GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Scripture Poster – Articles of Faith 1:11
Worship, Free Agency, Charity, Kindness
8 pages (color/black-and-white visuals: 3 sizes for poster)

Objective: Help children/youth memorize Articles of Faith 1:11: “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.”
TO MAKE Print, color, and cut out poster of your choice. If printing the larger size poster, mount the two parts on poster paper. The smaller cards are for children to take home.
Ways to Motivate Children/Youth to Memorize Scripture:
• Give out small black and white scripture cards to memorize.
• Once they are passed off give out the colored version of scripture cards.
Sing Primary Song(s):
• We’ll Bring the World His Truth – Army of Helaman(CS,172) shown
• The Church of Jesus Christ (CS, 77)
• Holding Hands Around the World (Friend, July 2002) shown
• Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth (Hymnal, 298)
• Children Around the World (Pick-a-song and singing commands) – Objective: Children will enjoy turning the arrow to a child placed “around the world” to pick a song. They will find a heart behind the child image to learn a singing command. The hearts tell who is to sing or how the song is to be sung (e.g. “Loves Jesus” means anyone who loves Jesus will sing).