New Testament LESSON 12
Teaching Primary & Home – Come Follow Me just got easier with our activities for MARCH (week #3)
Theme: “I Will Give You Rest”
Matthew 11-12; Luke 11
• SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
• Then scroll down to find Lesson-Match Interactive Activities to match the CFM curriculum
See our new SUNDAY SCHOOL interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Lesson 12 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
Click on the weekly lesson posters (below) to find interactive activities:
. . . 3 LESSONS & 18 ACTIVITIES . . .
. . . COME UNTO JESUS . . .
Jesus will help me as I come unto Him.
Children can feel comfort knowing that Jesus will help them with their burdens when they come to Him.
Read Matthew 11:28–30, and show the picture of yoked oxen in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Ask the children to point to the oxen and the yoke. Explain that yoked oxen can pull more weight together than each could separately. Testify that when we feel sad, worried, or scared, we can seek Jesus and He will help us.
Ask a child to lift a heavy object. When he or she struggles, offer to help. How does Jesus help us do hard things? Share an experience when you felt Jesus help you do something hard, and ask the children to share experiences of their own.
OLDER CHILDRENHow can you help the children understand that the Savior will give them rest from their challenges as they come unto Him?
Invite the children to share a time when they were worried or anxious about something. Invite them to search Matthew 11:28–30 for counsel that can help them in similar circumstances. How does the Savior “give [us] rest”? (verse 28).
Invite the children to draw pictures of things they are doing to come unto Jesus and learn of Him.
Help the children memorize the fourth article of faith.
DOWNLOAD Article of Faith 1:4 scripture poster/card set (HERE or below)Talk with them about how each of the first principles and ordinances of the gospel helps us accept Jesus’s invitation, “Come unto me” (Matthew 11:28).
Both my actions and my heart must be pure.
The Savior taught that it is not enough to appear righteous to others. Our thoughts, feelings, and private actions must also be pure.
To illustrate what these verses teach, show the children a cup or other container that is clean on the outside but dirty on the inside. Help them think about what “the outside of the cup” might represent. What does the “inward part” represent? Why is it important to clean both the outside and the inside?
Read together some other scriptures that emphasize righteousness both in our hearts and our actions—for example, Psalm 24:3–5; Matthew 15:7–8; Moroni 7:6–9. Discuss why the Savior wants our hearts and private actions to be spiritually clean.
Jesus will help me as I come unto Him.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. LETTERS TO HEAVEN prayer mail. This PRAYER MAIL box can be placed in the youth’s room or in a classroom to send out prayer mail (on postcards with a LOVE stamp). They don’t need to sign their name as Heavenly Father knows what is in our hearts. Start by reviewing the four parts of prayer (open thank, ask, close). “Prayers are letters to heaven” written on the mailbox, they reach heaven every hour. READ MORE
AGES 1-5 STEPS TO PRAYER poster or coloring page. Children can learn 1. To open prayer say, “Dear Heavenly Father.” 2. Thank Him for your many blessings. 3. Ask Him for the things you need. 4. To close your prayer say, “In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” Plus, the Home Activity encourages parents to remind them to say prayers morning and night and that Heavenly Father is there to listen (and talk spirit-to-spirit). READ MORE
AGES 4-7 PRAYER ANSWERS Yes and No wristbands. Wristbands say “Heavenly Father will answer my prayers YES Because it’s ok!” “Heavenly Father will answer my prayers NO Because it’s best for me.” Heavenly Father knows us and knows what is best? We can learn of His ways as we pray. Then, we can choose for ourselves (part of His plan). READ MORE
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. MY PERSONAL GOLIATHS problem-solving prayer journal. Youth will find it easier to seek the help of Heavenly Father to overcome obstacles with this planner. They can read the story in 1 Samuel 17:37; 44-46 giving them courage knowing how God helped Samuel. Then they can list their problems and solve them with prayer. Bit-by-bit they can make notes of their step-by-step actions. READ MORE
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION ACTIVITY. Articles of Faith 1:4 scripture poster/card set. Youth can share some of our beliefs by reciting: “We believe in the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.” READ MORE
SONG VISUALS “DEAREST CHILDREN, GOD IS NEAR YOU”. Youth need to know we are watched over by God and His angels day and night and we can be blessed as we make the right choices. Write the words on the cue cards (in your language) to place on the back, e.g., “He will bless you … If you put your trust in him.” READ MORE
I can keep the Sabbath day holy.
What are some fun ways you can teach the children about the Sabbath day and why we keep it holy?
Read Matthew 12:10–13 out loud. Invite the children to stand up and sit down every time you say “Sabbath,” and repeat with them the phrase “It is [right] to do well on the sabbath days” (Matthew 12:12). What do they think that means?
Show a calendar to the children, and highlight the Sabbath day for them. What do we do on other days of the week? What can we do on the Sabbath to make it different from other days? (see Isaiah 58:13–14).
Ask the children to draw good things they can do on the Sabbath day (see this week’s activity page).
Invite the children to come up with actions to help them remember ways we get ready for the Sabbath as they sing the song “Saturday” (Children’s Songbook, 196).
Draw eyes, ears, a mouth, and hands on the chalkboard. Ask the children to tell you what each of these parts of our bodies can do to keep the Sabbath day holy.
The Sabbath is a day to do good things that bring me closer to God.
The children you teach will be strengthened as you emphasize the purposes and blessings of keeping the Sabbath day holy.
Invite a child to pretend to be the man whose hand was healed by the Savior (see Matthew 12:10–13). Another child could ask him or her questions about the experience.
Read together Matthew 12:12. What are some good things we can do on the Sabbath? Let the children draw their ideas on this week’s activity page, cut out the pieces, and take turns putting each other’s puzzles together.
Hide several pictures of people doing things that show love for Heavenly Father on the Sabbath day. Ask the children to find the pictures and share how doing the things in the pictures shows our love for God.
I can keep the Sabbath Day holy.
The Sabbath is a day to do good things that bring me closer to God.
POST-AND-PRESENT. SUNNY SUNDAY OR GLOOMY GLUM-DAY weather forecasting. Youth identify activities that make the sabbath a happy or sad day (determining the spiritual atmosphere). Asking, “Does the activity help me: Think of Jesus, Show reverence, Learn the gospel, Spend time with family, or Rest?” READ MORE
AGES 1-5 THE SABBATH DAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! poster or coloring page. Children can learn here that the Sabbath is a day of rest to remember Jesus and Heavenly Father and keep Their commandments. This way they can be happy to go to Church, visit with family, and rest. READ MORE
AGES 4-7 I CAN KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY rebus medallion. Children can be reminded that Sunday is a special day as they wear this picture message around their neck to read Exodus 20:8 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” The bathtub will prompt them to wash clean and get ready to attend church. READ MORE
AGES 8-11 SABBATH DAY ACTIVITIES advent calendar. Youth can tear off 14 Sunday activities to do to keep the Sabbath holy. Examples: Give a family home evening lesson, Visit an older member in the ward, and Write a letter to a missionary. Also, encourage them when they are done to make more word strips to attach and do. READ MORE
SCRIPTURE ACTIVITY. THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS BRING JOY – John 15:11. Memorize: “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” READ MORE
SINGING TIME. “TELL ME THE STORIES OF JESUS” song visuals. Youth can feel like Jesus is near as they sing “stories of Jesus I love to hear, Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here.” They imagine gathering around Him to hear His “Words” of “kindness” and see His “love-light” face. Trusting as His disciples did, He “hushed the wind” of the troubled sea. READ MORE
Heavenly Father gives us good gifts.
The Savior’s teaching in Luke 11:11–13 can help the children you teach understand that Heavenly Father loves them and wants to bless them.
Use an object lesson to illustrate the Savior’s teachings in Luke 11:11–13. For example, you could place a stone inside a bread bag or put a picture of a scorpion inside an egg carton. Ask the children to guess what is inside, and then show them. Invite them to replace the stone or picture with a piece of bread or an egg. Read Luke 11:11–13, and share your testimony that Heavenly Father loves us, answers our prayers, and gives us many blessings through His Spirit.
Sing together a song about God’s love, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228–29).
DOWNLOAD My Heavenly Father Loves Me song visuals (HERE or below)What are some of the good gifts that He has given us? Ask the children to draw pictures of blessings from Heavenly Father that they are grateful for.
Heavenly Father gives us good gifts.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BLESSING, BLESSING, WHO’S GOT A BLESSING? GAME. Youth can guess temporal blessings given to us by Heavenly Father. These are blessings we can see, touch, hear taste, or smell, and are different from our spiritual blessings. Blessings come from keeping God’s commandments, e.g., Keeping the Sabbath day holy. READ MORE
AGES 1-5. I THANK HEAVENLY FATHER Many Thanks mini-book. Children have plenty of things to talk to Heavenly Father about, expressing gratitude for with this flip-through reminder book. There’s Family, food, home, pets, health, and friends. READ MORE
AGES 8-11. BEE-ATITUDE BLESSINGS wheel. Children can learn from these ways that they can be happy like Heavenly Father. These attitudes were taught by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) to 5,000 people. By living these attitudes we can be blessed. For example, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Each action brings a promised happy blessing. READ MORE
SINGING FUN. THANKS TO OUR FATHER song visuals. This give thanks song reminds children that Heavenly Father “gives us” everything: Eyes and ears and hands and feet, clothes to wear, and food to eat; Father, mother, baby small” Heavenly Father “gives us all.” Each picture shows things they can mention in prayer that they are thankful for. Have them name more. READ MORE
SINGING TIME. “MY HEAVENLY FATHER LOVES ME” song visuals. Youth can post these visuals to teach this song to children as the circle telling of His love surrounds the image of The Father holding our world showing that everything in the world was created for us. For example, “Whenever I hear the song of a bird Or look at the blue, blue sky” …“I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world Heav’nly Father created for me.” READ MORE
Matthew 11-12; Luke 11
MARCH (week 3)
Lesson 12: March 13-19, 2023
“I Will Give You Rest”
#ComeFollowMe #NewTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #IWillGiveYouRest #Sabbath Day