Youth Doctrinal Class "How Do the Savior’s Teachings Help Me Make Righteous Judgments?" Feb. 26, 2023 BUNDLE 3

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YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS - February 26, 2023

How Do the Savior’s Teachings Help Me Make Righteous Judgments?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
You could begin a discussion about judging righteously by asking class or quorum members to think of a time when they felt misjudged by others. How did this feel? What do we learn about judging from the Savior’s teachings in Matthew 7:1–5? (see the Joseph Smith Translation in footnote 1a). . . .

ACTIVITIES FOR How Do the Savior’s Teachings Help Me Make Righteous Judgments?


SCRIPTURE POSTER/CARD SET. JESUS TEACHES ME TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT to follow His example. John 13:15: “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.”

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. KINDLY FORGIVE Ephesians 4:32 rebus poster & peace rose card. Youth can learn this scripture to remind them that their presence personally and on social media is trusted by all and especially the Lord, to be kind and forgiving. It is easier than trying to take back unkind words/actions. Also, God forgives; why can’t we?

POST-AND-PRESENT. FRIEND-OR-FOE? Slap/flip game. Youth learn the difference between being a FRIEND and a FOE. A FRIEND is patient, cheerful, nice, and helpful. A FOE is like an enemy: impatient, not kind, grouchy, and uncaring.

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HOME IS HEAVENLY When I’m a Peacemaker tent-card. Youth can read out loud the following: I am a peacemaker because • I show love and understanding. • I avoid criticism. • I return good for evil. • I am considerate and unselfish. • I pray and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

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Youth Doctrinal Class "How Do the Savior’s Teachings Help Me Make Righteous Judgments?" Feb. 26, 2023 BUNDLE 3


