CFM New Testament March 2023 Ages 8-11 BUNDLE - Activities

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AGES 8-11 - Activities BUNDLE

Enjoy handouts for the NEW TESTAMENT lesson topics - MARCH (weeks 1-4) Lessons 10-13 for Come Follow Me. The bundle includes 4 activities that correspond with the lesson ideas. Children and pre-teens can use these visuals to teach others about what they have learned.

OPTION (beyond these) search for more activities on the subjects.

BUNDLE SUMMARY (preview & details below)

Come Follow Me - New Testament bundle of activities for PRIMARY AGES 8-11

MARCH (week 1) Lesson 10 Feb. 27 – March 5, 2023 Matthew 8; Mark 2-4; Luke 7 “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee” Jesus has the power to perform miracles.
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Miracles of Jesus three miracles picture-match puzzle (HERE)

MARCH (week 2) Lesson 11 March 6-12, 2023 Matthew 9-10; Mark 5; Luke 9 “These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth” Jesus called Twelve Apostles and gave them the power to do His work (they can teach me about Jesus). ⇒
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Apostles Were Special Witnesses of Jesus match game (HERE)

MARCH (week 3) Lesson 12 March 13-19, 2023 Matthew 11-12; Luke 11 “I Will Give You Rest” I can keep the Sabbath day holy (a day to do good things that bring me closer to God)
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: Sabbath Day Activity advent calendar (HERE)

MARCH (week 4) Lesson 13 March 20-26, 2023 Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13 “Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear” Heavenly Father wants me to choose the right. I can choose the right when those around me do not.
DOWNLOAD Ages 8-11 Activity: “The Parable of the Sower” and “The Wheat and Tares” puzzles (HERE)

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CFM New Testament March 2023 Ages 8-11 BUNDLE - Activities


