Lesson Activities for Come Follow Me - Articles of Faith "We Believe"

. . . 3 LESSONS & 34 ACTIVITIES . . .



. . . “We Believe” ARTICLES OF FAITH . . .

The Articles of Faith

I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can use the Articles of Faith to review with the children some of the basic beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ. Why is it important that the children you teach believe in these simple truths?

  • Choose a few articles of faith that you feel are especially important for the children you teach. For each article of faith, share a picture (see this week’s activity page) or a story (from the scriptures or your life) that illustrates or clarifies a truth taught in that article. Tell the children why that truth is important to you, and let them share why it is important to them.

  • Find hymns or children’s songs that can help the children understand one or more of the articles of faith. Perhaps the children can help you choose. Sing the songs together, and help the children see how the songs relate to the articles of faith.

    The Articles of Faith

    The Articles of Faith teach simple truths of the gospel.

    Sometimes the gospel can seem big and complicated, especially to children. The Articles of Faith can help the children understand, in a simple way, some of the basic truths we believe as Latter-day Saints.

    • Invite each child to choose a key word or phrase from one of the articles of faith and share it with the class. Then let the other children guess (or find) which article of faith that word or phrase comes from. Ask the children to share why the word or phrase they picked is important.

    • A few days in advance, ask a few of the children to prepare to share in class a short message about their favorite article of faith. Their message could include a picture, a song, a story or experience, or other scriptures. Invite these children to share why they like the article of faith they chose.

    • Write on the board some questions people might have about our beliefs that could be answered with one of the articles of faith. Ask the children to pick a question and find an article of faith that answers it. Let them practice answering the question using the article of faith.

    DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)

Also, don’t miss the
ARTICLE OF FAITH Quiz-bee card deck


All 13 Articles of Faith SCRIPTURE POSTERS AND CARDS can be downloaded from this bundle (a 40%) savings.

Here are ways to use the posters and cards (shown): (1) Post ’em, (2) Frame ’em, (3) Flip ’em.

SCRIPTURE POSTERS AND CARDS: How to Use Them: Post Them, Frame Them, Flip Them, GospelGrabBag.com

ARTICLES OF FAITH 13 Articles of Faith 1-13 BUNDLE

ARTICLES OF FAITH 1:13 (see video)
with poster/card sets–even small children can memorize

Articles of Faith 1:1 Godhead: Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost

Article of Faith 1:2 “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.”

Article of Faith 1:3 scripture poster/card set - be saved by obedience

Article of Faith 1:4 scripture poster/card set - first principles ordinances of gospel

Article of Faith 1:5 PRIESTHOOD and ordinances

SCRIPTURE POSTER/CARD SET Articles of Faith 1:7 Spiritual Gifts – Gifts of the Spirit

Articles of Fatih 1:8 scripture poster/card set

9th Article of Faith 1:9

Article of Faith 1:10 scripture poster/card set

Articles of Faith 1:11

Article of Faith 1:12 scripture poster/card set

Articles of Faith 1:13 – VIRTUES: I Seek After Praiseworthy Things


13 Lucky Numbers Game - Articles of Faith 1-13


The Church of Jesus Christ SONG VISUALS


Articles of Faith 1:9; Official Declarations 1 and 2

The Lord guides His Church through His prophet.

As members of the Church are confronted with a variety of challenges, we can find peace in knowing that Heavenly Father is willing to provide revelation to guide us. Help the children you teach strengthen their faith that God guides the Church through a living prophet.

  • Show a set of scriptures and a picture of the living prophet (or a recent conference issue of the Ensign or Liahona). Help the children determine which item relates to the phrase “all that God has revealed” and which item relates to the phrase “all that He does now reveal” (Articles of Faith 1:9).

  • Turn off the lights, and place a picture of Jesus Christ on the board. Shine a flashlight on the image to illustrate how the prophet, like the flashlight, helps us see the Savior more clearly.

  • Find simple directions to make something, such as food or a toy. Follow the instructions with the children, and explain that through the prophet, Heavenly Father gives us instructions to help us return to live with Him. What are some things the prophet has taught us so that we can return to God?

    DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)

Portrait of a Prophet POSTER
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)
We are blessed when we follow the prophet! Noah’s Family Obeys (puppet show medallion)
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)



Showered with Blessings! (Follow the Prophet Guessing Game)

AGES 1-5

I WILL FOLLOW THE PROPHET Poster or Coloring Page

AGES 4-7

Portrait of a Prophet POSTER - make a prophet

AGES 8-11

Follow the Prophet - ponder game and doorknob hanger


ColorQuote "When we choose to live according to the words of the prophets ...."


Follow the Latter-Day Prophets – Puzzle Match


Prophet Ponder Journal


Listen to the Prophet to Stay in the Light – Cycle of History Wheel


POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Ears to Hear the Prophet’s Words – Conference Concentration


We Listen to a Prophet's Voice song visuals

. . . PROPHETS GUIDE . . .

Official Declarations 1 and 2

Prophets help us know the will of Heavenly Father.

Official Declarations 1 and 2 are excellent examples of how prophets receive and act on revelation from God. How can you help the children increase their faith that God directs His Church by revelation?

  • Ask the children to find an article of faith that teaches about prophets or revelation.
    DOWNLOAD Articles of Faith 1:9 (HERE or above).
         Invite them to share why they are grateful we have a living prophet. Share some examples of how God has guided the Church through revelation, including the examples described in Official Declarations 1 and 2, and let the children share examples they are familiar with (such as any recent changes in Church programs or policies).

  • Give the children the following scripture references: 2 Nephi 26:33; Jacob 2:27. Invite them to determine which scripture relates to Official Declaration 1 (which led to the end of plural marriage) and which relates to Official Declaration 2 (which made the blessings of the priesthood and the temple available to people of all races). Bear your testimony that the Lord reveals His will to ancient and modern prophets.

  • Write the following from Official Declaration 1 on the board: “You have to judge for yourselves.” What does it mean to judge for ourselves when the prophet receives revelation? To help them answer this question, you could share this statement from President Russell M. Nelson: “You may know for yourself what is true and what is not by learning to discern the whisperings of the Spirit” (“The Love and Laws of God” [Brigham Young University devotional, Sept. 17, 2019], 4, speeches.byu.edu).

  • Draw or display a picture of the earth on the board. Invite one of the children to read the last two paragraphs of the First Presidency letter dated June 8, 1978 that is quoted in Official Declaration 2 (starting with “He has heard our prayers …”). Ask the children to count how many times the words “blessing” and “blessings” appear. WHAT BLESSINGS COME FROM THE GOSPEL? Invite the children to list them on the board around the drawing or picture of the earth. Bear your testimony that God loves all of His children throughout the world and wants to bless them with His gospel.
    DOWNLOAD Showered with Blessings! – Follow the Prophet Guessing Game post-and-present (HERE or above)

Prayers – Many Thanks mini-book
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)
I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. (feel-good flip-flag)
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)
I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. (feel-good flip-flag)
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


Color My Life with the Gospel happy crayons game

AGES 1-5

Prayers – Many Thanks mini-book

AGES 4-7

I feel good inside when I keep the commandments. (feel-good-flip-flag)

AGES 8-11

Consequences Spin-the-Bottle and Choose the Right song visuals


Hold Fast to the Lord's Standards word find


I Can Return to Heavenly Father (Return-with-Honor GAME)


2 Nephi 2:27 – AGENCY – CHOICES: I Choose Liberty and Eternal Life


D&C 88:86 scripture poster "entangle not yourselves in sin" #Repent #Repentance


1 Nephi 3:7: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments . . .


Nephi's Courage song visuals


DECEMBER (week 2)
Lesson 50: December 6-12, 2021
The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2
“We Believe”


COME FOLLOW ME Doctrine and Covenants – DECEMBER (week 2) Lesson 50 “We Believe” Articles of Faith & Official Declarations 1 and 2 (December 6-12, 2021) – Activities and Song Visuals for Primary and Home, family home evening (individual families), Sunday School, Seminary

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