15-17 “My house shall be called … the house of prayer.”

Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Jesus clears worldly merchandise from the temple courts in order to keep the temple a holy place. John 2:13-17

Jesus Cleansing the Temple, by Carl Heinrich Bloch (62163); GAK 224; GAB 51; Primary manual 7-09; Matthew 21:12–15; Mark 11:15–17; Luke 19:45–46; John 2:13–16

Enjoy the “light bulb” PLANNER (included in this pdf). This can help you jot down bright ideas for your lesson (shown below).


. Exodus 20:7
“Not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

. Exodus 20:12 (honoring parents)

. Mark 12:31 (love your neighbor)

. Philippians 2:3 (esteem other(s) better themselves)

. Matthew 7:12 (the Golden Rule)
     To illustrate this, DOWNLOAD the following:
#1 Doing Good unto Others Golden Ruler activity (Ages 4-7).
#2 “Have I Done Any Good?” song visuals (HERE or below).

. Romans 12:10 (Be kindly)
     DOWNLOAD the activities on kindness:
 #1 “I can forgive others” Joseph Forgives His Brothers finger puppets (Ages 1-7)
#2 “I can help at church!” poster (Ages 2-5)
#3 “I love my brothers and sisters!” poster or coloring page (Ages 2-5)
#4 Kindness Begins with Me” Upside-Down Turn-‘Em-Around Post-and-Present Activity (All ages)

. Galatians 5:22-23 (fruit of the Spirit is love …)
     To illustrate this, DOWNLOAD the Fruits of the Spirit decision-maker poster activity (All ages)

. Philippians 2:4
(think of others)

. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (comfort others)

. Ephesians 4:29 (no unwholesome talk; minister grace unto hearers)
  DOWNLOAD Media Choices: “Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me!” Swat Game 

. 1 Peter 3:8 (have compassion, love; be courteous) e.g., play the Pollyanna “Glad Game”
    DOWNLOAD Be a Cheerful Giver cup-full of thoughts and lemon treats (Ages 8-11 and teens)

SERVICE song visuals for "Have I Done Any Good"

Doing Good Unto Others GOLDEN Ruler

Jesus Wants Us to Forgive – Joseph and Brothers Finger Puppets

I can help at church! poster or coloring page

I love my brothers and sisters! poster or coloring page

Kindness Begins with Me – Upside-Down Turn-‘Em-Around

Fruits of the Spirit decision maker

Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me! Media Choices SWAT GAME

$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Young Women / Teens - Come Follow Me - Primary and Home (family home evening)

Copyright by Ross and King, GospelGrabBag.com

Digital Activities for Children and Youth for CHURCH & HOME

SHOW RESPECT Lesson Lifesaver Activity: I Can Show Respect respectful choices poster (Ages 8-11 and teens) “Jesus Christ Cleanses the Temple”

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