SERVICE – CHOOSE THE RIGHT: Primary Singing Time – Super Song Visuals, “I Will Be Valiant” – Primary music leader, family home evening

SERVICE – CHOOSE THE RIGHT: Primary Singing Time – Super Song Visuals, “I Will Be Valiant” – Primary music leader, family home evening
SINGING TIME. "I WILL BE VALIANT" song visuals. Youth can learn the words “The Lord needs valiant servants, to do his work in the latter day, who follow the teachings of Jesus and serve his people in a loving way.

SERVICE: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, “When We’re Helping” – Primary music leader, family home evening

When We're Helping song visuals
SINGING TIME. "When We're Helping" song visuals. Children can sing "we sing as we go." This song helps them think of ways to help "mother" and they can sing it "father" and "brother" and "sister" and "grandmother" and "grandfather" or

NATURE (Insects): Song with Fun-to-learn Visuals “Ants Go Marching” for nursery – pre-school children ages 1-5, SINGING / MUSIC TIME: Junior Primary, Sunday School, Family Night

NATURE (Insects): Song with Fun-to-learn Visuals “Ants Go Marching” for nursery – pre-school children ages 1-5, SINGING / MUSIC TIME: Junior Primary, Sunday School, Family Night
For nursery - pre-school children ages 1-5, Singing and Music Time: Junior Primary, Sunday School, Family Night SONG with Fun-to-Learn Visuals: "Ants Go Marching" song visuals, and "Ants Go Marching" medallion Includes: Lyrics and Music OBJECTIVE: Sing anytime, or when

Song – “Dare to Do Right”: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, Primary music leader, family home evening (Children’s Songbook p. 158)

DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals
SINGING FUN ACTIVITY. DARE TO DO RIGHT song visuals, Children's Songbook p. 158. Youth can sing this song knowing that if they bravely "dare" to make the right choices to follow their desire to make the right choices they can

Song – “The Iron Rod” Hymns pg. 274: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, Primary music leader, family home evening

The Iron Rod song visuals
SONG VISUALS “The Iron Rod” (Hymns, Hymnal, p. 274) 48 visuals (color/black-and-white/cue cards) LYRICS & MUSIC FOR THE SONG "THE IRON ROD" FOUR WAYS TO GRAB SONG VISUALS AND SINGING SHARING TIME Practice Song Visuals SONG VISUALS by Title SONG

Song – “Book of Mormon Stories”: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, Primary music leader, family home evening

$4.00 SONG VISUALS for Primary song
SINGING TIME. "BOOK OF MORMON STORIES" song visuals. Youth will learn as they sing that Jesus visited the people in ancient America, blessed their children, and taught them to live His gospel. The wicked Lamanites were taught by Ammon a Nephite

Song – “This is My Beloved Son”: LDS Primary Singing Time – Song Visuals, Primary music leader, family home evening

$3.50 30 Song Visuals
SINGING TIME. "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON" song visuals. Youth can learn that Jesus was introduced to the world by His Father (our Heavenly Father). First, when He was baptized, "This Is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" The Nephites heard

Song – “Did You Think to Pray?” Hymnal 140: LDS Primary Singing Time song visuals – Primary music leader, family home evening

Did You Think to Pray song visuals
SINGING TIME. "DID YOU THINK TO PRAY?" song visuals. This song tells children and youth that prayer is a "shield" to make their day better. When their day is not going well, they can say a prayer to change things. When

Primary Singing Time, Fun Song Activities, Awards, Badges, & Treat Labels #2 – Super Singer Awards, Music leader, sharing time, family home evening

HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view) MUSIC - SINGING ACTIVITIES SUPER SINGER KIT #2: Awards, Badges-Buttons, & Treat Topper labels 18 pages (color/black-and-white visuals & instructions) Also, see Award Kit #1 DESCRIPTION: Children love to be recognized! Try adding

TEMPLE FLOWERS Primary Singing Time, Fun Song Activities, Temple Flowers “Bee” a Singer pick-a-song and singing commands, Music leader

$2.00 SINGING FUN ACTIVITY: Temple Flowers pick-a-song with bee actions
SINGING TIME ACTIVITIES to Motivate Children to Sing TEMPLE FLOWERS “Bee” a Singer pick-a-song, singing commands (find bee hiding) 11 pages (color/black-and-white visuals and instructions) DESCRIPTION: Let’s enjoy the beauty of the temple flowers with a song posted on the back