COME, FOLLOW ME Activities to Make Learning Fun!
Old Testament LESSON 18
Here are Instant COME FOLLOW ME Activities for MAY (week #1) Theme: “My Presence Shall Go with Thee” Exodus 24; 31-34
You’ll find our popular SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
Then scroll down to find COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities and song visuals for this week’s lesson theme. There are tons of fun lesson plans that even KIDS CAN TEACH.
OLD TESTAMENT Exodus 14-17
MAY (week 1)
Lesson 18: April 25-May 1, 2022
“My Presence Shall Go with Thee”
Discussion Topics (activities below) ⇓
• Honoring the Sabbath is a sign of my love for the Lord.
• I can put the Lord first in my life.
• The Lord talked to Moses face to face.
• I can stand for righteousness
• My covenants show my willingness to obey God’s law.
• Sin is turning away from God, but He offers a way back.
• What was the difference between two sets of stone tables Moses made?
See our new SUNDAY SCHOOL interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Lesson 18 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:

• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
. . . 5 LESSONS & 52 ACTIVITIES . . .
My Presence Shall Go with Thee
Objective: As Moses prepared to lead the children of Israel toward the promised land, the Lord said, “My presence shall go with thee” (Exodus 33:14). As you prepare to teach the children in your class, consider how you can invite the Lord’s presence to “go with [you].”
Honoring the Sabbath is a sign of my love for the Lord.
The Lord told Moses that when the children of Israel kept the Sabbath day holy, they showed Him that they wanted to be His people.
Draw a heart on the board, and ask the children what this symbol can mean. Help them think of other things that can be a sign for love, like a hug or an act of service. Read to them Exodus 31:13. Help them understand that when we keep the Sabbath day holy, it is a sign to the Lord that we love Him.
Tell the children about some of the WAYS YOU TRY TO SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR THE LORD ON THE SABBATH. Let them share how they and their families do this. Invite them to use this week’s activity page to share more ideas.
Keeping the Sabbath day holy can be easier—and more joyful—for the children when they realize that it is a sign of their commitment to the Lord.
Ask the children a few questions to help them understand what a sign is—for example, “What signs let you know that spring is coming or that you’re getting a cold?” Invite them to read Exodus 31:13, 16–17 and find the word “sign.” What did the Lord say is a sign between us and Him? Why is this sign so important?
Invite the children to take turns explaining why they choose to honor the Sabbath. Videos like “The Sabbath Is for You” or “Upon My Holy Day—Honoring the Sabbath” ( can help.
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
My covenants show my willingness to obey God’s law.
As you read in Exodus 24:3–8 about the Israelites covenanting to obey God’s law, your thoughts may turn to the COVENANTS YOU HAVE MADE WITH GOD. Israel’s covenant included rituals that are different from what God requires today, but you may notice some similarities, especially if you consider the eternal truths symbolized by these rituals.
For example, verses 4, 5, and 8 mention an altar, animal sacrifices, and blood. What could these things represent, and how do they relate to your covenants? How can your covenants help you do “all that the Lord hath said”? (verse 7).
See also Moses 5:4–9; Becky Craven, “Careful versus Casual,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 9–11.
I can put the Lord first in my life.
While Moses was on Mount Sinai speaking with the Lord, the children of Israel chose to worship a golden idol instead of Him. This story can remind the children you teach that we SHOULDN’T LET OTHER THINGS BECOME MORE IMPORTANT TO US THAN THE LORD.
Briefly review the Ten Commandments with the children, emphasizing the first two (see Exodus 20:3–6). Use “Moses on Mount Sinai” (in Old Testament Stories) to share with them the story from Exodus 32:1–8, 19–24. If possible, let the children help you tell the story. Help the children see what the Israelites did wrong in this story (you may want to remind the children of the first two of the Ten Commandments). What should the Israelites have done instead?
One message from the account in Exodus 32 is the importance of keeping the first two of the Ten Commandments—do not worship anyone or anything other than the Lord.
Ask the children to share anything they know about the story of Aaron making a golden calf for the Israelites to worship. If they need help, refer them to Exodus 32:1–8, 19–24, or share with them “Moses on Mount Sinai” (in Old Testament Stories). Why was it wrong for the Israelites to worship an idol? (You might refer the children to the first two of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3–6.)
Help the children think of examples of things people may be tempted to worship instead of the Lord—things that draw our attention away from Him. Then ask them to share examples of things that help them focus on the Savior and worship Him.
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
. . . TALKING TO GOD . . .
The Lord talked to Moses face to face.
After Moses destroyed the golden calf, “the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.” Knowing this can build the children’s faith that THE LORD IS A REAL PERSON WHO LOVES THEM.
Tell the children how you feel when you talk with a good friend, and ask them how they feel. Read to them the first sentence of Exodus 33:11. Ask the children how they think the prophet Moses might have felt. Tell the children about times when you have felt close to the Lord, even if you didn’t see Him with your eyes.
Sing together a song that expresses how Heavenly Father or Jesus feels about us, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58). Show pictures of the Savior showing love to others (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 36, 41–43, 46–47). Encourage the children to share how they feel about Heavenly Father and Jesus.
DOWNLOAD Jesus is our loving friend. poster or coloring page (Ages 1-5 – HERE or below)
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
I can stand for righteousness.
When the Israelites told Aaron to make a golden idol, he agreed to do it, even though this was wrong (see Deuteronomy 9:20). Consider how you can encourage the children to stand for righteousness, even when others pressure them not to.
Invite the children to read Exodus 32:1–5, 21–24, individually or in pairs, and share what they think Aaron should have done when the Israelites asked him to make a golden calf. How might Aaron have helped the people?
Help the children think of SITUATIONS THEY MIGHT FACE WHEN OTHER PEOPLE ASK THEM TO DO SOMETHING THEY KNOW IS WRONG. Ask the children to share ideas with each other about what to do in those situations.
Sin is turning away from God, but He offers a way back.
By pondering how the Israelites so quickly “corrupted themselves” (Exodus 32:7) by breaking their covenants, we can avoid similar mistakes. As you read Exodus 32:1–8, try to put yourself in the Israelites’ place—you’re in the wilderness, Moses has been gone for 40 days, you don’t know if or when he will come back, and a confrontation with the Canaanites over the promised land is in your future (see also Exodus 23:22–31). Why do you think the Israelites wanted a golden idol? Why was the Israelites’ sin so serious? These verses might prompt you to ponder ways you might be tempted to put your trust in someone or something other than the Savior. Is there anything you feel inspired to do so that you can more completely PUT GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE? What inspires you about Moses’s plea to the Lord in Exodus 33:11–17?
While the Israelites’ sin was serious, this story also includes a message of God’s mercy and forgiveness. What does Exodus 34:1–10 teach you about the Savior? How do Moses’s actions on behalf of the Israelites remind you of WHAT JESUS CHRIST DID FOR ALL PEOPLE? (see Exodus 32:30–32; Mosiah 14:4–8; 15:9; Doctrine and Covenants 45:3–5).
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)

Video Player
Joseph Smith Translation, Exodus 34:1–2 (in the Bible appendix)
What was the difference between the two sets of stone tables Moses made?
When Moses came down from the mountain, he brought the law written on stone tables. After finding that the Israelites had broken their covenant, Moses broke the tables (see Exodus 31:18; 32:19). Later, God commanded Moses to make another set of stone tables and take them back to the mountain (see Exodus 34:1–4). Joseph Smith Translation, Exodus 34:1–2 (in the Bible appendix) clarifies that the first set of stone tables included the ordinances of God’s “holy order,” or the Melchizedek Priesthood. The second set included “the law of a carnal commandment.” This was a lesser law administered by the “lesser priesthood” (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:17–27), which was meant to prepare the Israelites for the higher law and higher priesthood so they could more fully enter into God’s presence.
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)

In The 10 Commandments keyword cake activity (HERE) you will find the following scripture challenge card telling of the:
. 1st Time Moses Received the 10 Commandments (Exodus 31:18)
. 2nd Time Moses Received the Commandments (Exodus 34:27-28)
and why these were different
WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THIS ACTIVITY, the card is found there (see the 10 Commandments Light Up My Life! keyword cake activity (above or HERE)
#ComeFollowMe #OldTestament #Exodus24 #MyPresenceShallGowithThee #lessonactivities #songvisuals #Primary #SundaySchool #familyhomeevening #prayer #Sabbathday #commandments #Moses #TenCommandments