CFM New Testament February 2023 Ages 4-7 BUNDLE - Activities

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AGES 4-7 - Activities BUNDLE

Enjoy handouts for the NEW TESTAMENT lesson topics - FEBRUARY (weeks 1-4) Lessons 6-9 for Come Follow Me. The bundle includes 4 activities that correspond with the lesson ideas. Children can use these visuals to teach others about what they have learned.

OPTION (beyond these) search for more activities on the subjects.

BUNDLE SUMMARY (preview & details below)

Primary Come Follow Me - New Testament - February ACTIVITIES Ages 4-7

FEBRUARY (week 6) Lesson 6 January 30 – February 5, 2023 “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me” Jesus Christ invites us to follow Him and be “fishers of men.”
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activities: Character Be – Be a Missionary like Christ trait poster, doorknob sign, and card (HERE)

FEBRUARY (week 7) Lesson 7 February 6-23, 2023 John 2-4 “Ye Must Be Born Again” We must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. What it means to be born again.
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activities: I Will Remember Jesus: Last Supper shadow box (HERE)

FEBRUARY (week 8) Lesson 8 February 13-19, 2023 Matthew 5; Luke 6 “Blessed Are Ye” Lasting happiness comes from living the way Jesus Christ taught.
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activities: DOING GOOD UNTO OTHERS Golden Rule-r (HERE)

FEBRUARY (week 9) Lesson 9 – February 20-26, 2023 Matthew 6-7 “He Taught Them as One Having Authority” If we hear and act on the Lord’s teachings, our lives will be built on a firm foundation.
DOWNLOAD Ages 4-7 Activities: My Sure Foundation: The Wise Man “Built His House upon a Rock” testimony building project (HERE)

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CFM New Testament February 2023 Ages 4-7 BUNDLE - Activities


