Nursery – Age 3, Behold Your Little Ones manual – Great for Come, Follow Me Little LESSON LIFESAVERS Ages 3-5- LESSONS 14-30 (April – December)

MUST-HAVE ACTIVITIES:  1. Treat Bucket 2. Sunny Sunday Sack NURSERY "Behold Your Little Ones" April - July LESSONS 14-30 January-March LESSONS 1-13 (Click HERE) DOWNLOAD Activities in BUNDLES or Individually See a CRAFT and a COLORING POSTER for each lesson.

Family: Primary Lesson Helps, Nursery Lesson 11: I Love My Family, Sunbeam Lesson 25: I Love My Whole Family

I Love My Whole Family
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity I Love My Whole Family - family ties necklace, belt or kite Ages 1-5 Nursery Lesson 11 - I Love My

REPENTANCE Activity: If I can Say hippopotamus, I can say I’m sorry! (sack puppet) Nursery Lesson 16 – Come Follow Me Primary & Home

$1.50 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Nursery Ages 2-5 Lesson 16 "Behold Your Little Ones" for Primary and Home (family home evening)
CHILDREN'S LESSON ACTIVITY. I CAN SAY HIPPOPOTAMUS. I CAN SAY I'M SORRY puppet. Children who can say this big word HIPPOPOTAMUS can say they are sorry for something they did wrong. Children will love to say it, even more, when